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Yet another vet considering returning but...

First thing first...Hello everybody.

Like many others around here, Played FFO and lefted at a point. Was tired of the tremondious (spelling?) moneysink the chocobos became, the eternal problems of gil farmers training tons of goblins in a certain zone (where we need to quest - once I got a train of 25 goblins on me - not kidding @%#% DRG...), low sucess rate on crafting (i always been one of the unlucky bunch...) the overcamping of NM needed for some quest (on 18 hours timer...)And farming mats was a job. Full time job. And I'm not even talking about mining...

Now I have seen on many places that some of theses problems have been alleviated. Airships are supposed to be faster, chocobos too, money fees on the last corrected, gilfarmer are starting to be dealt with (I am somewhat skeptical about that). Is it true? Have they make some droprate better? I loved that game but farming for two weeks to get mats or enough money to continue leveling was getting tiresome for me...

Also, Pallies were having a hard time when I lefted, ninjas being favored most of the time. Because I never had luck with Alchemy (vs blacksmithing) I never was able to level it to make my own tools for ninjas, and never bothered leveling the class. And tools were costing a fortune (and considering you use them a lot...)

How has the economy change since the first days of Chains of Promethia?

If I go back Do I have any chance of leveling a new class (so I can restart slowly, learning a new class, getting back the feeling of the game) without waiting for 6 hours for a party in Valkrum? Is crafting possible again without farming for 2 week sull time?

Stilgar / Valefor / PLD 52 / War 36 /WHM 38 / BLM 18 / BST 12 /Nin 1/ SM 1/ SMN (N/A) /RDM 1 /BRD (N/A) and forgeting surely something here...


  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352

    The game has changed alot in the last year, for the better.

    No more trains to zone or MPK possible. Mobs will depop and not aggro other players if the player who had hate dies, warps, hides or zones. Mobs will not hurt players outside of the group that has claim. If you remember, you could bring a Bomb to a group and have it self destruct to kill people. Not possible anymore.

    21-24h NM/HNM are still camped and will always be camped. The question is, do you really need that prestige item to enjoy the game? If you want it you have to live with the competition, there is a reason why these items are rare.

    Chocobo cost has been changed and are now cheaper than ever. Although i don't see why 2-3k is a problem.

    Palladin has been one of the first jobs that received an upgrade (others will follow). It's an awesome change, they really did a great job. PLD now has Auto Refresh (yes its true), Shield skill have been adjusted and made more powerfull, blocking with a Shield reduces damage even more now, PLD get's TP for blocking and using Shield Skills. PLD are now really the TANKS they should have been and IMHO outshine NIN especially on fast hitting mobs.

    All NIN tools are low level crafting (~30) and are spread out on all Crafts not only Alchemy. Leveling Alchemy to 60 takes about 5 days 4h each and you will end up with a profit. Do some research, its really easy.

    Economy is doing well and prices are going down, amazing but true. A stack of fire crystals is 2-3k now. The prestige items are still expensive, on Pandy Vermillion is 8Million, Hauby is the same i think.

    3 New Jobs, Corsair, Blue Mage and Puppetmaster. I won't comment as i have not leveld any of these past level 12 yet. They do look promising but it is a bit early to tell.

    PS: I can see you're a PLD and i can tell you that you going to love it once you have checked out how they changed the job.

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • Stilgar_FFOStilgar_FFO Member Posts: 4
    Hmm never been a big fan of prestige item. but then again, some parties (pick up group mind you) were at the time demanding some specific gears. A ninja or a thieves without Leaping boots or wing boots (who was crazy enough to risk that one anyway?) Same for earrings and rings.

    Anyway I was more referring to the last quest I ever done for a friend mind you, he needed a rare spawn in a cave for a job quest (trying to remember wich one... been a while. He was a THF around lvl 62 I believe).

    Presitge item I can understand. But with the low droprate and long spawn time, never had, never will. If you are lucky enough to get the tag, you should, if you survive, get the drop. Will still take a lot of time to get many on the market, and I have heard there are all rare / ex now, so once thei are outdated, they're gone.

    My 2 cents but I'm getting off topic...

    Thanks for the info, might try it, before buying the expansion.

  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352
    Yes, they made some of the more overcamped items rare/ex (leaping Boots, Emp. Hairpin etc.) They also added new items and NM's and most of them are rare/ex. This has solved the camping cause people don't camp them for money anymore.

    I am also playing THF amongst other jobs and i think i know what you mean by expected to have such and such item. These comments hovever are coming from players that think they are the paragon of THF excellence and only they know how to play it right. I have had maybe 2 or 3 of those encounters and i don't bother starting a discussion since they think they are always right. I usually tell them that i am saving up for item X and i can't wait to get it. Then i *chuckle* and move on.

    This is actually a good time to come back to the game. Alot of people are leveling the new jobs and there are alot of party invites at any level. The influx of new players from the XBOX360 also adds to this.

    Don't let some elitist idiots ruin the game for you. Play the way you like and have fun.

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

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