I'm in the open beta for Ravendawn and I am really enjoying it so far. It took some time to get used to the graphics and the top down view...... but it's a nifty game. Check it out! Open beta lasts from Sept. 30th to April 20th.... if your interested.
Proud MMORPG.com member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
Monsters and Memories just looks like another Embers Adrift.
They don't have a lot to go on other than some concept art or low poly unrigged models in unity engine. The big positive from them for me is that they announced they're a niche game, and they are doing no cash shop ("cool must be earned in game" is a quote from them). It does have an original EQ style to it from what I can see. Graphics aren't a big deal to me in some styles of games as long as the gameplay and systems are rock solid and engaging.
I'm in the open beta for Ravendawn and I am really enjoying it so far. It took some time to get used to the graphics and the top down view...... but it's a nifty game. Check it out! Open beta lasts from Sept. 30th to April 20th.... if your interested.
I downloaded it but can't get past the graphics. They seem to have some interesting ideas with the Ravencards and skills and such. So should be good for people that like that type of game. Looked it up on Twitch and they have a big Brazilian following.
I'm in the open beta for Ravendawn and I am really enjoying it so far. It took some time to get used to the graphics and the top down view...... but it's a nifty game. Check it out! Open beta lasts from Sept. 30th to April 20th.... if your interested.
I downloaded it but can't get past the graphics. They seem to have some interesting ideas with the Ravencards and skills and such. So should be good for people that like that type of game. Looked it up on Twitch and they have a big Brazilian following.
Brazilians and latins loves old school RPGs with a good lore, mysterious, good looking cosmetics, mounts and tons of grinding. If you want make them go crazy simply say or show that your game is inspired in classics like Tibia and you already catched their attention.
The game is interesting I enjoyed the graphic and the classes but don't be able to follow just one path (pure class) and need choose different classes as subclass and the cards for skills is something that bother me. I don't know how they'll be able to balance it with time unless the game is based in meta. Seems that the game have ships and it is something that make me wonder since it is more one thing to focus and don't sounds interesting. Will ship battles be something obligatory in the future to progress?
Focus in the basic is what make some games be amazing and try focus in more than one thing seems a bit much for a game that are still in beta... They could focus more in basic things like quests (some are very confusing), new areas (extremely hard to go making the player fear explore the game and new areas), outfits, housing, events and create a cheap (3 dollars) subscription system.
I'm in the open beta for Ravendawn and I am really enjoying it so far. It took some time to get used to the graphics and the top down view...... but it's a nifty game. Check it out! Open beta lasts from Sept. 30th to April 20th.... if your interested.
Ravendawn is a blast, closest to oldschool EQ i've felt in a while.
Game has a big Brazillian population because it's alpha/beta are typically populated by friends and family first; the software devs on the team are predominantly Brazillian.
Monsters and Memories just looks like another Embers Adrift.
In what way?
Stock Unity assets with some paid assets thrown in, indie developer with less developers than most mmos have on skeleton crews running games that are in end of life maintenance mode, low grade graphics circa 2001, and the same "We only need a small amount of players to be successful because we want to be niche" as the EA devs spewed. Of course, it's ahead of EA right now only because EA released and we can see EA has no animations ( or even an animation dev ), almost no content, 99% retention failure rate, and is pretty much just floating dead in the water. Which is exactly how I expect M&M to be if it ever makes it to release.
You can watch livestreams of them building the game. They're not using stock/store assets.
In what way?
Proud MMORPG.com member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
They don't have a lot to go on other than some concept art or low poly unrigged models in unity engine. The big positive from them for me is that they announced they're a niche game, and they are doing no cash shop ("cool must be earned in game" is a quote from them). It does have an original EQ style to it from what I can see. Graphics aren't a big deal to me in some styles of games as long as the gameplay and systems are rock solid and engaging.
I downloaded it but can't get past the graphics. They seem to have some interesting ideas with the Ravencards and skills and such. So should be good for people that like that type of game. Looked it up on Twitch and they have a big Brazilian following.
Brazilians and latins loves old school RPGs with a good lore, mysterious, good looking cosmetics, mounts and tons of grinding. If you want make them go crazy simply say or show that your game is inspired in classics like Tibia and you already catched their attention.
The game is interesting I enjoyed the graphic and the classes but don't be able to follow just one path (pure class) and need choose different classes as subclass and the cards for skills is something that bother me. I don't know how they'll be able to balance it with time unless the game is based in meta. Seems that the game have ships and it is something that make me wonder since it is more one thing to focus and don't sounds interesting. Will ship battles be something obligatory in the future to progress?
Focus in the basic is what make some games be amazing and try focus in more than one thing seems a bit much for a game that are still in beta... They could focus more in basic things like quests (some are very confusing), new areas (extremely hard to go making the player fear explore the game and new areas), outfits, housing, events and create a cheap (3 dollars) subscription system.
Just started it. It's alright so far.
Game has a big Brazillian population because it's alpha/beta are typically populated by friends and family first; the software devs on the team are predominantly Brazillian.