Around 10% servers sucks, bad ping, everyones complain and they do nothing.
Reporting player doesnt do anything. Player needs to be reported like 15 times to auto banned for like 30-60min -.-
You report anything to forum, no answer, they dont care.
They didnt update clan store since they put it ingame.
Vsync doesnt work, depends on full screen/window, if you enable it in any resolution your ms will increase.
Ping, as i said around 10% servers is really bad, you start with example 70, when you move to middle and finnaly connect to your teammates and enemies your ping is around 85 and stays that way, reason unknows....shitty servers?
Sometime after update your whole profile loadout is at default -.-
Most of skins are same just different colour.
They copy battlepass from fortnite but fails badly, example in fortnite you invest 10€ and when you finish battlepass you can buy another battlepass with vbucks you earned and you will have also some extra, in smite, battlepass is 750 gems but when you finish it you get only 200....
Around 10% servers sucks, bad ping, everyones complain and they do nothing.
Reporting player doesnt do anything. Player needs to be reported like 15min to banned for like 30-60min -.-
You report anything to forum, no answer, they dont care.
They didnt update clan store since they put it ingame.
Vsync doesnt work, depends on full screen/window, if you enable it in any resolution your ms will increase.
Ping, as i said around 10% servers is really bad, you start with example 70, when you move to middle and finnaly connect to your teammates and enemies your ping is around 85 and stays that way, reason unknows....shitty servers?
Sometime after update your whole profile loadout is at default -.-
Most of skins are same just different colour.
They copy battlepass from fortnite but fails badly, example in fortnite you invest 10€ and when you finish battlepass you can buy another battlepass with vbucks you earned and you will have also some extra, in smite, battlepass is 750 gems but when you finish it you get only 200....
Store is expensive.
Great concept of game but hirez sucks badly.
Totally right man... awesome game but incompetent company running the business.
Still can't believe they simply stopped developing Global Agenda after this massive hacker spree hit their game and the population tanked. I loved that game but I couldn't touch a single game since developed by them because I know their games have no anticheat or the ones that they use are absolutely trash.
Reporting player doesnt do anything. Player needs to be reported like 15 times to auto banned for like 30-60min -.-
You report anything to forum, no answer, they dont care.
They didnt update clan store since they put it ingame.
Vsync doesnt work, depends on full screen/window, if you enable it in any resolution your ms will increase.
Ping, as i said around 10% servers is really bad, you start with example 70, when you move to middle and finnaly connect to your teammates and enemies your ping is around 85 and stays that way, reason unknows....shitty servers?
Sometime after update your whole profile loadout is at default -.-
Most of skins are same just different colour.
They copy battlepass from fortnite but fails badly, example in fortnite you invest 10€ and when you finish battlepass you can buy another battlepass with vbucks you earned and you will have also some extra, in smite, battlepass is 750 gems but when you finish it you get only 200....
Store is expensive.
Great concept of game but hirez sucks badly.
Totally right man... awesome game but incompetent company running the business.