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First Impressions

Well, got in.

 Many pioneers were denied due to a "miscommunication" (they followed the instructions on the email and site only later to be told they hadnt needed to but refunds were not started and the database not cleared up before the launch, resulting in more than half of whats left of the pioneers unable to log in). As a result, there were not many players actually ingame.

Many things are still in french so I have no idea what some of the stuff was.

Graphics are a little better, brighter anyways or the saturation appears better however there are still fuzzy spotting throughout. Reflections are off or just wierd or from I later heard, they may have been turned off LOLTop end graphics cards seem to be able to handle it but there is still about 10 mins worth of playing and fiddling with them. As you go along further into the environment, you have to keep adjusting. Wide open vs town or woods, etc. Once youve done that you can get an idea of what settings would be adequate for overall graphics.

Still spots of lag especially around other things ingame such as trees and buildings. Out in the open tho, its pretty smooth as long as you arent on your dragon. The dragon itself feels almost like its being pulled then smooths then gets lugged again.

Combat is still the same. You dont know if what you are doing is working or not. Sometimes the aggro is sooo completely fast and the tether of aggro doesnt seem to be limited. They will aggro you from a far distance. Some of the mobs seem to have a ton of hps where its not making any sense. Level 4 will stay alive forever but a level 9 can be done in a couple hits (and which ones worked, I couldnt tell ya). So the mobs are still buggy as well as the actual combat .

NPCs arent working or wont work and dont know why. They dont say anything.

Merchants dont know their pricing. A few ppl were commenting on the prices of food/drink being outta whack. I didnt bother after the comments so I didnt actually see this myself.

Quests - didnt come across any. Thought I might near the town but its pretty empty.

UI is still the same clunky funky archaic crap.

Inventory is a mess. Cant see how many and what you got, its too small and the icons arent clear.

First impressions?  SOG = DNL


  • indiramournindiramourn Member UncommonPosts: 884

    Short and sweet, Bo.  Thanks for confirming what my gut was telling me for the last 6 months. 

    Now that you have gone through the trouble of installing the game, I look forward to a more in-dept review from you soon.  Though I wouldn't blame you at all if the pleasure of purging it from your computer out-weighs your desire to try the game again.

  • KilimKilim Member Posts: 546

    1 word should express my feelings about D&L.
    That word is "Disappointment"

    My Sager 5760 Review


  • TamValonTamValon Member Posts: 37
    nice one. About all that can be said without thoroughly and absolutely trashing it to smithereens, which in all honesty, it truly deserves. This game is incredibly alpha/beta. Add that nothing, absolutely nothing that was promised is available.
    Waste of time.
    Waste of money.

  • CholaynaCholayna Member Posts: 1,604
    LOL Greatest Quote yet:

    By Hound at the DNL boards and the fanbois stating that it isnt the real release:


  • indiramournindiramourn Member UncommonPosts: 884

    Originally posted by Cholayna
    LOL Greatest Quote yet:

    By Hound at the DNL boards and the fanbois stating that it isnt the real release:


    Ha ha!  Oh, and another thing.  The poor saps trying to play this turkey are not only slapped hard across the face by the inneptitude of the DnL programmers, then they are bonked on top of their heads by the non-existent support.  Forced to slog through forums full of "Can't log into game!" and "Why doesn't this feature work?" threads to find solutions hacked out by fellow gamers--if there even is a solution--to the myriad of bugs, issues, and bad design choices.  Welcome to DnL Hell. 
  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by Cholayna
    LOL Greatest Quote yet:

    By Hound at the DNL boards and the fanbois stating that it isnt the real release:


    Thank you, I had to go by jackdog here because hound was already taken. Anyway those suckers are in their own little world over there it seems. I just hoped some idiot was going to state that it was not the real release, but I really did not expect someone to be that foolish. Moral is never under estimate fanbois blindness. I guess that guy expects the Devs to pull a magic wand out their pants and magically transform this heap of excrement in a game in the next few days.

    I miss DAoC

  • AlouisiousAlouisious Member Posts: 201

    You are Hound?   haha Good line there ^^^^ Thats about what they are trying to pass off now. That this release isnt really the real release. So yeah instead of SOG isnt DNL, now its DNL isnt DNL. Haha. 

  • TamValonTamValon Member Posts: 37

    "It can only get better" from the fans......

    "Best release of an MMO ever" from the fans.....

    Then they come up with this when the bs is covered up with the reality:

    "DNL is not THE  DnL" from the fans........

    "Wait for the patch" from the fans.......

    "This isnt the full release" from the fans........

    Its so full of devs trying to make this out to be THE game that was promised so many years ago by making outrageously grand statements and threads.  It is so obvious! Anyone, and I mean ANYONE with an ounce of sensibility and some small quotient of intelligence can definitely see the desperation that is DNL.

    I cannot stand to go back into the game at this moment. I have no desire to. I will most probably wait, like a few others, until the weekend after the 5th. I do not foresee much difference in overall acceptability but it will then that I make my decision for my final refund.

  • TamValonTamValon Member Posts: 37
    apparently they wish to force thier "hateboi is only whining" theory over here and a few other sites also. Just the fans and the posts alone make me want to stay away from this game. Every day I am disgusted by what is posted by these people. You may hook the spoiled little 15 yr old into believing what he sees he doesnt really but other than that, this game literally makes me sick. I have requested my refund even before the mass influx as I cant stomach the posts, the devs, the board nor the community much less the game itself as it stands. I will not force myself to "like" this game. The most recent excuses and callous actions on the part of both the GMs and Farlan themselves with the mistakes made in the most basic of administration, basic gameplay, basic management makes this a game and a company to stay as far away as possible.
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