I already know just about everything I want to know about this game except one thing (which is really many things): Will this game allow player made campsites/fires? I am a role player at heart and get the most fun exploring (scout classes). In Star Wars Galaxies scout types had the ability to craft and build campsites and then place them where ever they pleased. The only reason I even played that game after the CU was so my Ranger could go off deep into the wilds and build cozy camps. I am a Star Wars fan, so just being in that universe was fun. Campsites/fires are very immersive in an RPG. Does anyone have any news on this? What will the scout abilities be like? Will scout types be able to, say, harvest meat/hide/bone? Catch a fish and eat it? Forage for berries, et al.? Not see a single city for a month just living off the land?
If there are to be scout made/placed campsites, I wonder if they will offer any protection from aggro? Will we be allowed to place them anywhere we please (as long as it's away from any buildings/cities)? If a camp is abandoned (not ended/closed) simply have a timer that makes it disapear after x amount of min. Or will it be in predetermened locations? I like the lot plan for houses (protect the enviornment, etc.), but campsites should be player placed. Say I'm out in the woods and you are coming to meet me at so and so place for whatever.... I want to be able to build a campsite, complete with a tent and fire, to wait in -- that also provides a degree of protection from aggro. Pure and simple: It's immersive.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
There is a campfire thread started in 2003 where a poster suggested player made campfires that would keep away aggro and possibly spawn a merchent. Supposedly this idea was liked by the devs and incorporated into the game. I don't know if this is true or not. Here is the thread you can look through it and see if there is any mention of the devs putting the idea into the game.
wow what a great idea that guy had, i really hope they do use his idea....i didn't see any mention of them putting it in though. i did find this by the OP that had the idea...
"While I've read of outposts mentioned in Vanguard and it would be nice if Sigil used part of my idea, I still don't know how much (if any) of an outpost's creation/advancement was spawned by this thread. For all I know the outposts mentioned in Vanguard could be an entirely different game concept."
read this http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1044304#post1044304 then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
wow what a great idea that guy had, i really hope they do use his idea....i didn't see any mention of them putting it in though. i did find this by the OP that had the idea...
"While I've read of outposts mentioned in Vanguard and it would be nice if Sigil used part of my idea, I still don't know how much (if any) of an outpost's creation/advancement was spawned by this thread. For all I know the outposts mentioned in Vanguard could be an entirely different game concept."
I have read other posts praising the devs for listening to the posters and adopting poster ideas. Those posters always give the example of the campsite thread which has always made me think the devs are using that idea. But like you I did see nothing to confirm that in the thread.
I really hope they implement some form of campfire, even a cosmetic campfire with no benefits will do!
2 thumbs up for Campfires!
I can see it now....*screen gets all fussy and spins*
Im running all by myself at night, I see this little bright globe in the distance and go toward it. I come across a group resting by a campfire, I ask If i can join them.....
Wow, that would just be cool to run by that, make new friends, would also make the game so much more realistic....i love it!
Yes, but it will probably be in an 'Adventure Pack' which you will have to pay $5 for.
Then, it will actually be a Water Fountain which only you can see.
It will then be nerfed into a Birdbath which will attract all sorts of Agro to you from flying Mobs.
Whining on the forums will then ensue.
A rethink on the whole Campfire/Fountain/Birdbath feature will be done.
It will be removed from the game.
Only to be added later as part of a $35 expansion pack.
You will light your Campfire. It wil start a Forest Fire. You will die and your corpse will not be able to be recovered.
You will wish you had the Water Fountain back.
im not sure about specific campfires ... but i would guess yes ...
as far as being an RPG'er .. i think vanguard will try to cater to you ...
I keep hearing it being discussed but no word yet.
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