I am thinking of getting into World of Warcraft and would like some help deciding which class will be "right" for me. The choices have been narrowed down through some research to the Shaman or the Druid. Please consider the following two qualities:
1. Very enjoyable to play as.
2. Valued place in a group.
Accompanying advice on race selection would be great.
Thanks in advance to any replies
If you're looking for a great group asset, go druid. With druid, levels 1-30 are a pain in the ass, but later on in the game, particularly level 60 PvP, druids are invaluable, and even more fun to play than shaman. They're just tons more complicated than shaman is all.
As far as race, with druids, you don't get a choice. It's pretty much if you're going Alliance or Horde. Horde druids are all Tauren, and Alliance druids are all Night elves. I am personally a man of the Horde myself, but the decision is entirely up to you.
As far as shamans go, any of the 3 races are fine, it's just more of a matter of which character is more aesthetically pleasing to you.
Shammy = EZ mode. Granted I have never leveled a shaman to 60 but that is the feeling I get when I PvP against them.
I play a level 60 druid that is in a guild that regularly goes to all the end game instances. I also PvP quite a bit & I must say druids are not EZ mode. You really need to have your wits about you when playing a druid as you may be asked to switch roles at almost any time. Druids are so versatile though and that's probably why you are thinking about being one. All I can say is good luck with whichever route you choose but be prepared to be a little frustrated if you decide on druid.
The downside to Druid is that the class levels slower than average up until lvl 20. Once you get cat form, things shift the otherway though. As cat form improves with better feral skills and talents, damage rates get really nice, while heal over time spells eliminate downtime.
For me, it's the class I have enjoyed the most.
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I have 4 Druids, all 35+.
Look at all the stuff they can do: stealth, heal, tank, damage, different forms, and probably fly in expansion.
But do understand that getting a Druid to 20, solo, is a torture. When you get Cat form on level 20, things starts to happen. Cat form has awesome damage!
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It just happened, as I changed servers. Started on a pvp, which turned into be THE unofficial Russian server. Then it was a new pvp server & new Druid. After that I wanted to play on RP server.
Druids all the way
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