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frulaafrulaa Member Posts: 78




  • basaltbasalt Member Posts: 84

    wot is ur runescape username and wot cb r u??

    i am basaltm level 55 at the moment

    i wish i had a rabbit

  • Your_HeroYour_Hero Member Posts: 8

    Hey everyone you should try this game. It's a lot of fun. You can even win cash prizes if you're good enough! Every week it resets and everyone starts over , so everyone has an even chance of winning prizes. The first place winner gets $750, and that's every week!! Follow this link and you will start at a higher amount since i reffered you! It's completely free, what have you got to lose?!
  • Tidusxx7Tidusxx7 Member Posts: 19


  • Tidusxx7Tidusxx7 Member Posts: 19

    im a level 82 member and i cant get bored playing it


  • KespiKespi Member Posts: 11

    Originally posted by Tidusxx7

    im a level 82 member and i cant get bored playing it

    ALL HAIL RUNESCAPE!'s a movie. Nothing to get anyone's drawers in a bunch over. However, Porgie, the "Christian" groups aren't going "whacked" over the fictional movie. The isssue is Dan Brown claiming his book is based on irrefutable proof that the Christian religion is a lie. Hey, a novel is one thing. But when you go on to take it out of context ( ie- fictional novel, films, etc. ) and begin to slander any major religion you're bound to stir up a hornets nest.

    Of course, in the end, Brown is a moron and probably doing the first smart thing I've seen. Creating publicity through controversy. I'll give him that much.

    It's all a matter of how you approach these sorts of things. If you're goal is to have fun, poke jests, or create a piece of fiction that is to be enjoyed as just that ( see Dogma and Kevin Smith ) then you're movie will probably be met with smiles. If you're goal is to purposely attack a particular group, regardless of who that group may be, just for the sake of creating attention for yourself and your project...then you have to expect members of that group to be up in arms.

    I have no issues with the movie one way or the next. I think any group, be they Atheists or Christians, getting worked up over a movie in either direction is stupid. I agree with you, the Christians that are running around and damned Dan Brown for the movie are a little off kilter. No more so than the people who are running around saying "Oh my goodness! It's a movie! It must be true! I think I shall use this to slam a religion that I have a problem with as my foundation for all arguements."

    Both groups need a bit of medication in my honest opinion.

    To answer your question though, Al. I haven't seen the movie nor do I plan on doing so. I read the book a bit back...well as much as I could. It was mediocre writing at the very best. The plot had two speeds, dead stop and warp speed. Perhaps when it comes out on DvD I will toss it on my Netflix list but we'll see.

    "What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."

  • Firestar250Firestar250 Member Posts: 27

    Im selling a joke with a lvl 94 runescape acount for 50$ if some wants the joke with a free account email me!!

  • alex007152alex007152 Member Posts: 178
    change the 'yes i love it!' to:

    z0mG r0Fl LmFA0 lOLoLOl r00nSc4p3 r0x!1!!1!!!! Im from t3h r00nscape community!111!!

    and the
    'no, im am a loser and dont play it' to:

    No, i got a life, thank you.


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