Matrix won the coaster of the year award in 2005.
Best guess what? THEY WIN AGAIN in 2006.
The ultimate coasters. Their CD's can handle any type of drink/beverage no matter how cold it is.
Wow these CD's are truly incredible. If you sharpen the edges you can throw them like ninja stars. Truly incredible.
It's a real shame, I had so much hopes for this game.
They lost a lot by initially and continue to limit the focus to just the US market. Plus the lack-luster gameplay which when you take out The Matrix franchise other MMO's do it far better. The world is quite small and though when, and still, marketed it as a fully explorable world. There is nothing to explore but locked doors and empty rooms.
Not even the quests give a true feeling of The Matrix. With no real point other than to hopefully fill in the total boredom you get from doing 'grind' faction missions.
The only great things about MxO is it's community, it has one of the best, friendly, fun and helpful communities. Now if this is to fill the void of no gameplay, it's a shame.
Maybe with the CRap 2.0 'downgrades' they need to re-do the whole game and make the key Matrix characters actual permanent NPC in game to give the game more of a MATRIX feel. The game was designed for a Live Event Team that would play these key characters and interact with the gamers, which is the first thing SOE killed when they took over.
Not a surprise that it won twice in a row, but that said it's sign that they are still here after two years of crap
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
I love the environmentatmosphere of MXO. I really want to play it, and I get excited everytime I log in. I love the music, I love the graphics. The community is second to none. The combat is horrible and the content is so very repetitive.
I log in and run around looking for hardlines and talking to folks because I can't bear to do another mission. It's just not enough to keep me interested. I have the Sony Access so I pop in from time to time, but I wouldn't otherwise.
Let me clarify. The combat animations are great, but I am not a fan of the interlock. I prefer an all out free for all. I understand why they do it, but I dont care for it.
I don't much care for clicking on an icon and waiting 10 seconds for it to happen. I just find the combat very tedius and non responsive. Out of fairness I'll mention a couple of other ones that I don't care for: SWG post NGE, and DDO.
However I do like the combat in CoH/CoV, Eq2, and AO. Just to name a few.
So for me to say the combat is horrible, that's not fair. I will say it's not the style of cambat that appeals to my play style.
Maybe I'll give it more time to see if it grows on me, but I doubt it.
Yes interlock was always the most annoying part of MxO. I've never played CRap 2.0 so can't comment on that, but before that it was such a slow and pointless affair. Compared to external combat.
It seems with CRap 2.0 they have gone down the path of forcing all to be locked into interlock. A combat system that I'm sure other MMO's do far better and offer far more options.
I say turn all servers open PvP and make the game what it's suppose to be or at least some excitement.
You have no right to even comment on a system you haven't even tried. You quit before CR2 was even released, so you have no idea how it is run, and how things are done. Noone is forced to use interlock, they added in a melee free-fire system for those that can't get into interlock because there are too many participants and such. The change was needed, the chage has been accepted, and the old crappy combat is out the window.
A great community with very poor taste in games.
A great community with very poor taste in games.
of course thats your opinon, you don't see people bashing you for the games you play.
That's because I play good ones!
Only kidding, of course I see people bashing me for the games I play. If you play games like this, you will see it more regularly.
My experience of the Matrix was also that the community was very nice. Unfortunately that has been my experience with every game community. If the game is not up to it, I don't stick around for the community I move on to the next "very nice" community.
One of the best features of the Matrix Online is the AOL messenger interface, you can chat to the community without actually launching the game. Which is better.
Sony and Station Pass have saved this game from total collapse. No matter how shite SONY ONLINE is, Station Pass is great.