FFXIV Team Provides Estimated Date, Updates for Benchmark Fixes | MMORPG.com
We have a new update on the Benchmark software for Final Fantasy 14's newest expansion, Dawntrail, thanks to a post by director and producer Naoki Yoshida.
They make a slight lighting adjustment and adjust the specularity and roughness of the eyeballs. They should have got that right from the start. They obviously don't test their work, and where is Yoshi P. to slap them up side the head, before release? @#!?... have they not learned anything from Endwalker? At least it is being addressed. Better late than never right?
This is like those celebrities who insist on being photographed on their "good side". We are clearly going to need to drum up our morale by being even more demanding and unreasonable to get a new picture.
This is like those celebrities who insist on being photographed on their "good side". We are clearly going to need to drum up our morale by being even more demanding and unreasonable to get a new picture.
I have great news (literally) coming promptly.