Well... color me surprised. I had moved into the 'vaporware' camp after years of nothing. But looks like they finally moved out of pre-alpha and into some alpha testing:
https://seforums.pantheonmmo.com/content/forums/topic/14549/alpha-pledges-save-the-dateHopefully it doesn't take years for them to get from Alpha to Beta/Release.
Thanks for the welcome though
I feel bad for the Alpha testers, you all keeps getting promises, but get crap all the time.
VR pushed the boundaries too hard again outside of thier limitations, and yet again instead of listening to VIPs where they claim most of us don't work in the industry / don't have experience (wrong, I bet over 50% of VIPs work in similar industries in Fortune 500s..., hence dropping this money)
They persisted to stick to their guns, and yet again had to make a tough choice. There was absolutely no reason for this. Like I said they could have taken the servers down days ago.
All PA testers have been limping along anticipating a wipe for over 2 weeks. Instead VR took the servers down almost 2 hours late last night, and didn't communicate a single time.
All of that open dialogue VR had at the begining of 247 died over a month ago. VR can claim the patch and fixes weren't ready yet until late last night, but that should have been their first clue to delay with less than 12 hours from a public launch. I just don't know if I will ever understand their behind the scenes talk.