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which FFXI

THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33
should i get FFXI in the x-box 360 or on the computer? which one would i have more fun playing and how many players would play on the x-bow 360 or the computer. Which server is also good


  • T-o-h-m-aT-o-h-m-a Member Posts: 42

    If you have a good computer and your game would run smoothly on it I would suggest that one, but otherwise, play on Xbox 360. There are many more players that play on the computer than on Xbox, but it doesnt particularly matter since you play togethr no matter what system your using.

    As for the Server question, IMO, well I'm gonna be biased and go withmy server, Alexander, its the best, but truthfully they are pretty much all equal. Though, for the server with the coolest players, well thats Alexander by far ^^b, theres no competition there lol =P

  • WolfegangWolfegang Member Posts: 7

    If you choose to go with computer, you should try an invest some money into buying a USB game-pad (12 button), since the game was "originally" designed for PS2, and the controls on ps2 style gamepad is great. Otherwise, I find the control on the computer annoying and hard, not intuitive AT ALL.

    I can't say much about Xbox360 experience because I dont have one...but, I think PC + USB gamepad gives you the best of the both worlds, between PC and PS2.

    As for your question about the server... I think regardless of which server you choose you'll find your share of friends, so long as you're willing to put in your share of the effort to make friendships happen.

    But ONE way to choose, is to try and find community sites... all servers have them... and witness the community before your commit yourself. Some of the bigger community sites encompass all servers with individual forums for each servers, such as ,  and other sites are specifc to their respective servers.... for example, is a highly active community site/forum made by people of quetzalcoatl server.

    I hope this helps, and gl with your journey :)

  • DojoDojo Member CommonPosts: 42
      My brothers and I just started playing FFXI as well... Two of us play on PC's and one plays on the 360.  Let me say this much...  while the two of us on PC's have to sit in a desk chair and look at a little monitor he's laid up on the recliner playing on a 52 inch TV.   Jealousy does not begin to describe the feelings I have about that right now.   So, take that for what it's worth.

    Oshi on the Hades Server

  • TsucasaTsucasa Member Posts: 54
    hey T-o-h-m-a u play on alexander? so do i. it rocks ppl are so nice. but i guess its that way for any server. you should look me up Albierio
  • THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33
     thnx wolfegang for tyhe websites and T-o-h-m-a ill join ur server
  • THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33
    what race would be good for a nin and a beastmater   do the races have different abilities like wow?
  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    Originally posted by THe_GAmE21
    what race would be good for a nin and a beastmater do the races have different abilities like wow?

    Race isn't that important. You don't get special racial abilities. The only difference between the five races is that your base stats get slanted one way or another: Humes are balanced, tarus get MPs and INT at the expense of HPs and STR, galka get MPs and STR at the expense of MPs, and so on. Also, while your choice of race and starting nation are separate, if you start in your race's home (Hume or Galka in Bastok, Tarutaru or Mithra in Windurst, Elvaan in San d'Oria), you get the nation's ring. It can't be traded or sold, and gives modest stat improvement; generally you'll find it worthwhile for your first 10 or 20 levels before it gets overshadowed by higher-level rings that do more.

    Chris Mattern

  • THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33

    thnx where do i find the info because the website doesnt tell anything about that

  • xflkidxflkid Member Posts: 17
    For nin go elvaan, but in end it doesnt matter really but personally i like elvaan's lol.  And for where to find info on this game.

    Now the xbox 360 or pc...errr doesnt really matter.  I have 360 and I love it,graphics r awesome and no lag.
  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    Originally posted by THe_GAmE21
    thnx where do i find the info because the website doesnt tell anything about that

    There are number of good fan info sites; I use and all the time.

    Chris Mattern

  • THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33

    hey im wondering can u make diferrent char in differnt servers?

    Can i switch my char to other server and do i have to pay for that?

  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    Originally posted by THe_GAmE21
    hey im wondering can u make diferrent char in differnt servers?
    Can i switch my char to other server and do i have to pay for that?

    Yes, you can have characters on different servers, but you'll need Wordpasses. Once you have a existing character (whose server will be chosen for you if you don't use a Worldpass), all additional characters will be be created on the first character's server, unless you use a Worldpass.

    A Worldpass is a special code that gives you the right to create a character on one specific world. With a standard Worldpass, the code is good for five character creations and expires after one week (I'm not going to get into Gold Worldpasses here). A Worldpass for a given world must be bought ingame on that world. The price (in gil) varies depending on the server pop (the more crowded the world, the more expensive the WP), but they're generally quite cheap from the view of an experienced player. A number of FFXI-centered forums have sections with topics for the various worlds, and you can often get a worldpass if you go to the forum for a world and ask *nicely*.

    Generally, you can *not* switch your character from one world to another. Occassionally, SE will load balance by offering a server migration, where they'll tell players on servers A, B and C that players on server A have the option of moving to server X, B has the option of moving to Y and C has the option of moving to Z. This doesn't cost you anything if you take them up on it. There are, at the moment, no migrations being offered and there doesn't seem to any prospect of one anytime soon.

    Chris Mattern

  • THe_GAmE21THe_GAmE21 Member Posts: 33
    hey chris wat server do u play on in ffxi
  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    Originally posted by THe_GAmE21
    hey chris wat server do u play on in ffxi

    I'm on Remora.

    Chris Mattern

  • EQKaffeeEQKaffee Member Posts: 5

    Yes, you can have characters on different servers, but you'll need Wordpasses. Once you have a existing character (whose server will be chosen for you if you don't use a Worldpass), all additional characters will be be created on the first character's server, unless you use a Worldpass.

    Isn't the world pass works the otherway around? I thought it is like..... new player cannot choose server but assigned into server randomly. With world pass a new character can enter a particualar server, provide he know the server name and given the correct world pass code......

    Everybody loves Kaffee

  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    That's what I said, when rolling up your first character you get a world chosen for you (it's not exactly random, SE tries to load balance things when assigning you a server) unless you have a WorldPass code to specify a world. However, once your first character is rolled up, whether you were assigned a world or used a WorldPass, subsequent character automatically get assigned to the same world, unless you use a WorldPass code to create one on a different world.

    Chris Mattern

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