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“At Ubisoft, we believe that Blockchain holds a key to the future of the videogame industry, bringing new possibilities for players and developers alike,” said Didier Genevois, a blockchain technology developer at Ubisoft"
“Beyond NFTs themselves, the decentralized storage of their metadata appears to us as a determining factor in fulfilling the whole promise of true ownership. In this perspective, the exploration of the services offered by the decentralized network is particularly promising.”
The drumb beat continues
The only one that stands to gain anything is the developer,MORE GREED.
$1 in = $1 out unless a middle man like the developer steps in then that $1 is worth LESS than $1 which means the gamer doe NOT win ....EVER.
This kind of stupid mentality is like saying buying stolen goods is great for both sides,the thief gets it for free and the consumer buys it for less.Except one problem,the problem is that the person who lost the stolen item gets nothing and just LOSES.
My point is that you have to look at th ebig picture and not try and manipulate the facts by pointing to maybe 1 person who profits then make it sound like EVERYONE profits
Pyramid/ponzi schemes have no business in gaming.It should be a SIMPLE transaction,you make a product "GAME" and the consumer buys said product "game" and plays it with as little possibly NO interference from the developer or their garbage TOS bs.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
A little bit of something always beats some of nothing. They are going to sell it to you regardless
Do you prefer micro-transactions that 100% of profits goes to a developer who delibratly pulls content out their game so they can sell it to you? Or would you prefer the ABILTY to share in some (large or small) of those profits? Hell wouldn't it be nice to say I own that and it be true?
It's whether all the profits go to the publisher and then you pay some extra on top of it that would also go to some players. Because less face it the devs are never going to give their content away for less profit, but they're welcoming to options to make more.
If there will never be another AAA MMORPG without micro-transactions then the blockchain versions of such you desire will come along with.
Predictions based on never never work out.
It's not the either/or situation you present. There are several MMORPGs where one can subscribe for a better experience and opt to not purchase micro-transactions.