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So far Empire (human), High Elves and Dwarves are battling Dark Elves, Greenskins (orcs & goblins), and Chaos (mix of both hordes and beasts for the table top players).
Where do you think the other races will go in the future?
Bretonnians almost have to go good (noble horse faring humans), if they're not just included with the Empire at release.
It's likely that skaven, tomb kings and vampre counts would go evil. OR perhaps they'd make their own 3rd faction.
Lizardmen and Wood Elves are a bit trickier. The table top description of lizardmen almost seems noble and with their leadership structure and history, but they definately don't match the "pretty" good guys. The Wood Elves are extremely secretive and isolationists and the tabletop manual states they kill man, dwarf, or orc alike if they step foot in their woods, but if they had to go one way or another I'd guess good.
Then there's the Ogre kingdoms and Dogs of war mercenaries which I imagine would stay completely impartial. Edit: I read that Dogs of War will be utilized as NPC/bots to balance instanced battlefields.
Of course this is all ridiculous speculation given that the game is no where near release, but it's fun to guess.
Well, taken that there are a wast number of races/faction to pick from, Id say that Bretonnians wont be the first additional race to be released after launch. As Empire already makes up a human faction, another human race would split the humans up into, generally, a race with heavy armoured warriors and cunning archers (Bretonnia) and another race of heavy armoured warriors, but cunning gun-men (Empire).
Im not saying that it would be like this, but I have a hard time seing how the two races would different themselvs from each other, other than holysymbols and banners/markers.
The same problem goes with High Elves and Wood Elves, although it is still more likely that Wood Elves would be released before Bretonnians, as Wood Elves are similar, but also very different from High Elves on many aspects. But as with Empire vs Bretonnians, there could be complications.
I now that all the races from the tabletop game has unique backgrounds, and stand out among all the other races. But when it comes down to it, I have a hard time seeing the statistical difference between a Bretonnian Knight and an Empire Knight. Along with the difference between a Wood Elven Warrior and a High Elven Warrior.
I know that some with argue that all the races have each their unique power/force/advantage.. I know that too.. High Elves will propably exceel on the field of magic, wheres dwarves will exceel as "tanks" and chaos at "Damage-Dealing".
I cant tell which "good" race will be the first to be released after launch, as many of these races looks similar to each other in many ways. There are a larger variation on the "evil" races, as Skaven, Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts could all fit into the "evil" categori, and still seem individually unique in many ways.
My guess and hope on the races to be first released after launch, woul be like this:
1. ) Wood Elves (Good) Skaven (Evil)
2.) Bretonnians (Good) Undead (Evil) - most likely Vampire Counts
3.) Lizard Men (Good) Ogre Kingdoms (Evil)
The reason for the Lizard Men as good is purely based on game balance theory, as I at the moment cant see who would make a better choice. Generally, the "evil" side has more factions than the "good" side in warhammer.
Thanks for reading
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Another possibility I thought of is that some races won't be playable but will remain in game as PVE enemies only. Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts and Wood Elves come to mind. Hopefully not the case though. vamps? Understandable I guess.
From my reading of the lore, I would say Tomb Kings Good, Vamp Counts Evil and pit them against eachother. But thats must my take. I do, however agree, Brettonia vs. Skaven...or maybe they could have the Sigmarite Order vs. Skaven and give us Mordheim to raid! As long as they gives me my Skaven, I'll be happy.
well based on my readings of the varius warhammer books and there website i have this to say...
empire: allied with dwarves and high elves, kinda off and on peace with bretonnia. enemy of all else
high elves: ifie peace with the dwarves, allied with the empire hated foe is the dark elves.
dark elves: hate everyone
wood elves: hate everyone
dwarves: allied with empire, sketchy peace with high elves
lizardmen: hate everyone becasue they only defenc there homeland
bretonnia: off and on with the empire hates all else
skaven: want the world dead
tomb kings: want the world dead
orks: like to kill stuff
vampires: want to enslave the world
all chaos: hates everyone even each other
there in actuality none of these groups should work together in the game at all
Agreed with above, given that the whole premise of the table top game is to have 13 (roughly) separate armies all fighting eachother. However, to make the mmorpg work they gave a back story of Empire, dwarves and High Elves coming together out of necessity. At the same time Green skins (and I guess chaos) is kind of enslaved or tricked by Dark Elves into an alliance.
That being said, my reason for posting was speculation on how they could work the remaining armies into the good and evil factions for expansion packs, OR perhaps even introduce a 3rd faction.
I agree though, none of them strictly have allegience to eachother.
That said they could choose to leave some of the races suggested as pure NPC's (wood elves and lizardmen sound like likely candidates). Games workshop could also allow them to alter the storyline to fit them in with the lore. Don't forget that the lore will evolve, it will change over time.
Maybe one of the races could enslave the wood elves or lizardmen with a curse or a spell or something. So that they stop killing people of your faction and go after the other faction instead. That tye of solution could be left for the months leading up to the expansion, where a set of quests are released to disperse the changing lore among the players. Where you are helping your faction leader enslave the race to serve your side because you are in trouble (say if either side is heavily outnumbered game wide like hib/mids in the begining of DAOC, and Imperials in SWG).
Anyway, the two first races i'd like to see would be:
Woodelf and Skaven.
Woodelf would be a sweet addition to the good site. As of now, we got Empire(Which is known for heavy armoured knigths, decent armor on the 'lower troops'), Dwarfs(Heavy armor. Except for slayers, but those guys are just insane), and High Elf(Shiny shiny armor, beautiful formations, deadly magic). Woodelf generally focuses on light armor, ambushes, flying mounts, and deadly bows.
Skaven is an 'outsider', in the alliance aspect of Warhammer. They generally don't work together with any other race, as they scheme and plot to take over the human world. But they are awesome! And with the 4 'major' clans, they could easily make a class out of each Pestilens, Eshin, moulder, Skryre.
Wood elves and Skaven do seem like a good pairing for an expansion. They're both lighter armored and focus more on ambush and cunning. They're both isolationists, but as mentioned above, wood elves have formed alliances with good in past when they needed it. I could see the Skaven being slinky enough to do the same and ask the evil side for assistance (of course planning to stab them in the back once their needs have been met). That would make a balanced pairing.
My ultimate hope is for some of the races not making launch (undead especially) are somehow fashioned into a 3rd faction/realm. However I doubt this will happen because of the problems they had in DAoC getting players balanced across the three (midgard apparently was usually very low population).
well the way I see it is that probebly they will go with Skaven on the evil seeing as they do that whole wheel and deal thing the dark elves are so proud of and the wood elves on the good because well lets face it they can only add another faction of an existing race to the good eather brettonians (more humans) or wood elves (more elves) and out of those 2 the wood elves are the far cooler and probebly more loved by the fan base and all the other teams are inharently evil. personaly I hate those woody basterds for out manovering my... ummm... every single dwarven unit!
although I can see them comming out with a vampire count/tomb king third faction (vamps and wights on the counts with mummy like things on the kings)