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AD screws it up again.
qoute from AD Cleopatra
"Again if your tone in your mail to tech support is only half as snotty and disrespectful as it is in this thread (and let me remind you AD is responsible for basic tech support inside the game only, main tech support regarding issues like yours are done by dev team and np3) i am not surprised that your ticket might be not on the Top Ten of their to-do-list."
So make sure you don't come across upset at all. For those that can't login - might I suggest the following body of text for your tech support email.
"Let me start off by saying your fantastic and have created all that I've been looking for in an MMO. I do however have a minor problem and when you have time I'd really appreciate it if you could investigate this issue. Again, thanks so much for well, just being you. And I'm sure you all have enormous penises. Much bigger than my own to be sure. Big french penises. To my problem. I can't log in. I keep getting the following message ".........................". No rush. Take your time. Just let me know what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it.
Thanks for listening and "Hail" to all of your enormous penises."
That should get you to the top of the pile.
"Let me start off by saying your fantastic and have created all that I've been looking for in an MMO. I do however have a minor problem and when you have time I'd really appreciate it if you could investigate this issue. Again, thanks so much for well, just being you. And I'm sure you all have enormous penises. Much bigger than my own to be sure. Big french penises. To my problem. I can't log in. I keep getting the following message ".........................". No rush. Take your time. Just let me know what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it.
Thanks for listening and "Hail" to all of your enormous penises."
oh my god I saw that post when I was sifting through that hell hole they call a forum. I sat for two days trying to get help and waiting for answers back. They sent me two emails in response, both asked for details about my computer (different info each time) but I still have not gotten a response back from them. While trying to search for some sort of answer or direction on what to do, I came across that post by that moderator.
I was shocked! I was taken aback and had to think hard how I was able to send them my system information in such a rude way that my request is now sitting on the bottom since I had not been answered yet still!
Still havent figured out how I could have possibly insulted them by merely listing what they asked me to list and sending it back...but that was 5 days ago and I have since learned that I dont need their help any longer as I will not be playing this game after all
Well if that's the case, hey Cleo I agree with Rankar.
You don't have to sacrifice your integrity for a paycheck. You can do better.
And no, I'm not your dad either. I'm too young for that.
The mods must be straining being the front lines to this production. I'm suprised they haven't gotten a lot worse by now. Hell if I was a mod there I would have either flipped out or quit by this time. Sad how the only things done well are the world (done by VWorld) and the mods (done by AD, but starting to strain). Is there anything with this crap pile that was done well that was actually made by the developers?
Well if that's the case, hey Cleo I agree with Rankar.
You don't have to sacrifice your integrity for a paycheck. You can do better.
And no, I'm not your dad either. I'm too young for that.
The mods must be straining being the front lines to this production. I'm suprised they haven't gotten a lot worse by now. Hell if I was a mod there I would have either flipped out or quit by this time. Sad how the only things done well are the world (done by VWorld) and the mods (done by AD, but starting to strain). Is there anything with this crap pile that was done well that was actually made by the developers?
The volunteer mods from AD are changing quite a lot in the past month. Except a few core members none of the recent mods appears for mor then a few month.
I miss DAoC
In all the history of MMORPG, is there another game with worse costumer service? I've tried but I can't think of one.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
Man, SOE doesn't count. That's like asking who the most evil person in the world is and saying, "the devil".
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
I miss DAoC
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
It is completely and totally unprofessional to act the way Cleo said tech support might be acting. From here on in I'm assuming they do in fact act this way even though I know Cleo was only guessing and advising.
If you have an angry customer, you don't ignore them or punish them. You work to correct their problem. That goes for every industry. You put your human desire to push them to the back of the line or whatnot aside if they're being snooty or disrespectful. And you also apologize. Sometimes you even throw them a bone and give them a little something for free to compensate them for their troubles. Rarely is it ever acceptable to deny an upset customer any service or otherwise ignore them.
THAT'S good customer service! If Farlan or NP3's customer service ISN'T operating like this, then they either need new customer service reps or new customer service managers.
Holy cow if I ever acted this way toward an upset customer I'd lose my job right there on the spot! I deal with upset customers all the time. And believe me, that "disrespectufl" post is nothing.
They have to grow some thicker skin and learn proper customer service skills.
EDIT: Cleo's not at fault here btw. This is a Farlan/NP3 problem, and Cleo was only guessing at how they might be handling these kinds of tickets. I don't think she's too far off the mark though. Maybe she knows more about the inner workings of tech support than we know?