Nice idea, but the administration to dish out money to global healthcare workers sounds a bit involved. I assume they just give money to large medical organisations around the world, that would be the easiest way.
So does the money go to healthcare workers losing their jobs since most hospitals right now are actually losing money and having to layoff Doctors and Nurses.
These fundraisers by game companies sound a bit shady to me. They should be investigated.
A state will if they break laws in the state they are running the
fundraiser or charity in. I can think of one such big case. That's why there are state laws around Charitable Solicitation in most states as well as federal laws when it comes to reporting such donations to the IRS.
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
A state will if they break laws in the state they are running the fundraiser or charity in. I can think of one such big case. That's why there are state laws around Charitable Solicitation in most states as well as federal laws when it comes to reporting such donations to the IRS.