if the 50 some odd dollars per person isnt enough for them to get enough content into the game for the subscription to be worth it, then 15$ a month times however many people stick with it, probablty isnt going to help much, these guys need an amazing amount of talent to get this working, and i'm afraid they're running out of time
i suppose you can consider the purchase price an investment at best, they offered the freedom package of their own free will, so they shouldnt be surprised if most people choose a cheaper way to play the game long term
No wait its a user thread as always. Hey black & Ik any of you two able to tell if Farlan is even bothering to release a manual or are they just waiting for the users to write one for them?
Thats the main problem with this game, besides the bugs, lack of content, and more bugs, everything is "planned".
Seriously, travel to another spot in the game from your starting area, guess what you will find? Nothing, no NPC's, no mobs, no players. Nothing. That is what this game offers you. Nothing.
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1033127", true);
Posts: 66
It's a f*cking cult.
if the 50 some odd dollars per person isnt enough for them to get enough content into the game for the subscription to be worth it, then 15$ a month times however many people stick with it, probablty isnt going to help much, these guys need an amazing amount of talent to get this working, and i'm afraid they're running out of time
i suppose you can consider the purchase price an investment at best, they offered the freedom package of their own free will, so they shouldnt be surprised if most people choose a cheaper way to play the game long term
No wait its a user thread as always. Hey black & Ik any of you two able to tell if Farlan is even bothering to release a manual or are they just waiting for the users to write one for them?
Thats the main problem with this game, besides the bugs, lack of content, and more bugs, everything is "planned".
Seriously, travel to another spot in the game from your starting area, guess what you will find? Nothing, no NPC's, no mobs, no players. Nothing. That is what this game offers you. Nothing.
If you are just joining us, make sure to choose Freedom player option of payment!!!
There is nothing in master subscriber that you will likely needing anytime soon.
My Sager 5760 Review
here's another fyi for new players