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I'd hope to see a decent amount of character customization in Gods and Heros. One of the most depressing things about many rpg's is that the characters tend to all look alike. I think a most stunning example of this is the recently released DDO, where but for a few hair and minor face adjustments everyone was pretty much just everyone else's cousin.
I understand that not every game can be City of Heros, but please. Please, put in a few options to allow us to make our characters distinct from each other.
This is from I,Clavinus from PE and their forums:
I don’t think that will be much of a problem. We actually have a pretty robust character creation system. Granted, everyone will be a human (Roman) male or female, but you can change the way you look quite a bit.
Here are the adjustable character creation characteristics as it stands right now. (As always, things are not final and may change)
Hair Color
Personal Colors
Skin Tone
So as you can see, we have quite a few customization options and internally, we have created characters that look like everyone from John Travolta to Sean Connery to that Powder guy from that one movie...powder.
By the time we ship, you should be able to create pretty much any character you desire.
Also, with the wide array of clothes and amour that you can mix and match, I think it will be pretty uncommon to run into a level 50 twin
Forum link
I hope this helps.
<a href=><img src=></a>
since the only race available is human. Hopefully we wont end up
seeing multiple clones running around! After playing MMORPG's like Guild Wars I know what it's like to have a twin.
Will classes be stuck with certain armor and weapon types or will they be able to sport anything with maybe some hinderance? The armor and weapons look great so far, and I'll be a happy camper when I can use armor that isnt soo bulky and cartoonish like other games and use a short gladius like sword instead of some overweight anime like sword.
The main problem I have with most games is that classes are stuck with certain types of armor and weapons so that I can have either the class I want or the gear I want but not both. That's what broke my heart on SWG when they made that change, among many.
Never give up and never surrender!
i also hope the world is gonna be big enough and alot of servers because i played a game called knight online and there were like 15 servers but the world was too small or at least the server was like always busy and if you didn't pay for the game it could sometimes take 30min to get in.
*ps. don't play knight online too many hackers and they dun do anything about it.*
IMO you have no idea about whats an FPS too. You should also ask others "whats an FPS" ?
FPS sands for (F)irst (P)erson (P)erspective and has nothing to do with a game is sandbox or not.
Credits to DarthRaiden
Customization is all well and nice, but looking at that class list makes me yawn inside the likes of which has not been felt since the news of a LotR mmo reached my ears. I certainly hope there is room for a hybrid play style, because God knows that's the problem with most games anymore.
Famous Class Quotes
Priest: I got a heal! *target dies* damn los!
Rogue: How did he see me?! I have +2 stealth!
Scout: RUN AWAY!
Soldier: I hate tanking!
Mystic *conjures generic fireball*
Gladiator: Me smash, you die!
In closing, sure, you may look pretty, but you are going to be the same thing from 1 out of ever 6 people in town ><
(Unless serving different Gods changes how your class plays however, then we got something )
Clever things.
Essentially yes, but add in different god choices, different feat builds (which haven't been released) and how skillful you are at managing your minions and what minions you use and you're not that similar to every other person in your class.
Also, with the feats not released yet it's hard to say how traditional the classes will be. My guess is pretty traditional, but we'll see how much they have changed it.
I would love to see a cross between SWG character creation and COH/COV charater creatoin. They both have such fine strengths in avatar design.
How much monthly will the game cost?
There's nothing definitive yet, but the overall guess is betweeen $10 and $15
well! that monthly fee question just popped right out of nowhere
Confirming the info from PE and Clavius: yes, the character faces are customizable. I can't give up anymore than that because of the NDA.
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Well, this game is about rome and real humans... real humans don't have natural green skin and purple hair ( I don't mean dyed).