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iv played every class to atleast 10
i have a 30 druid and 34 hunter
iv played my friends 60 mage and 50 rogue
thoes 4 are ok but they just dont seem to be fun enough for me
well i like to do lots of damage
and i like to be able to excape if i have to (vanish/feign deth)
i like AoE damage
pets are ok but seem to get in my way
i like the whole druid shape shift thing
im ok with healing aslong as im not the main healer
tanking is ok its not realy good or bad
i want to do alot of pvp
i will raid so i can get epix
i dont see anything wrong with that but whatever
also i rolled an orc shammie
There is no class that does all that stuff.
The class that satisfies the most of those is mage.
Hunter is close, but has no good aoe. Also very common class.
If you go druid you most likely (90%) wil lbe pigeonholed into healing. Itemziation is not geared and probably enver will be geared for best damage. A well geared druid is extremely dangerous damage-wise with the right spec. But even the AQ gear is really just hybrid gear.
If the four you mentioned aren't good enough you only have warlock and shaman left to try that even remotely match your list. Or maybe warrior.
PvP starting to get kinda out of control with raid itemization I have a hard time recommended a non- soul link cloth class. Mages etc are good but the melee weapon trends simply are kinda ridiculous. No matter how good you gear you will get axed extremly fast. In the long term I would not play a cloth class for pvp unless you don't mind dying alot.
If none of those three are that fun, well I dunno, you might need to try a different game.
I dont think "God" is a class in Wow
You basically listed all the good aspects for each class. Problem is, you dont want to have the consequences. Every class has its ups and downs. Just gotta find which class you are willing to tolerate its downside.
I dont think "God" is a class in Wow
You basically listed all the good aspects for each class. Problem is, you dont want to have the consequences. Every class has its ups and downs. Just gotta find which class you are willing to tolerate its downside.
Yeah. You have just listed all the good aspects of each class, hehe.
Overall though, i would say maybe a Druid - can do lots of damage (cat form and spells), escape as a cat/entangling roots, some AoE spells, can shapeshift, can heal but not usually as main healer, can tank as in bear form
Actually, there is...We call them Shammies.
Seriously though, they do it all, they wear chainmail, use heavy weapons, heal (and I dont think I know any tank thats stupid enough to settle for shaman healing, not in an instance anyways...) and they have nice offensive spells. Oh, and shamans don't realy tank :P. Shamans also have good AoEs called "totems", idk if the rest of you have heard of them... Shammies wernt nerfed yet right? It's been awhile since I played but last time I did they were damn close to god.
Oh, and for the guy who started this topic, Rogue sounds like it would be fun for you too. Shaman probably best tho, for your taste.
I dont think "God" is a class in Wow
A demon/SL warlock with full nemesis will wipe the floor of any chars.. except epic geard furry warriors.
"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."
- Lieutenant General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
"PVP revolves around 2 unorganized masses zerging eachother"
World of Warcraft: Night Elf Hunter (Main) & Tauren Druid (low lvl alt)
lol, I say you should try a warcock
-virtual tourist
want your game back?