Its offical, well in my heart this game is as dead as yoda. gone into the force, powerful it will not be.
Lets be honest. all these posts about bringing back classic servers is a joke. SONY will never ever do this. why you ask?
Because if they did, then they would be admitting for the last 2 years they screwed up!
SOE will never do that.
Christ i got banned for moaning about Jedi and the timeline, but hey. they "know" best. not us Star war maniacs. I would not go near another SOE game ever.
If SWG 2 was announced it would have to be soooo uber, that it came with a real lightsaber for us to kill each other with
Anyway, good luck on your future endevours, i expect we wont see anymore of you on these forums since you have moved on.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Is that the number of players lost due to the NGE? We all know that's not the current player base.
I have a handfull of friends, a small handfulf, who are currently playing SWG. Every single one of them is saying that there's almost no sight of players most of the time and you have to actually search key locations to find more then 1 or 2. One guildie even expressed how he spent almost 3-4 hours running through all the different starports looking for PvP and came across less then 10-20 players total!
Pre-NGE most starports had from 15-30 players at each location. Pre-CU there were upwards of 30-100 per starport location. Pre-cu at my reference was also placed to have around 230k subscribers.
I fail to comprehend logic that lends claim to having "250k other swg fans" who are saying SWG is better.
Not a chance. I am never going to fail to inform anyone who wants an honest opinion about the lies, deceit and outright betrayal practiced by the SWG developers. At least that way they will go into that game with their eyes open instead of their wallets and hearts. If we all faded away people who are considering SWG would just be fooled by the siren song of a select few until after they invested their heart and soul into a character whose class suddenly "isn't iconic enough".
Besides, who is going to pat them on the back and commiserate them when they are back here in a month complaining that the game stinks if we aren't here? Its my civic duty to make sure they have the facts before jumping into that snake pit of misery.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
Heh... you know a game is dead when someone you hardly know and would more then likely never hunt with EVER ends up grouped with you talking about "everyone is my guild now"... point being, noone but you, one other guy and the one person are the only ones on.
250k subs? knock that zero off. Try 25k or 50k maybe and sorry THESE are not the official forums so Im pretty sure your going to read more negative posts on MMORPG.COM about swg. And sorry again but NO even the SMEDSTER admits that swg is screwed up and that hes not happy with it.
The Smedster himself said this in the official forum read below.
"Yes it's a loaded question, but I'll answer it. I think people that believe they are paying for a beta quit. Am I happy with the state of the game? No way."
Not bashin ya there bud, I just know for a fact that game is not "better then ever".
I'd like to point out that SOE is sort of cooking the books here on those numbers.
These numbers include all the Station Access numbers as subscribers. Even the people who only play EQ or EQ2 are counted as "subscribers" to all the games on the Station Access list.
It's not that SOE wanted to give is customers a deal. It's a business decision. They can present these numbers to the investors and go "see, we're not going down in flames. Look at all the subscribers!".
250k subs is truely misleading and to be honest, all MMO companies do this and it's hardly accurate.
I know dozens of people who quit WoW but keep the sub open incase they want to go back. It's like that in a lot of games.
The real test is how many are on during given times.
So just keep that in mind when SOE/LA/SWG defenders start throwing numbers out.
One other thing. Incase anyone forgot. People are going to like what they like. None of us who have had it with SOE are going to change their mind. They will also believe whatever they want to believe. Maybe the only way to enlighten people would be to get Penn and Teller to do a Bullshit episode on SOE but I don't see that happening. hehe So take it easy on the people who come here and like the game. We all are entitled to our opinions. Especially those that have contrary opinions.
ALthough I never have played SWG, i used to play Ultima Online (UO).
Lets just say I hate EA as much as you guys hate SOE.
Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
I also feel the same as you do. This game is dead. SOE destroyed a game before its time. I stayed loyal through all of the official Beta stages as well as after the release (the unofficial Beta stages).
Before Post CU I will not lie SWG was constantly on my mind. I freakin lived SWG at home. I played so much that first year and a half, I discovered I was neglecting my wife and kids. My fix action to that problem was my co workers and I paid to have two of our work computers upgraded to meet the standards to play SWG at work (I'm the Manager so it was no problem).
After NGE came out I played it for like two weeks and realized my game I loved so much was gone. SWG is dead and I agree with Jessian, it will never come back.
SOE would never admit to their failure in attempting to improve the game. They have taken this crap too personal. I think part of the reason SOE will never bring Pre-CU back is because they have taken all the negative feedback from players to personal. I feel those idiots feel they would rather continue to keep Pre-CU off the map as pay back for all the name calling they had to endure from us.
Look I completely understand people can get rather sore when others tend to rip you a new A&# Hole because of the mistakes you make. One thing I have learned being a Manager in the business world is you cannot let your personal feelings get in the way of your business decisions.
It is pretty obvious someone F'd up bringing out NGE. I realize some people probably spent thousand of hours trying to code the SH&T, but a damn good manager if he or she had some BALLS would look at the response and the numbers and admit we made a bad decision.
I realize it is too late to even expect $OE to change their mind and I will again say yes this freakin game is DEAD; DEAD; DEAD; DEAD.
In summary $medley if you have decided to keep NGE and not bring back Pre-CU due to your personal feelings were hurt, then I say GROW UP and GROW SOME and make the freakin call that you was WRONG.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
deader than yoda bro .. deader ... cuz at least yoda's ghost could come back and smile ...
aint no vet's ghosts coming back and smiling ... vets are screaming at SOE employees at fanfest and video game shows lol
Make them bend over, and I could show you.