"i need you to get a doctor. i got some bad pain in my chest, I need my pills!"
By the way, in leet speak, people often make it up as they go so no one word could be the same.
Leet, l33t, 1337, L337, 1337z0rZ ect.
Since I played counter-strike for about 5+ years, and also being 13 in the first years of playing counter-strike I have learned to read it like normal writing. Even though people get it wrong a lot of the time.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
( throws a huge fing fireball at all leet speekers) learn to type it just looks like bad grammer to me and makes you look really really slow/dumb not to hit the backspace key to correct your mistakes. dang mmos making lasy people out of us lol. abreviations are ok lol
i can read that pretty easily, theres nothing to it except for substituting numbers and characters for letters that look like them, i dont see that much 1337 but its realy easy to get the hang of
My ability to easily comprehend all l33t speak in this thread has somehow made me come to a conclusion that I have spent too many years on the computer.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Leet speak is actually just fumbling when typing fast for the most part. It started getting out of hand when kids of all ages started doing it on purpose and getting out of hand.
Not leet speak: |-|4|-|4 7|-|i5 i5 700 345y.
Leet speak:
0h dood g3t m3 a h3al. joo are a n00b. lolzOrz
people also commonly use 7 as a L or some other retarded letter. But infact it is only a T.
Originally posted by lyonman24 ( throws a huge fing fireball at all leet speekers) learn to type it just looks like bad grammer to me and makes you look really really slow/dumb not to hit the backspace key to correct your mistakes. dang mmos making lasy people out of us lol. abreviations are ok lol
leet speak IS bad grammar and when it really happens is in the middle of a battle. The other times it is just dumb asses trying to be cool and funny. like those wiggers who think they are hackers because they use kazaa to download music.
The only thing I will be angry about with the leetness is when the NON computer gamers use it.... Same thing happened with Noob and woot, owned, pwned...(which is sorta leetness) started out only seeing it with my online games, then few years later i hear some people saying it in school and whatnot.
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
Table 1
"The Pain"
Table 1 column 2
"i need help!"
"i need you to get a doctor. i got some bad pain in my chest, I need my pills!"
By the way, in leet speak, people often make it up as they go so no one word could be the same.
Leet, l33t, 1337, L337, 1337z0rZ ect.
Since I played counter-strike for about 5+ years, and also being 13 in the first years of playing counter-strike I have learned to read it like normal writing. Even though people get it wrong a lot of the time.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
( throws a huge fing fireball at all leet speekers) learn to type it just looks like bad grammer to me and makes you look really really slow/dumb not to hit the backspace key to correct your mistakes. dang mmos making lasy people out of us lol. abreviations are ok lol
1 4|/| 50 1337 1 B37 |_| c4||7 R34|) 7|-|15 1f |_| c4|| |_| ||33|) 70 g37 4 |_1f3
thats also pretty easy to translate, i wrote it in about 20 seconds
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
+3|-| 133+ 4r3 4 7eH //!||z
W0w! T|-|47'5 50 (001! ||0w i (4|| 5p34k 1337!
O|-| S||4p
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
(on a side note megatokyo rocks )
|-|4|-|4 7|-|i5 i5 700 345y.
Edit: OH! A 'Y'! Haha, I guess they don't have a substitute for 'y' yet.
Leet speak is actually just fumbling when typing fast for the most part. It started getting out of hand when kids of all ages started doing it on purpose and getting out of hand.
Not leet speak:
|-|4|-|4 7|-|i5 i5 700 345y.
Leet speak:
0h dood g3t m3 a h3al. joo are a n00b. lolzOrz
people also commonly use 7 as a L or some other retarded letter. But infact it is only a T.
leet speak IS bad grammar and when it really happens is in the middle of a battle. The other times it is just dumb asses trying to be cool and funny. like those wiggers who think they are hackers because they use kazaa to download music.
The only thing I will be angry about with the leetness is when the NON computer gamers use it....
Same thing happened with Noob and woot, owned, pwned...(which is sorta leetness) started out only seeing it with my online games, then few years later i hear some people saying it in school and whatnot.
O well, fads are contagious I guess
|)()||| |_|$& @ (()||/&|2|&|2 y()|_| ^/@||||@8&
|_&&| |>|2()$. @|_$() y()|_| $|-|()|_||_|) |_|$&
|=|_||_|_ |_&&|, ||()| ||-|@| 8|_||_|_ ^/!||-|
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."