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In the echo chamber of repetitive, sleep-inducing, auto-play mobile games, Warhammer: Odyssey (W:O) takes a mild departure into the mobile realm as an authentic, traditional MMORPG experience. With success all but guaranteed, W:O stops short of one major victory, convincing PC MMORPG players that mobile is the genres savior.
Mobile has led to nothing but the degradation of game development.
Mobile is not the future of gaming... That wasn't true 15 years ago when companies, desperate to lower their production cost and quality, said it... It wasn't true 10 years ago... it wasn't true 5 years ago.
Unique?All i have heard is that it plays a lot like Wow so no it would not be unique.I also heard it's all hand holding in the beginning "Wow" and the number one reason to stay away before you become ADDICTED is the cash shop.
No p2w is easy for devs to claim but nearly impossible to be the truth because if the cash shop is not needed players won't use it and the dev makes no money.
I am also sick to death of the whole scam that is going on in gaming these days with the "platforms".
Developers are automatically losing 30% of said profits due to platforms like Apple or Steam and you will pay for that added cost.I was sifting through two sites Gog and Steam and noticed a trend that was about 25% more costly on Steam.What baffles me is how devs can claim it is so tough to make a game but so quick and willing to hand over 30% to these scummy storefront platforms.
This is the very reason Epic had a legal spat with Apple and i side with Epic all the way because these storefronts do NOT deserve nearly 1/3 of all the hard work studios put into their games.
Point being there are two VERY good reasons to NOT support this game 1 Mobile 2 Apple/IOS.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
More mobile games are being created, and mobile is bringing in more players and way more money than PC and console MMOs. Sometimes they bring in more on mobile than all other platforms all together. So... I know we here hate it when mobile MMO's are brought up, but facts are facts.
Mobile games...interesting prospect, but idk. We already have a superior version(RoR), so...
And I already have Total Warhammer(on Fantasy side ; wouldn't say no to a good aRPG - Chaosbane is fine, but too simple) and Battlefleet Gothic(...what a good game! 40k side) alongside Geheimnisnacht and Dawn of War and Chaosbane and Martyr, so...enough Warhammer, I'd say.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Wait, so you're saying casinos, that provide pixels instead of money, are profitable? I would have never guessed.
Not relevant to what I said, however.
All of the so-called mobile MMORPGs that I've researched in the past haven't been massively multiplayer, like not even close. Sure, they share some common roleplaying gameplay with traditional mmorpgs, but they couldn't even being to approach the multiplayer numbers required to be an mmo.
Personally, I think the money for this game would of been better spent just reviving the dead Warhammer MMO and throwing some QoL and cosmetics on it.
The mobile app stores have over 800K games out of more than 2.8 million total apps. Almost every major publisher at this point has a series of mobile games already on the store, or in the works.
There are at least 2 dozen MMORPG's on mobile that released just in the last 3 years. Whether they are good or not is another question, but how many PC MMORPGs have released in the last 3 years?
― James O'Barr, The Crow
“Sarah: "Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever...”
― James O'Barr, The Crow
Pick one.
Shame that Creative Assembly are the only ones to actually do something of note with the IP.
I gave it a shot, and used an emulator on PC to play it.
Movement was manual, using what would be a joystick emulator on a tablet. Targeting was manual, by clicking on it with a mouse rather than tab. If you targeted on a foe you could click on an attack icon and that moved you automatically to the target, but that was it.
There were other players present and we could concurrently attack the same foes. I don't know how many can be in the same area at once but I did see several players around. It wasn't as many players around as you'd see in endgame area in a regular MMORPG, but was more than you'd see around in leveling areas of WoW and the like.
The game has damage, tanking, and healing roles available so presumably you can have at least a small group partied together. Characters have simplistic build trees for a bit of variation
It's the closest I've seen to a MMORPG on that platform, at least in terms of function even with the total concurrent player count lower.
The world has a distinctly Warhammer feel, gritty and dirty and you deal with a lot of quests for different factions like the church of sigmar. I'll admit I haven't read every single quest, and my highest level character is 17, but in comparison to the other games of the franchise that I've played, it has similar settings and the classes are a little different but still feel very true to the AoR classes.