I've been a loyal MMORPG (and some MMO) gamer for many years now and hold a huge list of games tried, both beta and gold. Usually they tire me out after some years since it ends up being a hack 'n slack game with some trading included. After trying EQ2 for the first time actually I found it very delightfull and entertaining. I liked what I saw of the combat and professions system. The possibilites were humungous. I also heard the world map was quite awesome in size itself. (I did the trial of islands part if you haven't noticed by now!) This concludes that I've decided to go full-time as EQ2 gamer. Houssay for me!
Anyways I got some questions concering how-to-buy and ingame:
1. I've downloaded the 'Trial of the isle' and are prompted to pay as unlocking all contect. Does this also require a one-time fee (for EQ2 base)? I am planning on buying the KoS expansion first-handed then later come to conclusion on which expansions/adventure packs I require for my satisfaction. What I am asking in basic is, does buying EQ2 base + KoS digitally means the same total fee as buying it at a retail store? Cause the stores are closed for about 2 days from this very moment. And I am eagerly waiting unpatient peasant..
2. Are there any PvP rewards? From what I can see EQ2 lack strength of PvP, but got a heavy PvE system (?)..
3. Are there any classes in subject of NOT to be choosen? Which _are_ the best PvP classes?
(Classes which may lead to disadventages of getting PvP groups, Questing groups and/or Raid groups.)
4. EU/US servers, how do I see what is where? (Very stupid question yeah?)
If there were any unclearities in my questions please state them. Or just try answering to my stupidness.
But wondering if that were the KoS expansion pack only? (I suppose so..?)
Best regards,
4. Before you accep teh EULA there is a small drop-down window where lets you choose Lng/region that is where you can select what servers will you see.
Dunno how the digital dl works nowadays. I think in the US DOF came out just as an expansion, while in EU DOF was bundled with the original EQ2. KOS is bundled with EQ2(DOF not included) both in the US and EU.
It seems with DL you jsut get KOS, while if u buy it at a store you get EQ2+KOS
Best regards,
Euro servers seem to be fairly empty but I found the (US-RolePlay) AB-server to have a "medium/heavy load" on the server in the afternoon & into the early morning (euro-time).