I was just reading the latest set of player/fan interviews and felt disapointment upon reading the following Q&A which i quote below, (source
"Q: I have noticed many changes in the druid's paths comparing to what had been initially planned. For example, the mastering of the weather. There was an announcement before Easter's vacations saying weather didn't influence gameplay anymore. What are the reasons for this change?
A: In Mr Pourieux's era, this path was possible to make. However, the new people who replaced him couldn'tget into his code. The fact we removed this path is only because of technical matters".
I thought that something like this had occured and that they are lacking expertise. My question to you, _pix_, is what 'conditions' or 'particulars of an offer' from NP3/Farlan would it take for you to help them out? If they swallowed their pride and attempted to make a mense would you then help them and , correspondingly, the fans?
On a final note I would like to ask you, if you see no way to reconcile disagreements would you consider developing an alternative mmorpg with the help of player based communities for the generation of content? We need only the tools!
all the best
Well, my questions are hypothetical and I ask _pix_ to come to them with an assumption or a scenario in mind.
First, that he assumes a desire to reconcile and with regards to the final question, whether he believes development of a mmorpg with some of his technology, his working knowledge and input, would result in a good product and that its development would be fun for him.
Personally i think it does have alot to do with DnL. As my quote clearly shows this issue has effected the content of DnL and is likeley to continue too. The second question(s) regarding development of an alternative mmorpg are just an after thought.
With regards to the Opening Post, yes it is directed but yet the conversation that i hoped would ensue, I think should be public. Anyway I'll leave it up to _Pix_ to decide if he wants to PM a response to me or not.
On a final note, i cant seem to find any posts made by _pix_ anymore. Have these been removed Admin?
Yeah, seems I was mistaken and blind! I see those posts now.
With regards to alternative mmorpgs, thanx for the info, this is good to hear. As for my first questions, well _Pix_ i still await ur input.
The implication here is that Pix is somehow responsible, even indirectly, for the downfall of DnL. Of course, this is not true.
No I dont think I am holding any one individual responsible. If anything, my use of language favours _Pix_'s position with implicated responsibility indirectly placed at the current 'senior management'; a collective not an individual.
As for me insinuating a 'downfall' i don't think I do so anywhere in my Opening Post. Rather, I talk about what has been excluded and indicate the limited realm of possibilites with regards to furture inclusions post-release, given the percieved current level of expertise @ np3.
I thought that something like this had occured and that they are lacking expertise. My question to you, _pix_, is what 'conditions' or 'particulars of an offer' from NP3/Farlan would it take for you to help them out? If they swallowed their pride and attempted to make a mense would you then help them and , correspondingly, the fans?
Dear Quintilian,
be not worried, NPCube perfectly knows what they have to do to respect my IP.
If they do so, and finally estimate they need VWORLD team expertise further, I guess they will get in touch with us.
On a final note I would like to ask you, if you see no way to reconcile disagreements would you consider developing an alternative mmorpg with the help of player based communities for the generation of content? We need only the tools!
Provide you with the tools, hmmmm...You mean provide you with the technology? Well, not sure this is really what you asked for. There are ways to contact us, do not hesitate.
PS: as I already said on these boards, VWORLD team might decide to contribute to the development of another MMORPG. We already had offers, but this is not our priority for now.
No, it's not only a flight sim
Current Work In Progress
_Pix_, thanx for your response, and i just hope Farlan/NP3 can make a break with history and build a relationship with you and VWorld again.
As for my second question (which is really several questions when you look at it closeley) by "We only need the tools", I don't mean 'would you provide me' the tools ( though I would love to try them and will e-mail you). Rather, I meant 'would you provide a gamming or modding community the tools to create and run their own mmorpg'?
I had in mind a non-profit mmorpg (though software and hardware technology paid for at fair rate given the non-profit aim) genuinley run and maintained by the modding community and those that play the mmorpg. I am not the only one to talk about such a way to make and run mmorpgs, for example see the webcasts located here . And indeed there are many examples of such mmorpgs already in existence. To my mind this would mean opening up the 'ingame' and 'back end' 'tools' to players, or at least more so than we currently see.
All the best
It is sad and funny at the same time that in the Official D&L Forums, rabid fans are attacking _Pix_ for Farlan/NP3 not able to do what they are supposed to do.
Saw a couple posts already attacking _Pix_ for the Druid thing that Farlan is unable to code properly.
Q: I have noticed many changes in the druid’s paths comparing to what
had been initially planned. For example, the Mastering of the weather.
There was an announcement before Easter’s vacations saying that weather
didn’t influence gameplay anymore. What are the reasons of this change?
A: In Mr. Pourieux's era, this path was possible to make. However, the
new people who replaced him couldn’t get into his code. The fact we
removed this path is only because of technical matters.
Q: What about Vincent Pourieux and the graphical engine’s property?
A: Vincent Pourieux was hired as the research and development director
in order to create a graphical engine. About the litigation of the
engine’s property, Vuuar reiterated what had been stated at Warcry in
2005, which is that a technology developed by an employee is the
property of the firma that hires him.
Its kinda like telling someone to get out of his own house and then asking them for the key to the super secret vault they found in the basement.
Cannot understand how some people are just so deluded.
My Sager 5760 Review
A: Vincent Pourieux was hired as the research and development director in order to create a graphical engine. About the litigation of the engine’s property, Vuuar reiterated what had been stated at Warcry in 2005, which is that a technology developed by an employee is the property of the firma that hires him.
Q: I have noticed many changes in the druid’s paths comparing to what had been initially planned. For example, the Mastering of the weather. There was an announcement before Easter’s vacations saying that weather didn’t influence gameplay anymore. What are the reasons of this change?
A: In Mr. Pourieux's era, this path was possible to make. However, the new people who replaced him couldn’t get into his code. The fact we removed this path is only because of technical matters.
Maybe Vuuar should go back and re-read the facts not his revisionist history.
I miss DAoC
Basket 2 pts!
omg what happened to
he shoots he scores!
You are mistaken.
This is what I haven't been ceasing explaining NPCube. But it's strange that is's always Farlan which responds when it comes to ownership rights. Ho... it just struck me: this is for practical reasons, of course: isn't Farlan Mauritian?
So _Pix_ just how did you lock code so that no one could get back into it?
Lol, u made my day
Simple: on a count of 5, this code will be automatically destroyed. (Which perfectly makes sense: consequently there were programmers badly wounded and NPCube had not choice than to cover it up with a mosquito raid)
No, it's not only a flight sim
Current Work In Progress
Hey! That hurts. I teach Visual Basic 2005 in college.
Hey! That hurts. I teach Visual Basic 2005 in college.
doh! LOL Indira
I would hope that no matter how many lies Farceland/NPFLeece may throw out to the masses in the zest for publicity and a pat on the back (which they dont own) for work "well done" , it would appear they are trying to convince the world of a lie and messing up in the process. Mom always told me, its easier to remember the truth than a lie, so always tell the truth. Farceland/NPFleece seem to have forgotten the previous lies, tried to twist the current lies. EVen though it would appear that liars have the upper hand in judicial proceedings (according to some) nothing is stronger than the truth and especially truth with supporting evidence. Farceland/NPFleece had already so twisted the truth, I dont believe that even they could come up a sensible, logical, rational explanation of the comments they have had printed for the world to see. Dont honestly see how they can weasel out them in any manner that even a corrupt judge could argueably agree with , without his own reputation bloodied in the process.
Wow, I left the D&L forums about 6 months ago and am only catching up on all this excitement now. This statement is stunning. D&L need to hire some PR heavyweights.
Not only do they come off sounding petulant by pointing the finger at Mr Pourieux, they make his replacements sound... less than fully competent. This statement does nothing to inspire confidence in the final D&L product.
I have to admit that particular feature was one I was excited about, back in the day. But is sounds like NPCube has been less than good to this fellow and they're paying for it.
Score one for karma.
Futilez[Do You Have What It Takes ?]