I've scanned through a lot of the posts here and there seems to be a lot of vitriol being tossed at SOE, not all of of it undeserved. I certainly hope that Smed and the other executives at SOE don't turn a blind eye to it. In the past, they've passed these folks off as whiners, gankers, exploiters and the like. That, too, is not entirely undeserved.
This could, with the right decisions, turn out in SOE's favor simply by taking all this is, having a nifty board meeting and saying, "What can we do to fix this problem we have with image?" Some in that meeting will poo poo the idea that there is an image problem, some will dismiss it using the aforementioned appelations, and some might take it to heart.
Vanguard could, and, in my never-so-humble opinion, should be the vehicle for that change. It is shaping up to be an excellent game. Brad McQuaid, while actively making the games, has never steered me wrong. I enjoyed the original EQ...up to a point. In fact, I was a beta tester for the original EQ and was amazed by the complexity and size of the game world. I, for one, am willing to trust Mr McQuaid to not steer me wrong again.
Here's hoping the healing can begin...
i resent that statement ... my opinion towards SOE .. and MOST peoples have nothing to do with ganking ... whining ... cheating ... griefing or exploiting or any of that junk ...
If you had experienced the same thing many others like me have which are:
SOE charging me for months and months on my credit card after i cancelled then refusing to give me a refund ..
SOE lying about the state of the game and its future to sell expansions ..
SOE making veteran star wars fan SWG veterans pay $39 for the game .. and 20$ for each expansion and then making us pay that all over again just to have a second character on our server ...
then forcing us to quit the game by destroying everything we worked hard for ... and then selling the game for $19 with the expansions and marketing it to players of WOW ... or giving them the opertunity to buy all five games at $39 dollars .. with 2 months free access ...
screwing over players of planetside and matrix online the same way ....
and many many other things ...
i cant wait till they start screwing vanguard subscribers for money overcharging them like AOL does ... we'll see who " hates soe" and who doesnt after that
i resent that statement ... my opinion towards SOE .. and MOST peoples have nothing to do with ganking ... whining ... cheating ... griefing or exploiting or any of that junk ...
If you had experienced the same thing many others like me have which are:
SOE charging me for months and months on my credit card after i cancelled then refusing to give me a refund ..
SOE lying about the state of the game and its future to sell expansions ..
SOE making veteran star wars fan SWG veterans pay $39 for the game .. and 20$ for each expansion and then making us pay that all over again just to have a second character on our server ...
then forcing us to quit the game by destroying everything we worked hard for ... and then selling the game for $19 with the expansions and marketing it to players of WOW ... or giving them the opertunity to buy all five games at $39 dollars .. with 2 months free access ...
screwing over players of planetside and matrix online the same way ....
and many many other things ...
i cant wait till they start screwing vanguard subscribers for money overcharging them like AOL does ... we'll see who " hates soe" and who doesnt after that
QFE!!!!!!!!!! Pritty much sumed SOE up
i resent that statement ... my opinion towards SOE .. and MOST peoples have nothing to do with ganking ... whining ... cheating ... griefing or exploiting or any of that junk ...
If you had experienced the same thing many others like me have which are:
SOE charging me for months and months on my credit card after i cancelled then refusing to give me a refund ..
SOE lying about the state of the game and its future to sell expansions ..
SOE making veteran star wars fan SWG veterans pay $39 for the game .. and 20$ for each expansion and then making us pay that all over again just to have a second character on our server ...
then forcing us to quit the game by destroying everything we worked hard for ... and then selling the game for $19 with the expansions and marketing it to players of WOW ... or giving them the opertunity to buy all five games at $39 dollars .. with 2 months free access ...
screwing over players of planetside and matrix online the same way ....
and many many other things ...
i cant wait till they start screwing vanguard subscribers for money overcharging them like AOL does ... we'll see who " hates soe" and who doesnt after that
Stop whining.
Okay, sorry, someone had to say it. Look, I have most likely played SOE games much, much more than you have. I started playing EQ in 1999. I played for years, quit, played agin, quit longer, played again, quit for two years, and am now playing again. I have also messed around with EQ2, and had at least two periods of playing SWG. Sad to say, SWG was a broken game to begin with, and SOE along with Lucas Arts could never figure out what direction they wanted to go with the game. I did love the feel of the game (and I was never a huge SW fan), but it was never a complete game. And I really think the change was the best thing to ever happen to me because I was actually thinking about trying out that broken game one more time, but wont now because the two things I like the most are gone (BE/CH).
But, back to my point, in all that time I have never had any of the problems you seem to have. My brother has never had those problems, and I don't know of any guild mates who have had any problems like that either. And having played as a guide and hearing people's complaints first hand, I do know that a vast majority of people whining about the CS in SOE games are doing so even though their complaints are generally about their own stupidity. In other words, a lot of the whining really is coming from whiners. Not all of it is, of course, but I have yet to play any MMO where there weren't just as many legit complaints about the CS. Oddly enough, in all my times, I have had very few encounters with CS and pretty much all of it has been positive (although a bit slow at times).
Okay, sorry, someone had to say it. Look, I have most likely played SOE games much, much more than you have. I started playing EQ in 1999. I played for years, quit, played agin, quit longer, played again, quit for two years, and am now playing again. I have also messed around with EQ2, and had at least two periods of playing SWG. Sad to say, SWG was a broken game to begin with, and SOE along with Lucas Arts could never figure out what direction they wanted to go with the game. I did love the feel of the game (and I was never a huge SW fan), but it was never a complete game. And I really think the change was the best thing to ever happen to me because I was actually thinking about trying out that broken game one more time, but wont now because the two things I like the most are gone (BE/CH).
But, back to my point, in all that time I have never had any of the problems you seem to have. My brother has never had those problems, and I don't know of any guild mates who have had any problems like that either. And having played as a guide and hearing people's complaints first hand, I do know that a vast majority of people whining about the CS in SOE games are doing so even though their complaints are generally about their own stupidity. In other words, a lot of the whining really is coming from whiners. Not all of it is, of course, but I have yet to play any MMO where there weren't just as many legit complaints about the CS. Oddly enough, in all my times, I have had very few encounters with CS and pretty much all of it has been positive (although a bit slow at times).
this isnt whining ... this is called INFORMING ... i believe in information.. not supression of information ... you dont like my post skip over it ... i assume your intelligent enough and mature enough to do so eh?
ive also tried every game SOE has out .. have you?
regarding SWG ... the people ( which are massive in numbers) who have spoken out about soe and what happened there are all wrong right?
thats why people are frantically asking for their game back every single day in the swg main forums and here in mmorpg.com ... what was " broken" in swg from the begining? i doubt you ever played the game mate ...
mate better yet ... why dont you post your LIES in a sony game forum? whether it be matrix ... planetside .. or star wars galaxies ...tell them how great an experience you had with sony
you can get away with posting that nonsense here but why dont you go ahead and post there .. see how many people who have REAL experience with soe as a company agree with you ...
or you can remain here, trying to paint a picture of me being irrational and making all this stuff up ... bla bla bla ..
why even necro this thread?
SOE doesn't just have an image problem. An image problem is when you are perceived negatively in an unfair way. SOE's image is of being a greedy, heavy handed, dishonest, deceitful and frequently incompetent company that cares little for their customers and routinely takes advantage of them. That's not just an image - it's who they are. I'm not interested in seeing SOE spin that with a PR campaign. I would like to see them adopt some business ethics and actually make changes. Maybe they will. Probably they won't. But in the meantime, I don't ever plan to play another game they are associated with until they do.
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
Sorry, but it is whinning. You're just giving us 5 or 6 differen't ways in which SOE kicked your dog. It's not my dog, wtf do I care? Sure sure....SOE has kicked a dog or two, but the likelyhood of them kicking MY dog is relatively low. The only ones I really see complaining about SW:G is from "vets" who were "negatively affected" by the change, and they almost never make any comments about the change in gameplay, whether the game was more fun, whether the changes were necissary...they aren't critical (critical in the classical sense, not the common "Der der der, I don't like this").
So yeah...SOE kicked your dog. I'm sorry. Here's a tissue. When you have 500,000 subscribers on one game, a couple of dogs are bound to be kicked, just think about the dogs that are being kicked by Blizzard right now? There was a known bug for a while, concerning the Master Looter option. Bound items would be sent to the wrong people. CSR's response was to try using a different looting option in the future until they fix the bug. /shrug Life goes on. People can really only do so much. I felt bad for my dog, but oh well. WoW is still a well made game, and I played it for a good year and a half before I decided that I needed more...but that has to do with the gameplay and not the publisher/developer/developer's grandma/Blizzard's favorite Football team.
I play games when they are fun, I stop playing games when they aren't fun. If I have a billing issue, I deal with it instead of take it up the pooper. It's not like Smeadly & Company were cackling evily saying "Gwahahaha!! Look at this pathetic soul, he's trying to cancel his subscription! Bill him for 6 months!" Cancelations are done electronically, and as EVERYONE HERE KNOWS that computers aren't 100% reliable.
And, of course....you can't expect every game ever made to be 100% fun and perfect. If you have a problem with how SOE handles their games, go play some Tomb Raider games...I'm sure there are 15 games you haven't heard of that suck goat testicles to every 1 you've heard of. Companies make mistakes, they make flops...they try to innovate and fail. Some things look good on paper and then don't fly, and then they have to bail themselves out. But, because the game in question is an MMO, which are renowned for the communties that occur in their wake....people have some sort of strange expectation, an unrealistic one. They expect the game will be forever fun. They expect there to be no problems whatsoever. They expect the company who owns the game to hold some sort of obligation to it's communities wishes.
While these expectations are not entirely undeserved (nobody wants to get broken products, everyone wants to have fun), and these are the things that a company should strive for, you cannot believe that a game, or any product for that matter, CAN be 100%....100% of the time. You'd be setting yourself up for disappointment. So sure....SOE can kick a few dogs, maybe even kicked your dog 2 or even 10 times.....they've never kicked my dog. If they gave everyone's dog a good kicking, then I doubt they would have the 75,000 subscribers or whatever they have for EQ right now. (PS: 75,000 is alot for a 10 year old game)
Sooooo...in conclusion. Stop whinning.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
SOE is just a horrible company to do business with. SOE has no business ethics. They are liars and cheats. Just as when the announced the Toow expansion. They were adding new content for Creature Handlers. After many ppl ordered teh xpansion and began giving it a go, SOE announced they were removing CH from the game.
I wont buy anything SONY , I wont Play anything SONy, Not even a Walkman
Sorry Smed.. didn't mean to bruise your delicate ego. Guess the truth hurts.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
I'm not saying NGE is bad or anything.... it has been implemented too soon thats for sure and probably their biggest mistake. Also, maybe the NGE would have been better if was was called SwG2 and if they had let the original SWG untouched... we will never know.
Sorry Smed.. didn't mean to bruise your delicate ego. Guess the truth hurts.
Nope, wish I had his bucks though. I'm just a concerned citizen, and you sir...post garbage.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Not if you have to watch.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.