Still waiting for reaganomics to trickle down to the working class and ever shrinking middle class. It's been 40 years. Maybe it takes longer?
All of this hopeful unicorns and rainbow imaginings of the future effects of Crypto, NFTs, W3 and what have you in gaming where the poor find a better life game doesn't just sound stupendously naive to me, it's an old song and dance I've heard and seen countless times before.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting unicorns and rainbows, world peace and sharing the wealth but when it's the money people telling me that this is what they're up to this time around, pardon me if I default to my "Bullshit! Show me" attitude.
You're not waiting for it to happen. The only thing missing is for you to notice that it happened.
Americans tend to be a lot wealthier today than we were 40 years ago. Smartphones, broadband internet, cars with many tiny computers inside, and a lot of other things that were rare to non-existent 40 years ago are ubiquitous today. Sometimes people try to fold that into the cost of living as though nothing has changed, but that's completely wrong. A lot has changed.
The sort of economic gains that Americans have made in the last 40 years (or nearly any other 40-year period in the country's history) were unheard of in recorded human history before the 18th century.
And that's far from unique to America. Plenty of other countries made dramatic gains in wealth over the same period. Several eastern Asian countries went from poor to rich shockingly quickly (and faster than America did) by figuring out how the West had gotten rich and copying some key features.
But it's hardly inevitable that countries become wealthier with the passage of time. Venezuela is a lot poorer today than it was 25 years ago. Cuba is a lot poorer today than it was 65 years ago, when it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Something (or more likely, a lot of things) has worked fantastically well for America's economy over the course of the last 40 years. Any topline economic statistic has an enormous number of inputs, so there's plenty of room to argue as to exactly what factors actually caused the economic growth as opposed to merely occurring at the same time.
But America's economic trajectory has been about what you'd have expected if Reagan's economic plans worked as intended. And that was the verdict at the time, too: he won a majority in 49 states in his re-election bid.
Does that mean that cryptocurrencies will pan out? No, of course not. Plenty of things that were done in the last 40 years in America didn't work out. But I am saying that your first paragraph is ridiculous.
You are usually a sensible poster, so instead of mocking I'll just leave this here.
"The middle class, once the economic stratum of a clear majority of American adults, has steadily contracted in the past five decades. The share of adults who live in middle-class households fell from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2021, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data."
There's only about a hundred other studies which support this observation, been going on since before Ron was ever in office.
You want to use technology examples? In 1973 my grandfather purchased a 13 inch color TV for my Grandmother's kitchen, it cost over $400.
You can't look at tech improvements as an indicator of increasing wealth, I remember when long distance phone calls were 35 cents per minute, nights after 11pm and weekends only, much higher in the daytime.
My phone bills in the early 80s averaged around $150 a month, almost as much as my electric bill in the summer at my apartment.
60% of the school children in my county are on the government assisted lunch and breakfast programs.
We most certainly are not getting wealthier as a society overall, even if you see the homeless person walking down the street with their Smart Phone. (Govt assistance provides those here as well)
You can't just ignore technology differences. Advances in technology are almost the entire reason that we're wealthier today than people were 3000 years ago. If you ignore that and focus purely on inequality, then you'll have to argue that we're poorer today than some ancient societies in which basically everyone was dirt poor by today's standards. Surely that can't be right as a measure of wealth.
The old line (which predates Reagan's presidency) is that a rising tide lifts all boats. And it pretty much has. It didn't make them more equal. That wasn't the goal of Reagan's economic proposals.
Indeed, while technology has made nearly everyone a lot wealthier than we would be without it, technology has also had a tendency to widen economic inequalities. A thousand years ago, perhaps one person could harvest more wheat (or any other crop) in a day than another, but it wasn't typically an enormous difference. There weren't people who could harvest a thousand times as much wheat as an average person.
Today, if one person has modern machinery and another has to do the same task by hand, the former might well be a hundred or a thousand times as productive as the latter. Even given the same equipment, the labor of the very best in some creative pursuits is sometimes worth hundreds of times as much as the labor of others in the same profession. (Think of pro athletes, movie stars, etc.)
So yes, technology has widened economic inequality. But it has done so by making the poor twenty or fifty or a hundred times as wealthy as they would otherwise be, while making the rich thousands of times as wealthy. You can argue as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing if you like, but it's indisputable that that means everyone is wealthier.
Second, quoting any particular statistic at a single point in time doesn't prove anything about how it has changed over time.
Well this is getting derailed enough into partisan US politics so I'll just leave you to search for that data yourself - it's readily available and clearly shows how the "trickle down" part was just the sales pitch for a scheme to enable the 1% to increase their wealth to obscene levels while the trickle was just that, a tiny little trickle.
The "trickle down" was never part of the sales pitch. That was part of the left's caricature of Reagan's policies. To flip to the other side of the political spectrum, that's like claiming that death panels were part of the sales pitch for Obamacare. Part of the debate, perhaps, but certainly not the sales pitch.
"The middle class, once the economic stratum of a clear majority of American adults, has steadily contracted in the past five decades. The share of adults who live in middle-class households fell from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2021, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data."
That depends very heavily on how the study is done. If you define "middle class" as something in relative terms, then you're talking purely about inequality and not about whether everyone is getting richer or poorer. That's irrelevant to the discussion.
If you define "middle class" as being some particular income band that is kept fixed across time (or rather, adjusted for inflation but not economic growth), then plenty of studies have indeed found that the middle class is shrinking--and that the class of poor is also shrinking. More people are becoming wealthy. Which is my point.
Even if it suvives a while I got a bunch of friends online that are broke but know how to make bots that would love this game
I mean, you don't need to "make" bots. The game is a bot. Everything is auto farm anyways, they would just need to open a few instances of the game and run it. Then just afk all day. There is an afk logout but it only executes if you afk in a menu for a long time.
Doubt it would be worth the effort though, since it's a very time intensive game if you want to get high enough to increase your territe cap to a point where it might be profitable weekly for a single character.
There's two ways it could go. Whales buy it all to control the market and artificially raise prices, probably in preparation for staking rewards, or farmers oversell and its nearly worthless for a long time until the population starts to drop off.
I'm really interested in seeing which way it will go.
That is completely irrelevant to the dispute at hand on two grounds.
First, if in real terms, the poor become twice as rich, while the rich become three times as rich, then everyone is better off. That will also make inequality wider, and so the gini index goes up.
Second, quoting any particular statistic at a single point in time doesn't prove anything about how it has changed over time.
The article works on the assumption that all whales will be buying into the crypto, but does make good points.
The thing is, because territe is needed so badly, people likely won't even consider selling it. You get a minimum of 50 per day through dailies, which already goes into upgrades. On the point of Asterite, it doesn't even have value considering you need a lot to even spend it, and the fact that it's something that'd be spent.
As for auto-play, it's welcomed after doing a series of bosses. Tab-target MMORPGs aren't exactly any different, and evasion barely ever exists in those, you just facetank everything. People also seem surprised that companies have suddenly started making their own currencies. Does no one remember the days of Nexon cash?
Far too often people overlook our established past and history, with all that has existed before-hand. Likewise, people are quick to judge because of someone else's impression. Life isn't Twitter, you need to make your own opinions at some point.
I Dont Care about both of those i play it for the story which is btw fantastic so far and after that iam done with the game.
I wish it was that easy. It feels like I get stuck just trying to go through the story because I'm too low on power.
Usually these kinds of games give you a big power boost if you level alts but I'm not seeing it. I don't know if I'll be able to stick it out for the story if it's a long one. It feels like around level 40 of so you hit a bit wall.
Level 40 is the first wall. From then on, all recommended CP is ridiculous, and thus requires manual play to get by. Basically, the story quests make it function like any other MMO, you need to dodge and kite. Generic mobs aren't exactly deadly at that point, though, just story specific enemies. It's not a marathon, too, they expect people to play as people please.
The alts here don't really add much to CP, either, the idea is to get them to 20 at minimum for the extra inventory space. Leveling wise isn't that difficult either. Like any other MMO, it relies on EXP boosters. Use those, make use of afk parties, find areas that suit you best or grind in the chaos dungeon, and you'll be set. Lower rarities are also important because people keep thinking highest rarities is best. It may be a gacha, but it's also an MMO. They can't expect you to have absolutely zero means of progression.
It's really basic stuff in the long run, and that basic nature, in turn, is why the crypto collection is negligible. There are worse games getting away with far worse things. Put in perspective, the crypo in Ni no Kuni isn't going to make much compared to a game with a "$24.99" skin. People are actually defending that practice by saying "you don't need to spend on it" or "you're poor". With that logic, we don't need anything as everything is meaningless. That defense, by the way, is used towards fellow players who want a game they're enjoying to have BETTER practices. It's a crime to want better. Unironically, those same players happen to be obvious Americans. When you need to justify your spending, you've got problems. Respect and be respected, yeesh. That money leaves America's economy to begin with, so no one but, in that specific case, China/Signapore, wins.
Also a friendly reminder that is a game. Games are SUPPOSED to be fun. If you're not having fun, then like any other book, it's probably not for you. "To each, their own" they say.
my main concern was whether or not this crap was going to have some built in crypto miner that uses your gpu to farm crypto while you play
thats not the case, so some random NFT garbage doesnt bother me. im actively playing this, and checking in, its typical mobile auto play mmo but actually voice acted, and in an IP thats cool, with a ghibli artstyle which works well.
you can write all the scathing crap about it, but in terms of shady practices i think deceptive gambling loot boxes which you promoted and encouraged all games to have is far worse and directly impactful to audiences than some random NFT with a negative value . having children forced to participate in gambling under the age of gambling laws is way worse than random nft. and the logic of having some currency that lasts between franchises and games dates back to uplay points
The fact it's a blockchain game is the primary reason most people are playing it. Why would I waste my time playing another game when this one is paying me to play? And it's not like it's not entertaining.
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
The fact it's a blockchain game is the primary reason most people are playing it. Why would I waste my time playing another game when this one is paying me to play? And it's not like it's not entertaining.
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
Where exactly did you get that the author disliked crypto from the article? If anything the p2w was the main problem here.
Plus most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all. Mobile players have no idea theres even an exchange. I play on mobile and they never tell you theres blockchain at all.
Still waiting for reaganomics to trickle down to the working class and ever shrinking middle class. It's been 40 years. Maybe it takes longer?
All of this hopeful unicorns and rainbow imaginings of the future effects of Crypto, NFTs, W3 and what have you in gaming where the poor find a better life game doesn't just sound stupendously naive to me, it's an old song and dance I've heard and seen countless times before.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting unicorns and rainbows, world peace and sharing the wealth but when it's the money people telling me that this is what they're up to this time around, pardon me if I default to my "Bullshit! Show me" attitude.
You're not waiting for it to happen. The only thing missing is for you to notice that it happened.
Americans tend to be a lot wealthier today than we were 40 years ago. Smartphones, broadband internet, cars with many tiny computers inside, and a lot of other things that were rare to non-existent 40 years ago are ubiquitous today. Sometimes people try to fold that into the cost of living as though nothing has changed, but that's completely wrong. A lot has changed.
The sort of economic gains that Americans have made in the last 40 years (or nearly any other 40-year period in the country's history) were unheard of in recorded human history before the 18th century.
And that's far from unique to America. Plenty of other countries made dramatic gains in wealth over the same period. Several eastern Asian countries went from poor to rich shockingly quickly (and faster than America did) by figuring out how the West had gotten rich and copying some key features.
But it's hardly inevitable that countries become wealthier with the passage of time. Venezuela is a lot poorer today than it was 25 years ago. Cuba is a lot poorer today than it was 65 years ago, when it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Something (or more likely, a lot of things) has worked fantastically well for America's economy over the course of the last 40 years. Any topline economic statistic has an enormous number of inputs, so there's plenty of room to argue as to exactly what factors actually caused the economic growth as opposed to merely occurring at the same time.
But America's economic trajectory has been about what you'd have expected if Reagan's economic plans worked as intended. And that was the verdict at the time, too: he won a majority in 49 states in his re-election bid.
Does that mean that cryptocurrencies will pan out? No, of course not. Plenty of things that were done in the last 40 years in America didn't work out. But I am saying that your first paragraph is ridiculous.
You are usually a sensible poster, so instead of mocking I'll just leave this here.
"The middle class, once the economic stratum of a clear majority of American adults, has steadily contracted in the past five decades. The share of adults who live in middle-class households fell from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2021, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data."
There's only about a hundred other studies which support this observation, been going on since before Ron was ever in office.
You want to use technology examples? In 1973 my grandfather purchased a 13 inch color TV for my Grandmother's kitchen, it cost over $400.
You can't look at tech improvements as an indicator of increasing wealth, I remember when long distance phone calls were 35 cents per minute, nights after 11pm and weekends only, much higher in the daytime.
My phone bills in the early 80s averaged around $150 a month, almost as much as my electric bill in the summer at my apartment.
60% of the school children in my county are on the government assisted lunch and breakfast programs.
We most certainly are not getting wealthier as a society overall, even if you see the homeless person walking down the street with their Smart Phone. (Govt assistance provides those here as well)
You can't just ignore technology differences. Advances in technology are almost the entire reason that we're wealthier today than people were 3000 years ago. If you ignore that and focus purely on inequality, then you'll have to argue that we're poorer today than some ancient societies in which basically everyone was dirt poor by today's standards. Surely that can't be right as a measure of wealth.
The old line (which predates Reagan's presidency) is that a rising tide lifts all boats. And it pretty much has. It didn't make them more equal. That wasn't the goal of Reagan's economic proposals.
Indeed, while technology has made nearly everyone a lot wealthier than we would be without it, technology has also had a tendency to widen economic inequalities. A thousand years ago, perhaps one person could harvest more wheat (or any other crop) in a day than another, but it wasn't typically an enormous difference. There weren't people who could harvest a thousand times as much wheat as an average person.
Today, if one person has modern machinery and another has to do the same task by hand, the former might well be a hundred or a thousand times as productive as the latter. Even given the same equipment, the labor of the very best in some creative pursuits is sometimes worth hundreds of times as much as the labor of others in the same profession. (Think of pro athletes, movie stars, etc.)
So yes, technology has widened economic inequality. But it has done so by making the poor twenty or fifty or a hundred times as wealthy as they would otherwise be, while making the rich thousands of times as wealthy. You can argue as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing if you like, but it's indisputable that that means everyone is wealthier.
Woo boy, the just of this post seems to be trickle down economics didn't work, but it's okay because technology made everyone's lives better.
The fact it's a blockchain game is the primary reason most people are playing it. Why would I waste my time playing another game when this one is paying me to play? And it's not like it's not entertaining.
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
Where exactly did you get that the author disliked crypto from the article? If anything the p2w was the main problem here.
Plus most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all. Mobile players have no idea theres even an exchange. I play on mobile and they never tell you theres blockchain at all.
I can't take you seriously if you didn't even read the title:
"...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
"most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all"
False. Do a quick googletrends and you'll see that the majority of the players are from the Philippines and Filipinos are the #1 consumer of Play-to-Earn Games. It's not an accident. Filipino trendsetting is the reason P2E is even a thing - it's the SNS capital of the world for a reason.
The fact it's a blockchain game is the primary reason most people are playing it. Why would I waste my time playing another game when this one is paying me to play? And it's not like it's not entertaining.
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
Where exactly did you get that the author disliked crypto from the article? If anything the p2w was the main problem here.
Plus most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all. Mobile players have no idea theres even an exchange. I play on mobile and they never tell you theres blockchain at all.
I can't take you seriously if you didn't even read the title:
"...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
"most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all"
False. Do a quick googletrends and you'll see that the majority of the players are from the Philippines and Filipinos are the #1 consumer of Play-to-Earn Games. It's not an accident. Filipino trendsetting is the reason P2E is even a thing - it's the SNS capital of the world for a reason.
lol so you only read the title. Got it.
Google trends doesn't tell you where the majority of players are from just what countries are searching for the most. It kind of validates my point too. If people in the philippines are searching for information on the game (because ni no kuni is not even on the leaderboard of downloaded apps in the philippines, whereas MIR4 is in the top 3) or attempting to look for ways to sell territe, it only validates that most players that aren't interested in in crypto trading likely don't even know about it.
Unless you think that the majority of players for the game at this junction out of the entire worldwide market are primarily from the philippines. It's fine if you do but it's also important to know that servers are segregated by region, as well are play store statistics, so as much as you could be right about the popularity in the philippines, other regions are still downloading and playing the game.
And even according to your google trends statistics there is a very low number of searches related to the crypto aspects of the game.
And if you really think about it it's highly likely the majority of players worldwide are playing the game via mobile, where the PC version is the primary way those who want to sell territe will want to play. So of course you're going to have far more searches for the game in regions where you will be searching for a way to download the PC version over other regions where they are simply downloading the game off of an app store that google trends is not tracking.
Still waiting for reaganomics to trickle down to the working class and ever shrinking middle class. It's been 40 years. Maybe it takes longer?
All of this hopeful unicorns and rainbow imaginings of the future effects of Crypto, NFTs, W3 and what have you in gaming where the poor find a better life game doesn't just sound stupendously naive to me, it's an old song and dance I've heard and seen countless times before.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting unicorns and rainbows, world peace and sharing the wealth but when it's the money people telling me that this is what they're up to this time around, pardon me if I default to my "Bullshit! Show me" attitude.
You're not waiting for it to happen. The only thing missing is for you to notice that it happened.
Americans tend to be a lot wealthier today than we were 40 years ago. Smartphones, broadband internet, cars with many tiny computers inside, and a lot of other things that were rare to non-existent 40 years ago are ubiquitous today. Sometimes people try to fold that into the cost of living as though nothing has changed, but that's completely wrong. A lot has changed.
The sort of economic gains that Americans have made in the last 40 years (or nearly any other 40-year period in the country's history) were unheard of in recorded human history before the 18th century.
And that's far from unique to America. Plenty of other countries made dramatic gains in wealth over the same period. Several eastern Asian countries went from poor to rich shockingly quickly (and faster than America did) by figuring out how the West had gotten rich and copying some key features.
But it's hardly inevitable that countries become wealthier with the passage of time. Venezuela is a lot poorer today than it was 25 years ago. Cuba is a lot poorer today than it was 65 years ago, when it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Something (or more likely, a lot of things) has worked fantastically well for America's economy over the course of the last 40 years. Any topline economic statistic has an enormous number of inputs, so there's plenty of room to argue as to exactly what factors actually caused the economic growth as opposed to merely occurring at the same time.
But America's economic trajectory has been about what you'd have expected if Reagan's economic plans worked as intended. And that was the verdict at the time, too: he won a majority in 49 states in his re-election bid.
Does that mean that cryptocurrencies will pan out? No, of course not. Plenty of things that were done in the last 40 years in America didn't work out. But I am saying that your first paragraph is ridiculous.
You are usually a sensible poster, so instead of mocking I'll just leave this here.
"The middle class, once the economic stratum of a clear majority of American adults, has steadily contracted in the past five decades. The share of adults who live in middle-class households fell from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2021, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data."
There's only about a hundred other studies which support this observation, been going on since before Ron was ever in office.
You want to use technology examples? In 1973 my grandfather purchased a 13 inch color TV for my Grandmother's kitchen, it cost over $400.
You can't look at tech improvements as an indicator of increasing wealth, I remember when long distance phone calls were 35 cents per minute, nights after 11pm and weekends only, much higher in the daytime.
My phone bills in the early 80s averaged around $150 a month, almost as much as my electric bill in the summer at my apartment.
60% of the school children in my county are on the government assisted lunch and breakfast programs.
We most certainly are not getting wealthier as a society overall, even if you see the homeless person walking down the street with their Smart Phone. (Govt assistance provides those here as well)
You can't just ignore technology differences. Advances in technology are almost the entire reason that we're wealthier today than people were 3000 years ago. If you ignore that and focus purely on inequality, then you'll have to argue that we're poorer today than some ancient societies in which basically everyone was dirt poor by today's standards. Surely that can't be right as a measure of wealth.
The old line (which predates Reagan's presidency) is that a rising tide lifts all boats. And it pretty much has. It didn't make them more equal. That wasn't the goal of Reagan's economic proposals.
Indeed, while technology has made nearly everyone a lot wealthier than we would be without it, technology has also had a tendency to widen economic inequalities. A thousand years ago, perhaps one person could harvest more wheat (or any other crop) in a day than another, but it wasn't typically an enormous difference. There weren't people who could harvest a thousand times as much wheat as an average person.
Today, if one person has modern machinery and another has to do the same task by hand, the former might well be a hundred or a thousand times as productive as the latter. Even given the same equipment, the labor of the very best in some creative pursuits is sometimes worth hundreds of times as much as the labor of others in the same profession. (Think of pro athletes, movie stars, etc.)
So yes, technology has widened economic inequality. But it has done so by making the poor twenty or fifty or a hundred times as wealthy as they would otherwise be, while making the rich thousands of times as wealthy. You can argue as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing if you like, but it's indisputable that that means everyone is wealthier.
The poor used to have no shoes, kids running around London streets in bare feet, today some still insist they still exist, where as low income is the reality. So our societies have come on leaps and bounds in solving that issue, but not according to some, if you need to move the goalposts it is an indicator that your argument is dubious. Which was what happened so now we have the "energy poor" (long before the crisis) and so on, the goal posts have moved.
Incidentally we are not in an energy crisis currently but the media will never call an issue a "substantial problem" when it can call it something more dramatic and fearful.
But that's all rather political so I will leave it there for this thread.
And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
That's an interesting change of trend. Players are/were usually condemning P2W practices because it goes entirely against the very definition of what is/was a game.
Now it seems that we have a category of players that don't mind it or even embrace it.
And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
That's an interesting change of trend. Players are/were usually condemning P2W practices because it goes entirely against the very definition of what is/was a game.
Now it seems that we have a category of players that don't mind it or even embrace it.
In my book, that is a huge cultural change.
I posted this in the Diablo Immortal thread because it seemed more relevant, and I don't want to spam it, but I'll repost it here because I think it really illustrates your point of how perspectives have changed.
In a game where the motivation to spend is to be be strong fast - buying equipment and levels etc, like MMORPGs, let the whalers whale. They need to have a motivation to spend.
In games where skins is a good enough motivator to spend - like competive games / esports like Starcraft (your example), FPS, Fighting Games & MOBAs for example, P2E can co-exist with Not-P2W.
Blockchain will simply legalize the RMT that's happening in MMOs anyway. It's just a tool and how devs design their game around it so that it's hard to bot farm (like a skill-based, not stat-based mmo/game), is the challenge.
It will be interesting to see how fast they crack down on the bots because this time their profits are at risk. Then we can all see what we knew all along, that they never bothered to before.
The fact it's a blockchain game is the primary reason most people are playing it. Why would I waste my time playing another game when this one is paying me to play? And it's not like it's not entertaining.
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
Where exactly did you get that the author disliked crypto from the article? If anything the p2w was the main problem here.
Plus most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all. Mobile players have no idea theres even an exchange. I play on mobile and they never tell you theres blockchain at all.
I can't take you seriously if you didn't even read the title:
"...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
"most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all"
False. Do a quick googletrends and you'll see that the majority of the players are from the Philippines and Filipinos are the #1 consumer of Play-to-Earn Games. It's not an accident. Filipino trendsetting is the reason P2E is even a thing - it's the SNS capital of the world for a reason.
lol so you only read the title. Got it.
Google trends doesn't tell you where the majority of players are from just what countries are searching for the most. It kind of validates my point too. If people in the philippines are searching for information on the game (because ni no kuni is not even on the leaderboard of downloaded apps in the philippines, whereas MIR4 is in the top 3) or attempting to look for ways to sell territe, it only validates that most players that aren't interested in in crypto trading likely don't even know about it.
Unless you think that the majority of players for the game at this junction out of the entire worldwide market are primarily from the philippines. It's fine if you do but it's also important to know that servers are segregated by region, as well are play store statistics, so as much as you could be right about the popularity in the philippines, other regions are still downloading and playing the game.
And even according to your google trends statistics there is a very low number of searches related to the crypto aspects of the game.
And if you really think about it it's highly likely the majority of players worldwide are playing the game via mobile, where the PC version is the primary way those who want to sell territe will want to play. So of course you're going to have far more searches for the game in regions where you will be searching for a way to download the PC version over other regions where they are simply downloading the game off of an app store that google trends is not tracking.
You: "Where exactly did you get that the author disliked crypto from the article?"
The title "...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
You: "lol so you only read the title. Got it. "
I showed you exactly why I'm right so you use a strawman. Lame. XD
You: "because ni no kuni is not even on the leaderboard of downloaded apps in the philippines"
It will be interesting to see how fast they crack down on the bots because this time their profits are at risk. Then we can all see what we knew all along, that they never bothered to before.
Yes it's all down to the bot-handling. How to prevent, or better, how to deprive them of earning. And the answer to that is skill-based earning mechanics (where the lowest tiers don't earn anything coz bots vs bots). For example a non-stat based PvP system similar to the one used by Dragon Nest M where the equipment and stats are set and only the Class Abilities are decided on by the player. They earn a different token there from Territe called Astralite.
NNK has this mechanic but it's P2W (character and equipment stats are applied), it's not perfect but hopefully no amount of buffed-character botting could auto-dodge opponents. I'm not in the upper leagues yet so I have no idea what the botting situation is there on PvP.
If a P2E game economy crashes, its playerbase will likely move to a different game unless the gameplay is really really good.
Lemme guess, you're gonna argue that it's not above Youtube in terms of most downloaded apps? XDDD
That's not a strawman, that's a straight up fact. You took an author with a recurring column about blockchain and said they were against crypto, because you think the title sounded negative. LOL
Straight up, ni no kuni isn't even on the top leaderboard of free apps or grossing apps
Even on the same page you chose, you're only taking a snapshot of a SINGLE DAY, which is based around the trend of a single day.
It's nowhere near above YouTube in terms of most downloaded apps....
You look at the snapshot of a single day and suddenly ni no kuni, which just released, is the most popular app in the philippines? LOL C'mon son, you're better than that. Just understand the data you're posting. Even just switching the date from one day to the next and your rankings fall apart on sensor tower....
And even aside from it, you still didn't refute my points at all about the trending searches, or the points that the primary reason to search for ni no kuni, mostly in the philippines is because those players are trying to find out how to use the exchange for crypto, whereas the majority of the world isn't.
Which would put the entire premise of your argument in the wrong, because before DIablo Immortal released the game was in the top 5 of free game downloads in the US.
Which means that it was at least somewhat popular for a time on the app store, still sitting in the top 50 today, but searches are substantially lower which means players either don't know or don't care about the crypto aspects outside of the philippines, based on your own google trends searches you're basing your information on!
Here's an idea... try not to know everything. You can't base your opinion on an authors work based on the title of an article, and you can't base the entire popularity and focus of why people are playing a game like ni no kuni on a snapshot of the trends of a few days worth of app store highlights that literally shift day to day.
It's highly probable that the only people that stick around in ni no kuni are play to earn players, it would make sense since that's the majority of mir4s population. You could be right that the philippines is the only place the game will stay popular in the long term. The big picture won't even become clear until the trading market opens, which it hasn't for nnk yet.
It will be interesting to see how fast they crack down on the bots because this time their profits are at risk. Then we can all see what we knew all along, that they never bothered to before.
Yes it's all down to the bot-handling. How to prevent, or better, how to deprive them of earning. And the answer to that is skill-based earning mechanics (where the lowest tiers don't earn anything coz bots vs bots). For example a non-stat based PvP system similar to the one used by Dragon Nest M where the equipment and stats are set and only the Class Abilities are decided on by the player. They earn a different token there from Territe called Astralite.
NNK has this mechanic but it's P2W (character and equipment stats are applied), it's not perfect but hopefully no amount of buffed-character botting could auto-dodge opponents. I'm not in the upper leagues yet so I have no idea what the botting situation is there on PvP.
If a P2E game economy crashes, its playerbase will likely move to a different game unless the gameplay is really really good.
Asterite is the only currency that you currently earn through competitive play where you can't auto play. Lava Valley will be the main earner for asterite and is completely pay to win, even if you have to manually play. Territe will never be free of botting because you earn it through farming, so they can't stop bots from farming it. They let players farm it offline. You should be earning between 100 and 200 territe a day at around level 40 between the daily and afk farming. The only way to limit territe has nothing to do with containing botting, there's no way to do it. They limit earning per day and they should restrict multiple accounts, but it's unlikely they'll be able to do that realistically.
Lemme guess, you're gonna argue that it's not above Youtube in terms of most downloaded apps? XDDD
That's not a strawman, that's a straight up fact. You took an author with a recurring column about blockchain and said they were against crypto, because you think the title sounded negative. LOL
Straight up, ni no kuni isn't even on the top leaderboard of free apps or grossing apps
Even on the same page you chose, you're only taking a snapshot of a SINGLE DAY, which is based around the trend of a single day.
It's nowhere near above YouTube in terms of most downloaded apps....
You look at the snapshot of a single day and suddenly ni no kuni, which just released, is the most popular app in the philippines? LOL C'mon son, you're better than that. Just understand the data you're posting. Even just switching the date from one day to the next and your rankings fall apart on sensor tower....
And even aside from it, you still didn't refute my points at all about the trending searches, or the points that the primary reason to search for ni no kuni, mostly in the philippines is because those players are trying to find out how to use the exchange for crypto, whereas the majority of the world isn't.
Which would put the entire premise of your argument in the wrong, because before DIablo Immortal released the game was in the top 5 of free game downloads in the US.
Which means that it was at least somewhat popular for a time on the app store, still sitting in the top 50 today, but searches are substantially lower which means players either don't know or don't care about the crypto aspects outside of the philippines, based on your own google trends searches you're basing your information on!
Here's an idea... try not to know everything. You can't base your opinion on an authors work based on the title of an article, and you can't base the entire popularity and focus of why people are playing a game like ni no kuni on a snapshot of the trends of a few days worth of app store highlights that literally shift day to day.
It's highly probable that the only people that stick around in ni no kuni are play to earn players, it would make sense since that's the majority of mir4s population. You could be right that the philippines is the only place the game will stay popular in the long term. The big picture won't even become clear until the trading market opens, which it hasn't for nnk yet.
And why is him writing that as his title my fault? He should've said it better then if he meant otherwise.
The fact that he said it's "not the worst thing" makes it at least worse in his opinion. You know this, you just refuse facts in favor of win.
And as expected, you compare NNK to other genres/apps to tilt the information accdg to your needs. XDDD
Why not compare it to Youtube, Facebook or Twitter since you're going that route? XD
I wouldn't be surprised to hear the game was sunsetting/going into maintenance mode within a year or two.
We'll know whether it has failed or nah in around 4~6 months based on the NKT & NKA prices. For it to not fail, players should want to spend coz they like the game and not because of an ingame wall. The same way people who like MOBA buy skins coz it makes em happy. I'm leaning towards it failing eventually but I love seeing this subgenre evolve with every new game after it.
Lemme guess, you're gonna argue that it's not above Youtube in terms of most downloaded apps? XDDD
That's not a strawman, that's a straight up fact. You took an author with a recurring column about blockchain and said they were against crypto, because you think the title sounded negative. LOL
Straight up, ni no kuni isn't even on the top leaderboard of free apps or grossing apps
Even on the same page you chose, you're only taking a snapshot of a SINGLE DAY, which is based around the trend of a single day.
It's nowhere near above YouTube in terms of most downloaded apps....
You look at the snapshot of a single day and suddenly ni no kuni, which just released, is the most popular app in the philippines? LOL C'mon son, you're better than that. Just understand the data you're posting. Even just switching the date from one day to the next and your rankings fall apart on sensor tower....
And even aside from it, you still didn't refute my points at all about the trending searches, or the points that the primary reason to search for ni no kuni, mostly in the philippines is because those players are trying to find out how to use the exchange for crypto, whereas the majority of the world isn't.
Which would put the entire premise of your argument in the wrong, because before DIablo Immortal released the game was in the top 5 of free game downloads in the US.
Which means that it was at least somewhat popular for a time on the app store, still sitting in the top 50 today, but searches are substantially lower which means players either don't know or don't care about the crypto aspects outside of the philippines, based on your own google trends searches you're basing your information on!
Here's an idea... try not to know everything. You can't base your opinion on an authors work based on the title of an article, and you can't base the entire popularity and focus of why people are playing a game like ni no kuni on a snapshot of the trends of a few days worth of app store highlights that literally shift day to day.
It's highly probable that the only people that stick around in ni no kuni are play to earn players, it would make sense since that's the majority of mir4s population. You could be right that the philippines is the only place the game will stay popular in the long term. The big picture won't even become clear until the trading market opens, which it hasn't for nnk yet.
And why is him writing that as his title my fault? He should've said it better then if he meant otherwise.
The fact that he said it's "not the worst thing" makes it at least worse in his opinion. You know this, you just refuse facts in favor of win.
And as expected, you compare NNK to other genres/apps to tilt the information accdg to your needs. XDDD
Why not compare it to Youtube, Facebook or Twitter since you're going that route? XD
You're the one that brought up Youtube. I literally just took the information you posted and threw it right back at you and now you're saying I'm "tilting information according to my needs". YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP.
If you can't handle it, that's on you, not on me. All the data is there for anyone to sift through. You chose not to read the article. You chose to qualify your entire premise over 1 day for 1 app in a very small subgenre. That was all on you. I broaden the picture to show you the actuality of it, and you've got nothing. I could drill down to whatever you want and still prove my point. NNK is a new game so of course it's going to be on the top of the charts mid-term, but mir4 already surpassed it again as top grossing, that's even based on the information you posted lol.
Start by learning what you're talking about before you chime in with a know it all attitude. You still haven't even broached my point... you're taking a stance on trivial daily stats because you literally have nothing else. You failed with the google trends, and you've failed with understanding your own app stats, and you couldn't get past the title of the article. I think I've got a pretty good idea of what your opinions are worth at this point.
The old line (which predates Reagan's presidency) is that a rising tide lifts all boats. And it pretty much has. It didn't make them more equal. That wasn't the goal of Reagan's economic proposals.
Indeed, while technology has made nearly everyone a lot wealthier than we would be without it, technology has also had a tendency to widen economic inequalities. A thousand years ago, perhaps one person could harvest more wheat (or any other crop) in a day than another, but it wasn't typically an enormous difference. There weren't people who could harvest a thousand times as much wheat as an average person.
Today, if one person has modern machinery and another has to do the same task by hand, the former might well be a hundred or a thousand times as productive as the latter. Even given the same equipment, the labor of the very best in some creative pursuits is sometimes worth hundreds of times as much as the labor of others in the same profession. (Think of pro athletes, movie stars, etc.)
So yes, technology has widened economic inequality. But it has done so by making the poor twenty or fifty or a hundred times as wealthy as they would otherwise be, while making the rich thousands of times as wealthy. You can argue as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing if you like, but it's indisputable that that means everyone is wealthier.
If you define "middle class" as being some particular income band that is kept fixed across time (or rather, adjusted for inflation but not economic growth), then plenty of studies have indeed found that the middle class is shrinking--and that the class of poor is also shrinking. More people are becoming wealthy. Which is my point.
Beyond the shadows there's always light
Doubt it would be worth the effort though, since it's a very time intensive game if you want to get high enough to increase your territe cap to a point where it might be profitable weekly for a single character.
There's two ways it could go. Whales buy it all to control the market and artificially raise prices, probably in preparation for staking rewards, or farmers oversell and its nearly worthless for a long time until the population starts to drop off.
I'm really interested in seeing which way it will go.
The thing is, because territe is needed so badly, people likely won't even consider selling it. You get a minimum of 50 per day through dailies, which already goes into upgrades. On the point of Asterite, it doesn't even have value considering you need a lot to even spend it, and the fact that it's something that'd be spent.
As for auto-play, it's welcomed after doing a series of bosses. Tab-target MMORPGs aren't exactly any different, and evasion barely ever exists in those, you just facetank everything. People also seem surprised that companies have suddenly started making their own currencies. Does no one remember the days of Nexon cash?
Far too often people overlook our established past and history, with all that has existed before-hand. Likewise, people are quick to judge because of someone else's impression. Life isn't Twitter, you need to make your own opinions at some point.
Level 40 is the first wall. From then on, all recommended CP is ridiculous, and thus requires manual play to get by. Basically, the story quests make it function like any other MMO, you need to dodge and kite. Generic mobs aren't exactly deadly at that point, though, just story specific enemies. It's not a marathon, too, they expect people to play as people please.
The alts here don't really add much to CP, either, the idea is to get them to 20 at minimum for the extra inventory space. Leveling wise isn't that difficult either. Like any other MMO, it relies on EXP boosters. Use those, make use of afk parties, find areas that suit you best or grind in the chaos dungeon, and you'll be set. Lower rarities are also important because people keep thinking highest rarities is best. It may be a gacha, but it's also an MMO. They can't expect you to have absolutely zero means of progression.
It's really basic stuff in the long run, and that basic nature, in turn, is why the crypto collection is negligible. There are worse games getting away with far worse things. Put in perspective, the crypo in Ni no Kuni isn't going to make much compared to a game with a "$24.99" skin. People are actually defending that practice by saying "you don't need to spend on it" or "you're poor". With that logic, we don't need anything as everything is meaningless. That defense, by the way, is used towards fellow players who want a game they're enjoying to have BETTER practices. It's a crime to want better. Unironically, those same players happen to be obvious Americans. When you need to justify your spending, you've got problems. Respect and be respected, yeesh. That money leaves America's economy to begin with, so no one but, in that specific case, China/Signapore, wins.
Also a friendly reminder that is a game. Games are SUPPOSED to be fun. If you're not having fun, then like any other book, it's probably not for you. "To each, their own" they say.
thats not the case, so some random NFT garbage doesnt bother me. im actively playing this, and checking in, its typical mobile auto play mmo but actually voice acted, and in an IP thats cool, with a ghibli artstyle which works well.
you can write all the scathing crap about it, but in terms of shady practices i think deceptive gambling loot boxes which you promoted and encouraged all games to have is far worse and directly impactful to audiences than some random NFT with a negative value . having children forced to participate in gambling under the age of gambling laws is way worse than random nft. and the logic of having some currency that lasts between franchises and games dates back to uplay points
The more use cases for Territe, the better. And yes, it has to be pay-to-win. Let the whalers whale.
If you're gonna talk about the downside, it's not the obvious author's dislike for crypto - it's the expected bots. more than the usual MMORPG. That's why the Auto mechanics is necessary if Netmarble can't stop all those bots. If you can't beat the bots, join em.
Plus most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all. Mobile players have no idea theres even an exchange. I play on mobile and they never tell you theres blockchain at all.
There's a lot missing here.
"...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
"most people are probably playing this game not even realizing the game has crypto at all"
False. Do a quick googletrends and you'll see that the majority of the players are from the Philippines and Filipinos are the #1 consumer of Play-to-Earn Games. It's not an accident. Filipino trendsetting is the reason P2E is even a thing - it's the SNS capital of the world for a reason.
Google trends doesn't tell you where the majority of players are from just what countries are searching for the most. It kind of validates my point too. If people in the philippines are searching for information on the game (because ni no kuni is not even on the leaderboard of downloaded apps in the philippines, whereas MIR4 is in the top 3) or attempting to look for ways to sell territe, it only validates that most players that aren't interested in in crypto trading likely don't even know about it.
Unless you think that the majority of players for the game at this junction out of the entire worldwide market are primarily from the philippines. It's fine if you do but it's also important to know that servers are segregated by region, as well are play store statistics, so as much as you could be right about the popularity in the philippines, other regions are still downloading and playing the game.
And even according to your google trends statistics there is a very low number of searches related to the crypto aspects of the game.
And if you really think about it it's highly likely the majority of players worldwide are playing the game via mobile, where the PC version is the primary way those who want to sell territe will want to play. So of course you're going to have far more searches for the game in regions where you will be searching for a way to download the PC version over other regions where they are simply downloading the game off of an app store that google trends is not tracking.
Incidentally we are not in an energy crisis currently but the media will never call an issue a "substantial problem" when it can call it something more dramatic and fearful.
But that's all rather political so I will leave it there for this thread.
In my book, that is a huge cultural change.
In games where skins is a good enough motivator to spend - like competive games / esports like Starcraft (your example), FPS, Fighting Games & MOBAs for example, P2E can co-exist with Not-P2W.
Blockchain will simply legalize the RMT that's happening in MMOs anyway. It's just a tool and how devs design their game around it so that it's hard to bot farm (like a skill-based, not stat-based mmo/game), is the challenge.
The title "...but that's (crypto/NFT) not WORST part (implying that crypto is BAD by default) of the game."
You: "lol so you only read the title. Got it. "
I showed you exactly why I'm right so you use a strawman. Lame. XD
You: "because ni no kuni is not even on the leaderboard of downloaded apps in the philippines"
NNK #1
Mir4 #3
I love how you're always wrong.
Lemme guess, you're gonna argue that it's not above Youtube in terms of most downloaded apps? XDDD
NNK has this mechanic but it's P2W (character and equipment stats are applied), it's not perfect but hopefully no amount of buffed-character botting could auto-dodge opponents. I'm not in the upper leagues yet so I have no idea what the botting situation is there on PvP.
If a P2E game economy crashes, its playerbase will likely move to a different game unless the gameplay is really really good.
Straight up, ni no kuni isn't even on the top leaderboard of free apps or grossing apps
Even on the same page you chose, you're only taking a snapshot of a SINGLE DAY, which is based around the trend of a single day.
It's nowhere near above YouTube in terms of most downloaded apps....
You look at the snapshot of a single day and suddenly ni no kuni, which just released, is the most popular app in the philippines? LOL C'mon son, you're better than that. Just understand the data you're posting. Even just switching the date from one day to the next and your rankings fall apart on sensor tower....
And even aside from it, you still didn't refute my points at all about the trending searches, or the points that the primary reason to search for ni no kuni, mostly in the philippines is because those players are trying to find out how to use the exchange for crypto, whereas the majority of the world isn't.
Which would put the entire premise of your argument in the wrong, because before DIablo Immortal released the game was in the top 5 of free game downloads in the US.
Which means that it was at least somewhat popular for a time on the app store, still sitting in the top 50 today, but searches are substantially lower which means players either don't know or don't care about the crypto aspects outside of the philippines, based on your own google trends searches you're basing your information on!
Here's an idea... try not to know everything. You can't base your opinion on an authors work based on the title of an article, and you can't base the entire popularity and focus of why people are playing a game like ni no kuni on a snapshot of the trends of a few days worth of app store highlights that literally shift day to day.
It's highly probable that the only people that stick around in ni no kuni are play to earn players, it would make sense since that's the majority of mir4s population. You could be right that the philippines is the only place the game will stay popular in the long term. The big picture won't even become clear until the trading market opens, which it hasn't for nnk yet.
He should've said it better then if he meant otherwise.
The fact that he said it's "not the worst thing" makes it at least worse in his opinion. You know this, you just refuse facts in favor of win.
And as expected, you compare NNK to other genres/apps to tilt the information accdg to your needs. XDDD
Why not compare it to Youtube, Facebook or Twitter since you're going that route? XD
I wouldn't be surprised to hear the game was sunsetting/going into maintenance mode within a year or two.
If you can't handle it, that's on you, not on me. All the data is there for anyone to sift through. You chose not to read the article. You chose to qualify your entire premise over 1 day for 1 app in a very small subgenre. That was all on you. I broaden the picture to show you the actuality of it, and you've got nothing. I could drill down to whatever you want and still prove my point. NNK is a new game so of course it's going to be on the top of the charts mid-term, but mir4 already surpassed it again as top grossing, that's even based on the information you posted lol.
Start by learning what you're talking about before you chime in with a know it all attitude. You still haven't even broached my point... you're taking a stance on trivial daily stats because you literally have nothing else. You failed with the google trends, and you've failed with understanding your own app stats, and you couldn't get past the title of the article. I think I've got a pretty good idea of what your opinions are worth at this point.