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Who has read the book

Just outta curiosity, who has read the trilogy?


  • WuduLarchWuduLarch Member Posts: 140

    I bought the DVD's and watch them two or three times a year. I am about ready for a new copy of the novel. (Be careful, technically they are not a trilogy but one novel divided into six "books" published in three volumes. I have seen people get flamed for calling it a trilogy. :) ) I read it three or four times a year. If you haven't already, may I suggest reading the Silmarillion. It contains a lot of lore. While I enjoy the movies, it can be a bit frustrating to watch them. If you are planning on playing this game, I would think you might want to read the novel as there are some major differences in the movie. For instance, I have to skip past the scenes where Faramir is made to look like a butt-head. It is so opposite of how he is written in the novel. I am glad the game will be based on the novel though. Tolkien's story is much deeper and more detailed than Mr. Jackson's version. I am almost of the opinion that the movies are more "based" on Tolkien's story than they are a true visual reading.

    But that's just my opinion. It and $10 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.....maybe.

    P.S. Sorry for the ramble.

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    I've wathced the movies a bunch of times and Ive read the Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring, gonna start th Two Towers as soon as i figure out what half the stuff Tolkien talks about is,Turbine should have an easy time making the enviroment, Tolkien is VERY descriptive, and it was hard to stay focues when he wa describing every individual plant in a forest or every rock in a mountain.
  • MorriganMorrigan Member Posts: 242
    LOL very detailed is a great description, when this first was announced  as MEO, I went down to my basement and dug out the books I had read in junior high schoo and I assure you, it was a LONG time agol,  I saw the first movie and that was it.  (more of a reader than movie watcher)

    I agree with the first poster, seeing what I read thus far from Turbine, more detail and depth. I think the reason being is we will need that immersion considering we will be living in Middle Earth.

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  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18

    I hope this game doesn't flop...Ive wanted to be in Tolkiens world ever since 6th grade when I first read the hobbit...and i thought more people would have voted in the poll lol... only takes a couple seconds neway...

  • Matin61Matin61 Member Posts: 63

    I first read the books in the early 70s.  Over the years, I've re-read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings several times.  Someone on another forum stated that Turbine will follow the books closely.  I certainly hope this would not be true.  I was thinking that the best solution was to use the books as the back drop to an incredible game.

    I would love to encounter trolls in a cave.  Explore the Mines of Moria.  Take a little trip to visit the Lonely Mountain and stop by the Lake.  Wander the streets of Bree or join the Rangers patrolling.  There are many fine settings that could lead to adventure.

    If Turbine could get back to a design like AC1, I would sign up in a heartbeat.  However, I have the experience of AC2 and DDO to remember how poorly Turbine can do at game design if they put their minds to it.

    Yes, I've read the books many times.  What I want Turbine to do would be to give me the flavor of the books with a truly good game.

    Captain John Matin
    Royal Red

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042
    They were the first books i ever willingly read at the age of 9. First the Hobbit, then the trilogy then the Silmarillion. Needless to say i've been hooked on reading ever since :P

  • paadepaade Member Posts: 471
    Ive read the books first time about 20 years ago. Best fantasy books ever written. Movies were good too.

    Funny, i dont remember that there was teleports in LOtR...

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    Yay lol people are voting, I just started rereading LOTR because reading the book s would probably give you some sort of advantage because a large majority of people I know have only seen the movies... the movies only really followed the books on main events though...
  • DrgonzothxDrgonzothx Member Posts: 59
    I've read the Lord of the Rings, the hobbit and simalrilion all.  Personally I think that making the game during the War of the Ring will be to restrictive but since thats what they are doing how deep will the lore be?  Jacksons movies cut out most of the lore such as characters like Tom Bombadil and Radagast.  Are we likely to see these characters who are minor to the story but important to the feel of the world?
  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    Probably...Their following the books extremely well according to what ive seen posted and read at the site..I think there is a screen of Tom Bombadils house or whatever you can call it..
  • Wartorn[SC]Wartorn[SC] Member Posts: 97

    You forgot to mention another option:

    - read the books, seen the movies AND own all three extended Editions!!!!!!!!!

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    lol..oops =p
  • MW2KMW2K Member UncommonPosts: 1,036

    Read the books, seen the movies and thus I remain skeptical about this game. I doubt this game will hold a candle to either the books or the movies, but we'll see, won't we?

  • sirtrunkzsirtrunkz Member Posts: 5
    u have addicted to this flick.... they long thoughQ!!
  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    Well,I hope this game does as well as the books and the movies,but i geuss im gonna have to wait till Beta or full release to find out..from what ive read and the screens ive seen this game looks awesome.
  • derektoddderektodd Member Posts: 79

    When I was in 8th grade in 1980/81 a good friend got me hooked on Dungeons and Dragons. I loved that thing so much my friend recommended "The Hobbit". After I soaked in the Hobbit, I took in the trilogy and then my friend recommended the "Silmarillion".

    If you haven't read the Silmarillion then you are missing out on how the Third Age came about. if you think Sauron was the bad a$$ then read the Silmarillion and you will discover he was just a Lieutant serving Melkor.

    Once you get pass the first chapter, which at first bored the hell out of me, you will get drawn into the dawn of the Elves, & Men. There are also some awesome battles scenes in that book as well.

    If they ever made a movie based on that one book, the "Silmarillion", it would probably take four movies to really do the book right.

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    If they did make a movie on The Silmarillion.they would propbably botch it and combine it all into one movie that will basically be just a big battle... that tends to happen, and it cuts out the rest of the story
  • AthelaAthela Member Posts: 492
    Read the books, saw the movies (have the theatrical and extended versions of each film).  I'm really looking forward to seeing how this game can make Middle Earth come to life.
  • KarakazKarakaz Member Posts: 12

    Originally posted by Drgonzothx
    I've read the Lord of the Rings, the hobbit and simalrilion all.  Personally I think that making the game during the War of the Ring will be to restrictive but since thats what they are doing how deep will the lore be?  Jacksons movies cut out most of the lore such as characters like Tom Bombadil and Radagast.  Are we likely to see these characters who are minor to the story but important to the feel of the world?

    Oooh yes,  first I was so sad when I heard Tom Bombadil wasn't in it. But I still have all three expansions and it is a great movie. I have read Lord of the Rings about 6 times, The Hobbit about 3 times and Silmarilion just once. The last isn't a book I would read twice that quickly
    The screens from the game look great but I do have doubs about it but we'll see won't we.

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18
    Since theyve taken so much time doing the landscapes with great deal, and even placing the towns were they think they should be,they probably will add some of the minor characters that help build up the story
  • MiNaAuMiNaAu Member Posts: 382
    I haven't read the book, I'm sorry but I'm just not bothered to go through 3 books of tiny words on huge pages and gigantic book. I saw the first film but haven't seen the second and the thrid yet which is quite annoying actually.
  • ValidurValidur Member Posts: 48
    Everyone should the read the books, i'm reading them again for the fourth time simply because they are such a good read. The films don't do them justice, though they are very good. LOTRO looks promising as they are sticking to tolkiens world as much as possible.

  • xsr1000xsr1000 Member Posts: 11
    Let's see, I've readed the Lord of The Rings Trilogy (I, II, III) seen all three special edition movies, read the Hobbit, read the Silmarillion, read the Lost Tales (or something like that), read... too many things of Tolkien .

    who knew

  • TheDrizztTheDrizzt Member Posts: 18

    Attention to Detail is the way to go..but they need to stick to it closer then movies...

    Xsr..your read alot lol

  • aharoniaharoni Member Posts: 7
    I've read the books and seen the films. I've also read and own several of the Lost Tales books and have read and love the Silmarillion.
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