That is correct, people. I am here to bitch about MMORPGs. I'm open to responses, but not stupid ones. Read the topic, then form your opinion.
WORLD OF WARCRAFT- Yeah, that game went down the tube. None of it requires any skill, just your mommy's credit card and a lot of time. The PvP is horrible, you get more honor from Battlegrounds then from actually doing some PvP killing. Same with the hardcore raids. You don't need skill, you can sit there and let everyone else handle it. It gets a 6/10 in my book, it has a long way to go.
SAGA OF RYZOM- Tis okay. The crafting and combat systems are amazing, but the controls are lackluster. You have to manually switch to any weapon (including harvesting tools), so if you have the bad luck of getting attacked while harvesting, you have to take 30 seconds to get the weapon out. Plus, no jumping. You couldn't even fall of ledges. I mean, c'mon. This gets a 7/10.
CITY OF HEROES/VILLAINS- Okay, have not played Villains, but i want to. This game is great, due to the flying, the superpowers, and the immense character customization. It is very hard to get two look-alike players, unless it was planned. The pure choices of powers is also great, so that everything isn't pre-determined for you. You *SORT OF* get to choose your own path.
FINAL FANTASY XI- Addicting. The play style is roundabout and complicated, and so is the combat system, but the environments are far more engrossing than WoW of CoH/V. I have not gotten far into the game, but it is good. Again, the control system in general is screwed, including the menu, and talking to people. Plus, it costs an extra dollar a month for every new character you make. >_> lame.
PHANTASY STAR ONLINE- Super ADDICTING. It puts the ADD in ADDicting. Combat system is reptetive, but the weapons, creatures, characters, and base storyline are fantastic. Combat system is slow (you always move at a walk), and repetitive because you only get a 3-chain combo, which looks different depending on which weapon you have. Rare weapons are awesome, have special powers. To sum it up, I STILL play this old-school game on teh Xbox, And i cannot wait for Phantasy Star Universe.
So yeah, I have yet to play more mainstream games, because I am 16, and grounded. Turns out, skipping school for 5 days straight isn't too good of an idea. So, I still have more games to go, don't get your panties in a twist. Word to your mother, and OMFGWTFBBQLASERBEAMPEWPEWPEW!!!
I cannot hear you over the SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Genuinely funny post "So, I still have more games to go, don't get your panties in a twist. Word to your mother, and OMFGWTFBBQLASERBEAMPEWPEWPEW!!!"
Can't wait for the updates,
PLANETSIDE- Awesome game, until now. I'll explain later. Bascially, three factions, fighting on a sytem of worlds. In effect, MMO shooster + three-way. Each faction got unique weapons and vehicles. Cloaker was fun, you were bascially invisble except if you were running, and you couldn't carry much in weapons, so i just packed up on plasma greandes (because of the flaming death factor) and killed snipers, poeple in light armor, and so on. Then, looted their bodioes for more grenades, or grabbed a pistol, and shoosted some people. This game be sucked, thats right, it BE SUCKS, because they added BFR's. BIG FUCKING ROBOTS. Impossible to kill w/ infantry, takes a regiment of tanks to do it. SO, every n00b reset their skills, and got one. SO it was impossible to get kills anymore. So, I quit.
More to come, stick with me people. More people need to read this. It would make me feel better.
I cannot hear you over the SHUT THE FUCK UP!
i don't understand the title of your post.
you seem to be bitching about WoW , how original, but you like every other game on your list except planetside which you don't like anymore because its too hard for you to kill people QQ
Plus, I'm not bitching because I cannot kill the BFRs, im bitching because nobody can, other than other BFRs. Bfrs can annihilate infantry and tanks one on one, it takes too many people to try to take on one BFR, let alone mobs of them. IT transformed from Planetside, the infantry-and-tank MMO, to Planetside, the-Mechassault-rip-off.
I cannot hear you over the SHUT THE FUCK UP!
I cannot hear you over the SHUT THE FUCK UP!
I have some news for you. WoW's economy is the least economy based on players of any mmorpg, so this statement:
" people sell gold for money, so it becomes impossible for anyone who
doesn't want to waste real money for game money, or people who want a
life, to succeed very far into the game"
just proves either the mmorpg genre is WAY to much for you to handle, or your just the typical hater.
in fact, WoW can be played completely without using the auction house ONCE,or without making ANY trade, and it won't even be hard. heck, in the full year I played WoW, I only used the auction house to sell materials. on top of that, because players have so little influence on the economy, its also one of the most stable of all.
I have some news for you. WoW's economy is the least economy based on players of any mmorpg, so this statement:
" people sell gold for money, so it becomes impossible for anyone who
doesn't want to waste real money for game money, or people who want a
life, to succeed very far into the game"
just proves either the mmorpg genre is WAY to much for you to handle, or your just the typical hater.
in fact, WoW can be played completely without using the auction house ONCE,or without making ANY trade, and it won't even be hard. heck, in the full year I played WoW, I only used the auction house to sell materials. on top of that, because players have so little influence on the economy, its also one of the most stable of all.
Unless you want to have a snowballs chance in hell at PVP, then you need to farm purps in raid instances for months on end so you can get your epic set. Or farm battlegrounds for months on end so you can get your rank14 pvp set, which sucks compared to purples anyways. Either way there's a lot of farming involved.
Well as long as we're bitching....
I've yet to find any game that lives up to the mmorpg acronym. All the one's I have seen so far (the ones already released that is) are mmogs. If I went into all that I don't like about games, this post would be way too long.
WOW: Honestly, I don't see the draw. I haven't heard one thing about it that people like that I haven't seen done better in other games, and most of the time, it's scary what some people like.
Shadowbane: combat combat and more combat... oh and let's through some more combat in there for good measure... Lore? Role Playing? Economics? Trade skills? Your words are foreign to me. Hey, how come everyone's bored from just killing people all the time? How about that guild system... Pretty spiffy eh?
DAoC: Lets not give the players ANY choice about where to go.
UO: PvP? We got that? Wait, you mean THAT kind of PvP? Er.. yeah.. I think.. Look you two can beat each other up right? That's all you need. Houses? Sure plop one down anywhere... Look there's a spot... no.. not there... how about here.... no... how about... Hey you can make your own weapons. That's good right?
Everquest: One big happy family... oh yeah except for those nasty PvPers we got locked up behind this door. Nobody goes in there... It's a scary place.
SWG: Here's something new.. We've decided we don't really need all that character development garbage. Oops... we've eliminated your profession? Here's a jelly bean. We're sorry.
D&D Online: Let's just port the PnP rules, but leave out the most important part; the DM. Yeah.. that'll work. All anyone wants is pre-packaged quests anyway.
If you want to read a lot, my ideal game is: here Only two games come close. One looks like it will never quite be done and the other looks as if it will be about 30% complete on release.
Having said all the above. I don't think any of these games are really bad, even though they don't live up to my strict standards. They just try so hard to be something they aren't and fail miserably. Although I must say, DDO comes closest to being as advertised.
Okay, ECONOMY WISE! Yeah, you can do the whoole game without touching the AH. FAce the facts though, you'll need to if you want to get some good stuff before you do end-game stuff. Having crappy stuff to begin with lowers your overall capabilities of farming instances, thus non-productive, unless you know some good people (Suramar's Midnight group ftw, btw). Speaking okf Midnight, I only did one raid with them. It was Scholomance, 5-man. It was the fastest I had ever done it. The group was me, lvl 60 tauren warrrior (31 arms, 20 fury) tanking, 3 elemental shamans casting their shocks all aboot, and one druid. ONLY ONE DEDICATED HEALER! We only wiped once or twice, only because we were doing the shaman epic helm quest. fun times. ANYWAYS! THE PRICES in the AH for anything good are almost always through the roof, because people want/need the money, either to farm teh AH some more, or to have money to repiar their crap from all the wipes in Molten Core. So yeah, the economy in general isn't affected (because vendor prices won't change), but the AH prices won't fluctuate, they will just go UP!
Plus, I HATE THE AMOUNT OF FARMING YOU NEED! To be beaten by some jack-ass with no skill, just time, just because he has better ARMOR! It pisses me off to no end. I guy with Down Syndrome can beat someone if they have the right armor. BTW, EXXAGERATION! Still, pisses me off.
I cannot hear you over the SHUT THE FUCK UP!
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
everyone who
1- has a fulltime job,
2- social obligations (family, friends, etc),
3- does things socially (clubbing, church, zoo, shopping, restaurants, movies, the theatre),
4- likes FUN
5- doesn't live in mommy's basement;
well anyone in those categories knows that wow sucks majorly. it's pretty and has nice colors, that's it.
you are the exact same as everyone else your class and level. same int, str, etc. same skills/powers. same talents (yes same talents, you might fight against it, but you'll end up being forced to change your talents if you want to join kaplan's end game stupidity bore fest).
or you can keep skilling up lvl 60s in the hopes that kaplan and pardo are either fired, or executed and that BC won't be just another heaping pile of raid garbage. but by that time, well, all you old timers that were there since beta/release... how many people are still playing that you started with? how many took off 6-12 months and have played maybe 1/3rd of the time it's actually been out? all you raiders, how many of you have been here since release/beta? and how many of your raid mates have also been here that long?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
The two games I like best (and think have a lot of potential) are Darkfall and Dark and Light. I'm keeping an eye on both but frankly, I'm not holding my breath. Shadowbane also had a lot of potential but there was such a big gap between what they told everyone the game was about and what it actually was about that I have to wonder what kind of drugs they got over at Ubisoft.
I didn't read the entire OP's post, but.. I probably agree. I hate all modern MMO's tbh, they all suck arse.
The funny thing is, i've recently gone back to an old-skool Ultima Online shard, and i've gotta say it i havnt had this much fun since............ i left UO rofl. It's kinda depressing really, i now knnow for sure there won't be a game to even come close to the original greatness of UO, therefore I guess i'll just have to play UO eternally. oh well, suits me
I have to agree with the sentiment here that all the modern MMORPG games suck. It seems the only types of games being released now are EQ style grinds. Where is the originality in this genre ?
Guess what I am playing right now - Runescape, yep you heard right Runescape. Why you may ask - the answer is simple, I have never played it before out of the dozens of MMO games I have played since early UO and I want to see what draws people into it - I know its not the graphics, there must be something else in there.
Is it good or bad - who knows ? I hear plenty of people whine about it, but I am going to give it a few weeks to find out what really makes it tick, TBH I have nothing else to play online anyway. I have already tried AA, AC, AC2, AO, ATITD, COH, COV, D2LOD, DAOC, EQ, EQ2, EVE, GW, HZ, L2, MXO, NWN, PS, RFO, SRO, SOR, SWG, TSO, UO and WOW, I am burnt out on many of those, phew...
Besides, if its as bad as many have said already then it may make me appreciate one of the games I already left more and give me somewhere to head back to