Is anyone else getting error 007 all the time....everytime I log on it happens in the middle of a mission. Can anyone help me with this? or at least let me know I am not the only one suffering from it.
If that's what you were told in the first e-mail, then you didn't really get any help. That was just the automated response trying to give you the best advice based on what has worked for others in the past. All I can say is run through all of the various tests that are up on the support site, and try to figure out where the problem is originating.
On a side note, I've noticed a serious degredation in my connectivity, and I've attributed it to my DSL modem, which I sadly don't have the money to replace.
I might think that it could be on my side except that, off the same modem, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, and Phantasy Star Online are played and work without any problems at all.
So, I would like someone who has this problem and found a fix for it to post how they fixed it.
Please..I need help here.
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Now that I know other people are having the same problem..has anyone found a solution or at least a cause for the problem?
The help at PlayNC did nothelp me at all. Any advice on this issue is welcome.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
On a side note, I've noticed a serious degredation in my connectivity, and I've attributed it to my DSL modem, which I sadly don't have the money to replace.
Play Guild Wars? Go here -
And go here for the new official Guild Wars Wiki!
I might think that it could be on my side except that, off the same modem, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, and Phantasy Star Online are played and work without any problems at all.
So, I would like someone who has this problem and found a fix for it to post how they fixed it.