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Stratics gave Vanguard its award for best of show. It is the first E3 award I have seen come out yet.
Below is a recap of the rest of the E3 articles: (Stratics Award for Best Game at E3)
Silky Venom Housing Video
Silky Venom Video
Gameplay Video
Video with interview
Sailing Video
Gamespot Movie
Combat and character creation videos (3 in total)
39 new screenshots
From the outside the Sony Online Entertainment booth wasn’t all that impressive (unless of course you wanted some photos with the booth babes). That being said, we all know that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. The booth wasn’t all about a big show, but rather about treating the attendee right. Comfortable seating, food, and beverages (including alcoholic drinks during the cocktail hour) were some of the delights we experienced, but the true satisfaction came from the lineup of products and the hospitality of the Sony Online Entertainment staff.
Heh, SOE, those rotten, stinking bastards!
~ Ancient Membership ~
As soon as SOE's name was brought up.. SOH dropped off of the top 10 list... and the release date was removed from
why do you all think that is?
Yay, thats because Vanguard rocks
Cheers to Sigil
There is nothing wrong with hating SOE. I have nothing but respect for SOE haters. There is no reason to start calling them names. They have just as much a right to post here and express their opinion as you do or does fanboys like myself. It may become irritatiing and annoying seeing 100's of threads that are basically the same but it does show us the passion, anger and hatred many people have towards SOE. Just like fanboys they make a lot of senseless and repetitive posts. But like many fanboys they also make some very good , informative and well reasoned posts. IMO what seperates good and bad posters is not their support of the game or their dislike of SOE but their ability to put their emotions to one side and make well reasoned and objective posts.
We can talk about how evil SOE is all we want but it really doesn't mater. The bottom line is if Sigil makes a good game people will play it and SOE's being involved will have little to no effect on sales. If they make a poor, average or mediocre game many people will not give them any leeway thanks to their association with SOE. Or in other words if the game is good SOE's involvment will have no effect if its not good many people will use it as an excuse not to play the game and Sigil will suffer. Just one more reason for Sigil to take their time and make the best game they can.
"They may not be heard, their cries may fall upon deaf ears, but make no mistake, the dead do speak."
You were given the reason. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't right. I have been a member of this site for years, and it is just packed with SOE haters and people who think Eve is the bestest game ever.
Even in a thread that labels Vanguard as the 'best game of E3' the SOE haters have to come out to, again, say that they think Vanguard and SOE will flop.
In the OPs post there are about 20 links to information about vanguard that is praising of the game, and, quite rightly so, it has picked up some notice and been put forward for an award.
There are also 2 articles in the list that are not praising of Vanguard; ctr-alt-del and, I think, brokentoys.
Ctr-alt-del has always been well known for its dislike of EQ (they are not likely to be a big fan of Vanguard)
Brokentoys included this comment:
"In other news, Dick Cheney and Hilary Clinton are running on a combined
ticket in 2008. “What the hey, if McQuaid and Smedley can settle their
differences, ours simply pale in comparison”, they said."
Brad McQuaid and Smedley do not have differences, and never did, aside from a slight dissagreement in MMO ideas. They are very good friends.
The haters need to face the fact that they are now in the minority of people not happy with the direction that vanguard is taking. People will still play the game in their masses. Maybe they might as well just quit now.
Awesome comment...
I guess it has to tell you something when Vanguard gets the best game award at a GAMING convention...hehe
hehe wonder where I have hear this before
As co-publisher of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Sigil assumes greater control of marketing and PR, while maintaining responsibility for game development, community relations, media relations, customer support, and quality assurance. Under the terms of the agreement, SOE will provide distribution, marketing, hosting and back-end support -- including billing and technical support -- for the game. Additionally, SOE is tentatively planning on adding Vanguard, upon its release, to SOE's Station Access™ subscription plan. Station Access allows players to enjoy all of SOE's MMO titles for one low monthly price.
Brad McQuaid and Sigil will be 65 to 70% control of the game NOT Sony Online Entertainment......
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Final Fantasy 7
Thanks for the nice comment. The list should be fully updated with all E3 links. Let me know if I missed anything. Sigil planned the SOE announcement at the right time. The momentum and postive reviews from E3 seems to have have drowned out most of the SOE merger and beta leaks concerns. Very smart timing on their part. BTW I should state I am not a fan of SOE at all in fact I have vowed a number of times never to play another SOE game which really put me in a difficult position with VSOH. Not sure how long this 2nd honeymoon will last with the fans but it sounds like the game has made a lot of progress and is really coming into shape. It appears from Brads recent posting spree the focus of beta is still on tweaking the group combat. Which IMO is the most important part of any game. If combat is fun and works well then everything in the game is much better. If it doesn't work well the whole game suffers. Once they are happy with that I would expect a lot of the other issues would be addressed such as solo play, raids, crafting, fleshing out characters, optimizing the client and so on. Brad made a comment today that makes me think that Diplomacy will make it to release but only in a limited form and most likely will be fleshed out more after release. Combine that with the information in the last ebta newsletter asking testers not to test diplomacy until they do a revamp and it appears likely that most of it sdevelopment will occur either late in beta or after release.
Even though I am not in beta I am very impressed with how they have been handling beta. Rather than just adding new content to show progress they have focused on tweaking and fixing the core gameplay concepts of group combat and crafting. It is obvious here that they have learned from other games failures and really do have a plan to do things right. Does this mean Vanguard will succeed. No it doesn't it just increases the odds. I have been a fanboy but a skeptic for a long time of Vanguard. I doubted they could do so many new things and put in so much content in such a short time. I am very happy to see they are not rushing their way through beta. From reading through the E3 previews and all the pre-interviews its pretty obvious that there will be a ton of content in this game. Forty thousand craftable items, wow. Thats huge. The one impression that I got from the reviews is that the game is not only complex but that its enormous and has an epic feel to it. If you believe all that then the key to Vanguards success rests on whether or not the core systems work. Will they be fun, polished and interactive. The longer the beta the better this game will be. I just hope they take as much time as they need and maybe then an additional six more months. The benefit of long betas IMO is not neccessarily the bug fixing but the ability to refine and polish your core gamepolay systems.
Overall I can't imagine how E3 could have been a better success. There are two negative reviews above discrediting the game but its fairly obvious the reviewers know little to nothing about the game and may even have had preconcieved opinions before writing the review. Even if they did thats ok. Vanguard is and shouldn't be a game for everyone. Its ok to dislike any game particularily Vanguard which is much more a niche game than most games that are being produced. Unlike most games its not trying to be everything for everyone. Rather it has a vision and a target audience and hoipefully it will not compromise and change from either. I can't say Vanguard will be a success. IMO most games fail and fall far short of what we will hope they will achieve. Before E3 with the SOE information and many of the beta links I had lost a lot of faith in Sigil. While I will always be a skeptic I am happy that Vanguard appears to be looking more and more like the game that at least I want to play.
I just edited the list to add the new mmoprg,com Vanguard preview.
Not what I would call a glowing review or even a good preview. But I have always suspected that mmorpg,com is not very Vanguard friendly, hardcore friendly or even pve friendly. The review seems to be just going through the emotions and adds nothing new. I even get the impression that they wanted to be negative here. But they just could not find anything to really complain about.
Anyone who gave vanguard a 1 or lower vote shouldnt be allowed to vote, period.
You see, people that dont mind SOE at all will just have to live and learn as well as we did.
So until THEY PERSONALLY get burned, they will rave to all of us that did get burned, just to shut up, quit your whining or go play another game. It will alyways be this way until they get bent over themselves.
Not that I wish this on anyone and I dont have any thing personal agaist them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion I just hate seeing ppl get screwed by this company.
Is it just me or since Sigil signed with SOE this site and their staff decided to ignore Vanguard?
Not very professional from my point of view and my crediblity towards whats written here droped alot.
I have alot of reasons to respect Sigil and wish Vanguard the best so I am abit disapointed with