there is no best pvp class in WoW it just depends how you play for example u would think a mage could kill a priest easy? right? but ur wrong a priest could kill a mage .. it juss depends witch treee heshe uses.. i could recomend a class if you want but you have to tell me wat u want and like to do. i need more information then.. a good pvp class, like do u play with friends and like if u like meleeing things or spell casting or both , try to tell me as much as u can
Originally posted by yowler there is no best pvp class in WoW it just depends how you play for example u would think a mage could kill a priest easy? right? but ur wrong a priest could kill a mage .. it juss depends witch treee heshe uses.. i could recomend a class if you want but you have to tell me wat u want and like to do. i need more information then.. a good pvp class, like do u play with friends and like if u like meleeing things or spell casting or both , try to tell me as much as u can
im not making a pvp char im just wondering what everyone thinks the best class is in there opinion
It sure seems that way sometimes. At least on my server. It's probably because I get stuck in the most gawd awful pugs when I get into the battlegrounds though. Quick! Everyone go to the stables and stand there slack jawed and glassy eyed!!!!
there is no best pvp class in WoW it just depends how you play for example u would think a mage could kill a priest easy? right? but ur wrong a priest could kill a mage .. it juss depends witch treee heshe uses.. i could recomend a class if you want but you have to tell me wat u want and like to do. i need more information then.. a good pvp class, like do u play with friends and like if u like meleeing things or spell casting or both , try to tell me as much as u can
im not making a pvp char im just wondering what everyone thinks the best class is in there opinion
ok iv limited it down a little
rogues are only good if they get the element of surprise and are epiced to the max, and warriors are only good if we got good back up (healing wise)
best pvpers are either lock or priest...shadow priests are by far the strongest imo.... fight one at level 60 and u will realise!