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top 10 things that annoy me about this game - whats yours?

RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

I absolutely love this game, and I absolutely hate the majority of the community.

Here is my top 10 reasons to get @#$#@ off about this game and they are all unfixable items about the community. 

10. The use of  "ne" "ne1" "l2p" and all the other crappy abbreviations that people use. 

9. The next time someone says "oh snap" I'm gonna snap them.

8. Random unsoliciticed guild invites.  I'm an experienced MMO gamer, for me joining a guild is like bying a car not a car air freshener

7. Elywn forest.  Its because its a newbie starting point, but the first thing I do is hide 'general' chat when I start in that area

6. Random unsolicited group invites.  Send a tell first then, if they say yes, invite them.

5. Gold Farmers who beg for buffs or items or coin

4. When you LFG (Gnomer for example)and  get an invite and there are 3 members, one is lvl 60 at the gate, the other is a dead lvl 20 in Un'goro and another at your level and they all talk like in line #10.

3.  When you use local defense to call out horde and the asshats in the zone say dont attack them for reason "x" and call you an idiot for saying they should die.  Its ^%^$$$%^ PvP server you @#$#@$#@ morons -- (sorry)

2. The over use of WoW popular culture - Chuck Norris - Leeroy, and all the rest.

1.  Idiots who /petition for harrassment each time a conversation goes in a manner they dont like. Its a mmorpg game if you can't take being called the @#$#@% noob you are , you shouldn't be there.  I will call you a @#$#@ noob and then I will call you a @#$#@ noob again if I feel like it and I will probably call you a @#$#@ noob a third time. If you're too stupid to use the /ignore feature then I'll probably get 10 of my friends to say it too.


I'm normally a very tolerant gamer and I'm not easy to offend......but WoW brings out the worst in people. For me its the reasons above. I KNOW i shouldn't feed the trolls but sometimes I just can't take it the idiots any more and I go crazy.

 I'm a grown adult and I just want to log on and do my thing as a casual gamer.  I'm not a 'professional' mmorpg gamer but I have been playing long enough to know morons when I see them. I just wish I had a magic wand I could wave to send them all off to their very own special server.

This game would be so much better if the community was not so very terrible in general.

/end vent.



  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646
    10-4: Various community issues on some servers. I have been very lucky with the community on some of my servers.
    3: I would have loved a political and player run world like in Eve.
    2: PvP system. I want open world pvp, with conquest etc. And not a 12 hour honor grind per day.
    1: The endgame raiding. It's just not fun to spend all those hours in the instances. Experienced every boss currently in the game, not going back there for a long while.

    Community on some servers + endgame mechanics and the lack of a dynamic player run world.

  • gnappagnappa Member Posts: 81
    1 thru 10:    Gnomes
  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Player antics don't bother so much; I tend to pay more attention to guild and group chat. My #1 top pet peeve is the server lag in some areas, especially in the top-end instances. It's not so endemic to make me quit, but there have nights where a normal 2 hour instance runs into 5+.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Lord_ZLord_Z Member UncommonPosts: 157

    10: My server.
    9: Night Elf Males nuff said.
    8: Random group(or guild if you happen to be guildless) invites from people who i don't know or People who just open trade window to sell you items or asking for water or food if your a mage
    7-6: Blizzard nuff said.
    5-1: N00bs: Asking for cash, buffs or items all the time non-stop every day.

    Think that pretty much sums it up.

  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144

    My number 1 pet peeve is ....

    People who can't take 30secs to come up with a better name than ....






    That goes for all MMO's lately, maybe I am just being critical but damn I would rather see an unoriginal name like Aragorn or Drizzt rather than what I've been seeing. Anyone else agree or am I just crazy?

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    Originally posted by seabass2003

    My number 1 pet peeve is ....
    People who can't take 30secs to come up with a better name than ....
    That goes for all MMO's lately, maybe I am just being critical but damn I would rather see an unoriginal name like Aragorn or Drizzt rather than what I've been seeing. Anyone else agree or am I just crazy?

    Oh yes yes ! those should have been added -

    I can't forget a couple more I should have added:

    I received a tell the other day "I'm a girl IRL wanna dance with me?"

    Do not DO not DO NOT Go to Goldshire inn on a RP server - its just sick.

  • FaemusFaemus Member Posts: 321

    1. people who complain
    2. the number of things to complain about
    3. people who are just now discovering chuck norris jokes.
    4. paladins ::::01:: (took my hunter 4 EH VER to kill em)
    5. people who ask for "a good spec"
    6. the world never changes
    7. guild drama (applies to other games too)
    8. hitting the level 60 brick wall
    9. can't train my pet to do silly tricks
    10. in spite of 1-9, I'm still considering re-subing when burning crusade comes out.

    -- I need a nerf --

  • yowleryowler Member Posts: 45
    what bothers me the most is tat THERE ARE SO MANY WORRIORS! NOT TO MENTION HUMANS AND NIGHT ELFS(even though i am a night elf mi self) all the NE players are like 10 years old! and theres too many allience players on this game and the fact tat most ppl think horde is evil and allience is good... i h8 it!
  • CRKXXXCRKXXX Member Posts: 4

    Originally posted by Rekindle

    I absolutely love this game, and I absolutely hate the majority of the community.
    Here is my top 10 reasons to get @#$#@ off about this game and they are all unfixable items about the community. 

    10. The use of  "ne" "ne1" "l2p" and all the other crappy abbreviations that people use. 
    9. The next time someone says "oh snap" I'm gonna snap them.
    8. Random unsoliciticed guild invites.  I'm an experienced MMO gamer, for me joining a guild is like bying a car not a car air freshener
    7. Elywn forest.  Its because its a newbie starting point, but the first thing I do is hide 'general' chat when I start in that area
    6. Random unsolicited group invites.  Send a tell first then, if they say yes, invite them.
    5. Gold Farmers who beg for buffs or items or coin
    4. When you LFG (Gnomer for example)and  get an invite and there are 3 members, one is lvl 60 at the gate, the other is a dead lvl 20 in Un'goro and another at your level and they all talk like in line #10.
    3.  When you use local defense to call out horde and the asshats in the zone say dont attack them for reason "x" and call you an idiot for saying they should die.  Its ^%^$$$%^ PvP server you @#$#@$#@ morons -- (sorry)
    2. The over use of WoW popular culture - Chuck Norris - Leeroy, and all the rest.
    1.  Idiots who /petition for harrassment each time a conversation goes in a manner they dont like. Its a mmorpg game if you can't take being called the @#$#@% noob you are , you shouldn't be there.  I will call you a @#$#@ noob and then I will call you a @#$#@ noob again if I feel like it and I will probably call you a @#$#@ noob a third time. If you're too stupid to use the /ignore feature then I'll probably get 10 of my friends to say it too.
    I'm normally a very tolerant gamer and I'm not easy to offend......but WoW brings out the worst in people. For me its the reasons above. I KNOW i shouldn't feed the trolls but sometimes I just can't take it the idiots any more and I go crazy.
     I'm a grown adult and I just want to log on and do my thing as a casual gamer.  I'm not a 'professional' mmorpg gamer but I have been playing long enough to know morons when I see them. I just wish I had a magic wand I could wave to send them all off to their very own special server.
    This game would be so much better if the community was not so very terrible in general.

    /end vent.

    Yeah well in my opinion don't play. Sure there is a lot of stuff like that but if someone anoyying and stupid honestly ignore them. Really if you won't play because of other players being asses than don't play any game. This happens in ALL online games, simply shut off your general and local + world defense chat.

    $$ Chris $$

  • AudrielleAudrielle Member Posts: 62

    Funny you mention that.  As you get older you'll find that certain things that used to annoy you just don't matter any more.  You still get annoyed, but by different things - and they usually pertain to things you hate about yourself.  The key is to just understand what you are dealing with, and to accept that certain things are as they are. 

    Take the general chat conversations, for example.  The people making silly remarks and idle chat are typically teens with nothing better to talk about.  It's part of growing and learning how to interact with the world.  The youth want to see how far you can get, and test limits.  They don't know what is relevant and irrelevant until they get older.  As an older player with children, I just look at that and think, "Heh, silly kids."  If you don't want sand thrown at you, don't play with the snotty kids in the sandbox.  Go find bigger kids and play hop-skotch or handball.

    The other undesirable aspects you mentioned are beyond your control.  You can find internetspeak is just a natural evolution of language, like waves crashing on the shore.  Just learn to swim above it, rather than be frustrated.  You can also hate gold farmers, but in a world where people are desperate for money, are you surprised they exist?  Money-making schemes plague every circle of society, ranging from video games, to healthcare.  You can choose to be annoyed, or you can choose to simply protect yourself from it, without letting it affect you.

    The bottom line is that WoW is a game for people of many different ages and experiences  It's not a game for 18+ only.  It's not a game for IQ 160+ only.  It's a public sandbox, so you should expect to see crying, whining, and sand throwing.  And it doesn't stop with WoW - try the game of life.

    I hate to see players unhappy.  You've heard the saying. "20 years from now you will look back at this and laugh."  Well, it's true.    You can offer ideas and suggestions to help change the game in the direction you want, but don't expect people to change right away.  Don't get annoyed.  Just keep a healthy attitude, and then you will find that people begin to emulate you.  That's how you bring about change.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    1: people who think they are playing counterstrike and come up with names like "Sup3rc0w" on a RP server

    2: Ironforge pit

    3: the World of warcraft official forums. full of "this class is unbalanced, that class need buffs/nerfs"etc

    4: healer is the most required for a group. it doesn't matter if you have an almost perfect group,if you don't have a healer you aren't going anywhere

    5: newbie characters look awfull. Thrall gives me the job to save Orgrimmar and the entire horde from corruption, my character is a shaman, he communicates with the spirits, yet I look like some kind of of guy who found his clothes along the road (well it is true, come to think of it...)

    6: the boring grind for money for a mount. I'd rather do a serie of quests that take a week then grind 2 days for money.

    7: no way to fight people in your own faction besides duels (or to go to an arena in the middle of nowhere). this doesn't bother me much on the normal servers, but it was really annoying on the roleplaying servers.

    8: lack of a reason to do outdoor pvp. the fact a person gives me CP is enough reason for me to kill another player,but not everybody seems to share my vision. when I'm fighting a mob, and a member of the other factions sees me, they usually HELP me! I find it hard to be ungratefull and pk them then

     but I would like to see things like outposts that can be taken over by both factions.

    9: towns are too small, especialy on the horde side. they usually don't have more then 4 or 5 houses and even the capital cities like Stormwind and Orgrimmar are very small. its one of the things I liked about Everques 2. shame its not in WoW.

    10: the animations gets annoying. casting animations are always the same, and when playing a melee class, your character doesn't even hit the opponent.

  • destro3979destro3979 Member Posts: 470

    Originally posted by gnappa
    1 thru 10:    Gnomes



  • destro3979destro3979 Member Posts: 470

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    2: Ironforge pit

    i also agree


  • fizzle322fizzle322 Member Posts: 723
    The only thing that annoys me about the game is all the whining on the forums.

    You could log into the forums at 3am and its be the same class whinage.

    Each class has strengths and weaknesses, generally the classes that solo well are not that in-demand in groups, likewise the group classes are not that good solo.

    You can solo with any class, but a hunter solos alot easier than a mage, and a mage gets into a raid easier than a hunter.

    Rogues can go on pvp servers and basically never be at risk of a gank, they almost always get the jump on the enemy, meanwhile the warlock cant even sit down to have a drink of water without risk of being raped from behind.

    Warriors are great if you have uber gear, but suck with average gear.

    Go ahead, try to get that uber gear as a warrior, if you make a bad pull or something goes wrong, invariably the other 39 people in the raid all blame you. Everybody gets to sit in the back and take potshots at Onyxia, and you're gonna be up in her face tanking it, one wrong move and your whole raid gets wiped, and they will all blame you.

    Basically the maintank is gonna be the raid leader, or at least a high ranking member of the guild, not many people can handle that responsibility, its easy to sit in the back and throw heals and nukes, a raid maintank is the hardest job in the game, and thats the only way you're gonna get the godly gear it takes to be a really good PVP warrior.

    Meanwhile you can be almost any other class in all greens, and you'll still do ok in BG. From the pet autowin Hunter, to the fireball spamming mage, none of them need raid gear to compete, only the warrior.

    I've been a warrior and it is not for me. I can't handle it. Too many bad players pulling aggro off you, overnuking, undernuking, some groups will be like "pull out the shield" others will be like "pull out your 2 hander" everybody seems to have an opinion on how you should play because if you go down they go down.

    You try to juggle 3-4 mobs, try to keep them on you, and mage sets off an AOE suddenly you have to chase the train.

    Quite frankly if you manage to have a warrior in full raid gear, you deserve every ounce of ownage you get. I salute all the great tanks who have what it takes to be a raid warrior.

    To all the f*cking selfish Rogues who spent the whole game having it easy, go die. Rogues whine even more than Mages, spoiled senfish children who can level FAST, farm loot fast, never be at risk of a pvp gank, be useful in a BG with just green gear, and yet they bitch that a warrior in uber gear can sometimes beat them.

    I fucking hate the wow community. Bunch of selfish little kids.

  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    Only 2 things honestly.

    - Raiding End-Game

    - PvP End-Game

    Remove those 2 aspects and I would prolly be a Blizzard worshipper today instead of been like a Shadowknight when I look toward that game!  *grin evilly*

    I would prolly want more, more stuff, more of this or that, but I would be enjoying it...however, the raiding aspect, on day 1, I quit WoW in utter frenzy, any Blizzard staff in front of me would have gotten a wall of complaints!

    Listening to AL players, what a major mistake!  LOL, poor little clueless folks, not understand how strong their franchise WAS and will never be again!

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • MaclynMaclyn Member Posts: 59

    1 thru 10.....barrens junkies

    They are so caught up in Chuck norris they forget about everything...including the wife and kids...oh wait nevermind the baby troll is in day care and the wife is grinding all day,

    Hah, I rest my case


  • Fenrir767Fenrir767 Member Posts: 595
    Raiding 10 times over. I hate raiding just to stay competitive in PvP.

  • busdriverbusdriver Member Posts: 859
    1-3. No end-game worth playing (no, item grind/raiding is not fun)
    4. Static world
    5. leetkiddie community
    6. leetkiddie community
    7. pvp is one of the worst in any MMO Ive played
    8. Instances... this is supposed to be MMO right?
    9. Bli$$ard and their lag of CS
    10. crafting is useless/pointless/worthless

    Overall rating for WoW: 6/10

  • wowkrazywowkrazy Member Posts: 59

    1-10 Wat you said...

    411 W1LL F34R JBUNNY!

  • FumarmataFumarmata Member Posts: 47

    Being forced to join big guilds or face being left behind.

  • TurboGsTurboGs Member Posts: 42
    1. All the people who cant speak english who come on to english speaking european servers.
    2. people who dont listen
    3. peopel who ticket you for giving them advice
    4. level 19 shamans who crit you for 486 damage interupt your skillz and knock them out all in the same INSTANT cast move.
    5. The WOW community in general

  • AfritAfrit Member Posts: 288

    10. Non-RPers on RP servers!
    9. Shamans in PvP - Just too hard to beat! 
    8. People who say "n00b"
    7. People who say stuff like "u" "ne1" etc.
    6. Random invites to guilds and partys
    5. Annoying people who follow you around all the time bugging you
    4. Spammers
    3. Beggers
    2. People who take the game way too seriously e.g. PKed by opposite faction so they take a fit and cry
    1. Waiting times to get into servers

    P.S. Gnomes rule, hehe.

    Edit: Oh wow i didnt notice i was an Elite Member, cool.

  • nero0102nero0102 Member Posts: 74

    Originally posted by Phoenixs
    10-4: Various community issues on some servers. I have been very lucky with the community on some of my servers.
    3: I would have loved a political and player run world like in Eve.
    2: PvP system. I want open world pvp, with conquest etc. And not a 12 hour honor grind per day.
    1: The endgame raiding. It's just not fun to spend all those hours in the instances. Experienced every boss currently in the game, not going back there for a long while.

    Community on some servers + endgame mechanics and the lack of a dynamic player run world.

    Have you checked out Warhammer yet?

    I'm convinced WoW is a raid only game for now and forever after they released the info that one of the wings in the expansion instance will be a 40 man raid.

    The forum mods were harping for months on how the expansion would be the non-raider messiah.

    Then they are proved wrong yet again by the developers.

    My top 10 is basically various comunity things, PvP, raiding, and the lack of an end game for anyone who doesn't want to raid.
  • SpaceRoySpaceRoy Member Posts: 32

    1) Being a ghost. No not the ghost run. Its about the no collision detection. Some cases of blocking could be fixed with allowing entities passing thorugh each other. Its been done in other games

    2) Seing other peoples and monsters levels. It would be much more exciting not to know

    3) Looking like level 10 at 60. No change except for maybe a mount

    4) PvP is the worst ever seen. This is because of the faction thing. Not being able till kill same faction members ---> no interaction between guilds. With that, I mean no political game. No penalty for killing other player ----> ganking.

    5) Death. Being penilized with time. ghost run is timepenalty in disguise. Its better to die, and respawn somewhere.

    6) Level cap

    7) Timebased advancement, getting exp while not logged in = Resting at inns. There should be better ways to implement reasons to go to inns.

    8) Bad graphics. Looks flat and edgy

    9) Not being able to open personal shops 

    10) Having 1000000 servers and only being able to play 1 with your char

  • AfritAfrit Member Posts: 288

    Originally posted by SpaceRoy

    1) Being a ghost. No not the ghost run. Its about the no collision detection. Some cases of blocking could be fixed with allowing entities passing thorugh each other. Its been done in other games
    2) Seing other peoples and monsters levels. It would be much more exciting not to know
    3) Looking like level 10 at 60. No change except for maybe a mount
    4) PvP is the worst ever seen. This is because of the faction thing. Not being able till kill same faction members ---> no interaction between guilds. With that, I mean no political game. No penalty for killing other player ----> ganking.
    5) Death. Being penilized with time. ghost run is timepenalty in disguise. Its better to die, and respawn somewhere.
    6) Level cap
    7) Timebased advancement, getting exp while not logged in = Resting at inns. There should be better ways to implement reasons to go to inns.
    8) Bad graphics. Looks flat and edgy
    9) Not being able to open personal shops 
    10) Having 1000000 servers and only being able to play 1 with your char

    Now i hate to quote on peoples personal opinions but i would just like to point out that when you die, you can simply respawn straight at the graveyard rather than running to your corpse.

    However, i do agree with all your opinions except for the graphics, lol. But i guess thats why its a personal opinion

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