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Hey all,
I bought Auto Assault and been playin it for a few weeks now. And I'm sadly disappointed with it. I got to about lvl 10, and did abotu a million Drive here, get stuck on this rut here, call ICS, get put back, drive back, kill X critters. Get reward.
I found the population to be HIGHLY untalkative. This is NOT a "multiplayer" mmorpg from what i've found.
Graphics and char creation are decent. But all in all, this is just another mmorpg in a face paced action costume.
Maybe the game would be fun if people actually talked and interacted. I gotta give it a 4/10. Maybe in a few months once they update it a bunch it'll be better...
TOTALLY disagree on what you said. I play for more than a month now and still having fun with it. Untalkative community is quite untrue as if you are a good boy / girl enough, head to the and seek for a clan in war room section.
I joined a clan and since that day, i felt no more lonely. . . I felt the same like you when i first bought the game but after awhile.. things changed.
As I near the end of my trial I am begining to agree with you. Once the novelty wears off its just another typical MMO a bit more creative than normal, but nothing extremly special. Depending on what direction they go this might be a great game down the line after they have added in more player interactive content. You just don't feel like you are a part of a living breathing world and that is what MMO's are suppose to be about.
Maybe if I would have joined a clan as the above poster suggested it would have been a bit different. I am not totally turned off by this game just didn't get the level of enjoyment I was looking for sustained over a long period of playing which is what gets a person to plunk down $15 to keep playing.
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Sorry, have to completely disagree with you on the untalkative community. That is absolutely not true on Apocalypse. The community there is bustling and never shuts up. There are always several people chatting away in each zone I enter. The towns last night were hopping in the lowbie sections (I play Mutant btw, Tocada, Omphala, Bloodfarm) as I was looking for some guns of my crafting level. Maybe you need to switch servers if you are looking for more interaction.
Not getting the whole disapointed view on the game but, to each his own. At least you made it to level 10 before deciding and even though you called INC, "ICS", which at the lower levels is something you see all the time, at least you gave it a shot and killed a few critters as well as spent time "stuck on a rut".
If the game isn't for you, do not waste your time playing it. There are several other games out there; surely one will float your boat. You are right, this is a very fast (think you meant fast) paced mmorpg and yes it is an mmo.
The graphics are rockin and up until last night I had not had any lag at all. (Not sure if it was the patch they did yesterday causing the lag or the fact that there were just people everywhere but I am hoping it will get fixed asap. )
Auto Assault still gets a 9.8 from me taking hits in the sound department due to the continuous looping fire sound I somehow keep getting stuck with that makes me want to blow the entire damn world up. Simple workaround (zone into another area and it goes away) but INC is just NOT fast enough when that noise is steady pissing me off.
You don't like AA? Hey no crime there, to each their own. I like it.
However, I'm not sure why you saw the need to take it a step further and claiming AA is not an MMO. That just cheapens your review and makes you sound like fanboi of a different game. Not saying you are, but that is the impression it gives.
AA is in fact an MMO whether you enjoy it or not. There are few players, the servers are empty and sometimes the chat channels are quiet. So it is an MMO that unfortunately is struggling to attract new players. But, it IS an MMO. Maybe I am being nit-picky, hey it is still early and I need coffee
I havent tried the game yet, but used to play Interstate back in the good ole days of computers.
If its anything like that game, I am pretty sure I will enjoy it. And pics/movies reminds me of that old game twisted metal during my college years
Unfortantely I dont have time to play any mmo's now due to RL situations (wife, kids, pets and the whole white picket fence stuff). I forgot to mention my computer system is down till my buy myself a new gaming pc system as well. Ahh
My laptop just doesnt cut it with some of the games out there now and still playing Ultima Online casually.
But once I get that nice paycheck, I may have to check this one out myself on my new pc.
As a leading member of the AA community, and opperating a Dedicated Radio Station to the community. I have to agree with the comments about the silence of the community. The game is very single player, there is no need to enter into convoys. The game is quite simple over all (unless your a mutant which suffers from a lack of quests [many broken or missing]).
Give it some time, the next big patch (the first since going live) Should do a lot to fix the problems.
Keep moving.
It's definately different depending on server/zone/time. Sometimes you will find people chatting, and sometimes it does appear to be quite dead. One of the things that holds back chat from AA is the combat system. It's very involved and you don't have time to stop and chat while you're in combat. This is very different from most of the click and wait MMOs where you can easily throw in some chatter. Unless you're on your way to or from combat you're not going to be able to chat it up with the locals.
Also, the game isn't for everyone, and we can all understand that. It is however a very fun and unique game. Maybe give it more time to get into it and get accustomed to how things work. Level 10 is good and all, but you could really get into the game more, particularly if you find a good guild to join. It's the same in that aspect as other MMOs. If you are with a good group of people, it makes the game and its social aspects a TON better and a lot more fun. Hopefully you'll give AA more time. We could use all the good mature players we can get...
I hoped for more complexity and immersion: need for gas and ammo (prevalent theme in Mad Max ^_^), first person view, the possibility to leave your car and continue on foot (why a detailed chara creation when all you can do is walk around in small towns to talk to NPC vendors from time to time?) etc etc.
I had fun to start with and the crafting is interesting but here are some of the problems i see after 14 levels that i haven't seen mentioned.
Almost all the missions revolve around killing Pikes or the Mutant plants/creatures, there aren't enough different mobs. Also the terrain varies from desert to arid apart from the odd green mutant areas. I really believe, however superficial it sounds that varied terrain and lots of different mobs keep people interested, even if the missions are samey.
It really bugs me that you can't leave the zone you are in until you are a certain level, that makes it more like a game and less realistic. Why not open the gates and let people get killed by the high level mobs if they venture out?
Pretty much all the armour looks the same, and the guns fire looks the same. (if you can see it at all) You can barely tell when you've changed something on your vehicle. Again, superficial but all these small superficial things keep people interested for longer and make a difference. If people are busy being excited over their new piece of kit, or looking around at the new wildlife or landscape, they forget that basicly they are doing the same thing over and over, which lets face it, you have to in almost all mmo's
And an increase of the icon size for things in your store would be good, because being an old fart i can barely see what the small ones are!
Nothing Twisted Radio Hasn't Talked about on our talk shows. (have since been banned because of show content). The game has is issues, but with the next patch hopefully it will seem like less of a beta. They released the free trial accounts to early.
Pretty much what you see at lower lvl's is what you get in the higher ones. Missions are all about the same. There is more chat in the higher lvl's because that is where pretty much anyone who is sticking around is.
It's a nice game to play if you need a break from something else. It's still in production and will get better in time.
Keep moving.
Oh and skill system instead of classes
I feel a need to reply to this one.
First off, for you folks new to the game, this is NOT Mad Max. At all. The only similarities are it's post-apoc and it's got cars. But it's a whole different world.
Second, level 10 is still new level, Tier 1. You need to get to near level 20 before you have access to the second tier zone, and only if you're not still on the trial account.
Third, the storyline progresses through many many levels. The most story-driven faction is the Mutants, with a storyline that rivals a good single-player RPG. Probably the least story-driven faction is the Humans. Humans level fastest. Mutants level slowest. Biomeks are in between in both storyline and levelling.
Because of the pace of combat, and the massive amount of mobs, it is VERY difficult to "chat" in this game, unless you take a break in a town or rest stop. You are ALWAYS on the move, driving and fighting. Also, most of the chat takes place in Guild Chat rather than in the general chat channels. But even so, because of the pace, chat is limited to short answers with long pauses in between. You're just too busy to be typing a lot in this one. It IS an MMO, though, and a pretty unqiue one at that. Voice support CAN make for a chattier experience through the use of TS or Ventrillo if your guild supports it, but if you've got problems with voice-activated voice chat and need to push to talk, then you're still back to the same problem. You need your hands to drive and fight. In-game voice support is limited to convoys (i.e., groups) and is push-to-talk.
As you level, your options in combat become greater thru the acquisiton of skills. This is similar to most MMOs. Consumables, for buffing, healing and causing damage are also available. There's a very interesting crafting system that, once learned, can improve many facets of your gear and character.
Admittedly, as with most new ventures, there are the usual bugs and inconsistencies that still need to be worked out. A large patch addressing many of these will be forthcoming within a couple of weeks, and we are ALL looking forward to it with great anticipation. It will address not only bugs, but also add content to smooth over some Mission Gaps that are found in levelling, and some problems with the crafting system. But the game runs, and runs well, for all that.
The End Game is still largely underdeveloped but revolves around factional PvP. I'm a long-time opponent of PvP, a true Carebear, if you will, mostly because I suck so badly at it. But with Auto Assault, I'm looking forward to the PvP aspect of the game because of the lack of any Death Penalty other than being INC'd back to spot away from where you were. There are tournaments throughout the evening pitting level ranges against each other in 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 battles in an arena. Yup, I've lost these but had a blast while losing. For the no-dealth-penalty-sux folks, I always say: "I don't mind losing. I mind losing time and stuf." So it's great to be able to take my bad hand-eye coordination into a fight and at least know that, if I lose, I'm not rolling back my XP or losing any hard-earned gear. But the real endgame and PvP occurs in Ground Zero, the spot around the crash site of the alien vessel that started the mess humanity finds itself in. All three factions vie for control of outposts and mysterious alien obelisks and just generally blow the crap out of each other. Hopefully, as the game matures, we'll see a more goal driven factional PvP. They needed to get a couple of large bugs worked out of the Ground Zero area first, and The Patch promises to fix those things so the devs can finally start to really roll on new content. And, yeah, I've been blown up repeatedly by a stealthed little motorbike human player (I'm a mutant) as I tried to take the final Obelisk in my big van. OK, he was probably level 80 to my 66, but still, it was a lot of fun.
And that's the thing I like most about Auto Assault: It's a lot of fun. It's completely different from any other MMO in terms of setting, mechanics, crafting and style. It's mission/story driven (at least to level 60) without the repetitive grind of killing thousands of genre-rats for XP. In AA, XP is by FAR larger from missions than from killing stuf, but you have to blow up a LOT of stuf to complete the missions.
As for the missions themselves, well, I challenge you to come up with a mission type for any game that isn't:
1. Kill X creatures
2. Bring X item to Y NPC (or kill X creatures to collect Y number of items to bring to Z NPC)
3. Escort X to Point Y
4. Patrol Waypoints
5. Defend installation from onslaught
There's just not a whole lot of other mission types that folks in the MMO genre have come up with yet. The nice thing about Auto Assault (or not...your point of view) is that a large part of the fun is reading the mission text. There's intrigue, pathos,'s a pretty well-written game, especially for a MMO. So keep an open mind with this one. It's might be a niche game, and you might well not like it, but it IS something very different, and I, for one, find the lack of elves to be a Good Thing.
-- Xix
"I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
The graphics were nice and all but yeah, just didnt really hook me. Anyone else feel that right off the bat?
Played in beta, had 2 level 40ish characters, had alot of fun, Game went live and i bought it, quit before the free month ran out. Progress from beta to live was almost unnoticable, server population was terriable. The poster that said this is a mmo wraped in an action game package really was spot on. Once the first "oh shit this is cool, i'm blowin shit up and runnin people over" impression wears off, its really a pretty bland game.
Anyway from now on ill try to pass every game that comes from NCSOFT because i dont like their politics...they look only after money in my opinion. GL with this game.
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