This is a video, of the journey of this one guy, a journey that ends up reflecting mine and many others, that also passes through Elite Dangerous especially with the recent Odyssey space legs expansion and the missing "Armstrong moment". A hit that lead to many checking in on SC, with a visible change of tone towards the game. Video both hits nails to why SC continues to see the support it does, and what does it actually deliver that justifies it. I absolutely love this video, some of my favorite gaming moments ever came from SC in its unfinished buggy state.
Decided to post here cause as you must have heard if you ever read something on SC, the success of the project is constantly "blamed" on backers of the game, in the shape of demeriting it stating its backers as a cult, delusional, living with this constant implication of this bigger truth they can't see and/or that there's something wrong with them... this video is a great piece on what actually is up with it, and is worth a watch just for this guy's story telling voice lol