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VWORLD Technology and DNL

MortleWundeMortleWunde Member Posts: 15
On November 22,2005 (translated through

Let us speak a little some practise in the Indian Ocean…

Let us speak a little some practise in the Indian Ocean…

My name is Vincent Pourieux, alias Pix, for those which perhaps know me my beginnings in the industry of the video game, 18 years ago. I am an inventor of a procedural technology of returned ground 3D real time, technology which I initially called V-world, then VWorldTerrain, whose first algorithms were developed in 1996. This technology was already used, inter alia, in the ludo-educational software Eingana 1.0 and Eingana 1.5 marketed in 2001 and 2003, software presenting the first simulation 3D real time of the whole Earth, on 2 Cd-ROMs PC. VWorldTerrain technology is marketed exclusively by company VWORLD.
I am also a ex-member of the team of development of the MMORPG Dark and Light developed not the company réunionnaise NPCube and published by the offshore oil rig company Farlan Mauritian. I was founder member of the company NPCube, limited liability company founded in September 2002. I was paid of this same company of Mars 2003 to July 2004, date on which I gave my resignation. I thereafter sold my shares with the capital of NPCube in December 2004. Let us specify that no technological contribution was made on this company, for some technology that it is, and that its founder members did everything an only numerary contribution.

It proves that Dark and Light made use of the engine of play Mafate developed by the NPCube company for the realization of this MMORPG. Mafate (thus Dark and Light) very largely uses VWorldTerrain technology in its version 2002. Technology presented at the time the following characteristics - without however which they all were used for the development of Mafate:

- satellite use of data of various formats and resolutions
- wide world without cargo loading areas
- creation of procedural data in real time
- infinite field of vision and management of the rotundity of planet
- dynamic management of the weather and the climatic phenomena
- procedural management ALF
- solid drop shadows in real time (system of ray-casting) for the ground and the objects
- daylight and artificial dynamic
- simulation of the true vault of heaven and the stars
- integration of cities per automatic extrusion
- dynamic management of the vegetation
- terra-forming real time for the ground and the buildings
- tools of edition of scenes in returned the 3D

This list is not-exhaustive there bus is not the goal of my matter. I specify again that the engine of play Mafate uses part of these functionalities in their simplified version, whereas others, more complex, were not used (extrusion of the buildings, terra-forming real time of the ground, data satellite in multi-formats and resolutions, infinite field of vision, inter alia).

It does not remain about it less than Mafate made use of VWorldTerrain and than thanks to that, Dark and Light is a project which asserts the greatest surface of play ever realized, as well as a management of natural landscapes or a dynamic weather, characteristics still today innovating in the sector of the MMORPG. This use of VWorldTerrain was not possible in 2002, 2003 and until August 2004, only parce what I personally authorized the NPCube company, and this for the only development of the MMORPG Dark and Light, and only within the following framework: surface world of 40.000 km2, important field of vision, single world waiter.

However, it proves that the NPCube company does not respect my intellectual property, while refusing since 1 year and half to make be reproduced the use of VWordTerrain technology in its official communication on the development of Dark and Light. Moreover, the NPCube company announces to use its “technology owner” by quoting the engine of play Mafate, without specifying that Mafate makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, which I regard as an attack with my royalty and a violation of the copyright which is attached to it. In addition, the NPCube company refuses to pour royalties on the realizable potential benefit on the future sales of the product Dark and Light.

We have, my lawyer and myself, of course done what is necessary near the NPCube company and to its council to try to find a solution friendly. We however ran up against a wall of fallacious reasons and it thus appears necessary, before the marketing of Dark and Light, to specify with its potentials purchasers which the NPCube company does not respect the international code of the intellectual property. It goes obviously without saying that I do not authorize the NPCube company to be continued to use VWorldTerrain technology for the development of the MMORPG Dark and Light (or any other project), as it is still the case today. An action at law seems to us to be today the only possible exit.

Some useful bonds:

I - Presentation of VWorldTerrain technology:

Let us speak a little some practise in the Indian Ocean…
My name is Vincent Pourieux, alias Pix, for those which perhaps know me my beginnings in the industry of the video game, 18 years ago. I am an inventor of a procedural technology of returned ground 3D real time, technology which I initially called V-world, then VWorldTerrain, whose first algorithms were developed in 1996. This technology was already used, inter alia, in the ludo-educational software Eingana 1.0 and Eingana 1.5 marketed in 2001 and 2003, software presenting the first simulation 3D real time of the whole Earth, on 2 Cd-ROMs PC. VWorldTerrain technology is marketed exclusively by company VWORLD.
I am also a ex-member of the team of development of the MMORPG Dark and Light developed not the company réunionnaise NPCube and published by the offshore oil rig company Farlan Mauritian. I was founder member of the company NPCube, limited liability company founded in September 2002. I was paid of this same company of Mars 2003 to July 2004, date on which I gave my resignation. I thereafter sold my shares with the capital of NPCube in December 2004. Let us specify that no technological contribution was made on this company, for some technology that it is, and that its founder members did everything an only numerary contribution.

It proves that Dark and Light made use of the engine of play Mafate developed by the NPCube company for the realization of this MMORPG. Mafate (thus Dark and Light) very largely uses VWorldTerrain technology in its version 2002. Technology presented at the time the following characteristics - without however which they all were used for the development of Mafate:

- satellite use of data of various formats and resolutions
- wide world without cargo loading areas
- creation of procedural data in real time
- infinite field of vision and management of the rotundity of planet
- dynamic management of the weather and the climatic phenomena
- procedural management ALF
- solid drop shadows in real time (system of ray-casting) for the ground and the objects
- daylight and artificial dynamic
- simulation of the true vault of heaven and the stars
- integration of cities per automatic extrusion
- dynamic management of the vegetation
- terra-forming real time for the ground and the buildings
- tools of edition of scenes in returned the 3D

This list is not-exhaustive there bus is not the goal of my matter. I specify again that the engine of play Mafate uses part of these functionalities in their simplified version, whereas others, more complex, were not used (extrusion of the buildings, terra-forming real time of the ground, data satellite in multi-formats and resolutions, infinite field of vision, inter alia).

It does not remain about it less than Mafate made use of VWorldTerrain and than thanks to that, Dark and Light is a project which asserts the greatest surface of play ever realized, as well as a management of natural landscapes or a dynamic weather, characteristics still today innovating in the sector of the MMORPG. This use of VWorldTerrain was not possible in 2002, 2003 and until August 2004, only parce what I personally authorized the NPCube company, and this for the only development of the MMORPG Dark and Light, and only within the following framework: surface world of 40.000 km2, important field of vision, single world waiter.

However, it proves that the NPCube company does not respect my intellectual property, while refusing since 1 year and half to make be reproduced the use of VWordTerrain technology in its official communication on the development of Dark and Light. Moreover, the NPCube company announces to use its “technology owner” by quoting the engine of play Mafate, without specifying that Mafate makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, which I regard as an attack with my royalty and a violation of the copyright which is attached to it. In addition, the NPCube company refuses to pour royalties on the realizable potential benefit on the future sales of the product Dark and Light.

We have, my lawyer and myself, of course done what is necessary near the NPCube company and to its council to try to find a solution friendly. We however ran up against a wall of fallacious reasons and it thus appears necessary, before the marketing of Dark and Light, to specify with its potentials purchasers which the NPCube company does not respect the international code of the intellectual property. It goes obviously without saying that I do not authorize the NPCube company to be continued to use VWorldTerrain technology for the development of the MMORPG Dark and Light (or any other project), as it is still the case today. An action at law seems to us to be today the only possible exit.

Some useful bonds:

I - Presentation of VWorldTerrain technology:

II - Official official statement of the site dated April 23,2004 “”. This official statement curiously disappeared at the end of a few weeks.

VWorld - the technology responsible for ground rendering in DnL
Friday, April 23, 2004
“VWorld” is the ground technology integrated into DnL' S “Mafate” range engine.
To know more butt the way it generates ground, renders vegetation gold implements weather condition exchanges, among other things, cuts has look At

Hide Google which refers to this official statement:
MMORPGdot referred also to this official statement:

(NB: It may be that these 2 bonds do not function or more per hour or you will read these pages. For information, their contents were noted by Bailiff.)

III - One speaks about VWorldTerrain here and there:

One off the first things you note is the wonderful ground rendering technology called VWorld. With the infinate view distance, the combination off Micro Strong BigWorld engine and the VWorld ground rendering technology make for has beautiful sight and range playing experiment. The 15,000 public garden miles off prospectable Land to explores was made with actual off satellite photographs taken the earth. Thesis photographs were tweaked and made to made together to form shares off the world. The shares off the realm are consists and exist have has whole. Dark and Light does not require “zoning” because off the technology that the range is using.

Persistent worlds:

Why is DnL it original, which is something that the other plays do not have???
In a word - VWorld- In a sentence: “VWorldTerrain™ is a technology allowing returned ground in 3D real time.

Hollywood To defer:

“Someone from the Army was At the [video ranges industry' S] E3 trade show in May, saw the VWorldTerrain technology used in “Dark And Light,” and invited the VWorld people to has ranges showcase hosted one June 30 in broad Washington where there were many military contractors, “explains Bruce Roberts, has division scientist At BBN.

IV - On the forums:,1024,971614687,20050826123757
and well of others…

V - An article giving a report on the non-observance of my intellectual property by NPCube:
The response of Farlan (and of NPCube…) comprise many untrue assertions.
It gives a report “on aucunes obligations towards company VWORLD” (company succeeding my old company CPU-Software and indeed made up in May 2004), whereas it is simply a question of respecting my intellectual property. And as opposed to what imply Farlan, I specify that I at all do not assert the “property of Mafate” and that my work within NPCube was indeed to adapt my technology of returned ground to the needs for the MMORPG Dark and Light:

Cesar cam to Vincent Pourieux (aka Pix to differentiate from Vincent Pelisson, aka Folds) 2 years ago and presented has project that was to become Dark and Light. Pix started to talk to Cesar closer after Cesar saw the ground rendering technology Pix was developing. Have has visionary, Cesar quickly saw the advantage off such has thing to create has bigger, greater idea than the original one.

Small bracket in connection with this article where one could already note a certain party taken in the communication: it appears to to me dared to consider to launch out in the development of a MMORPG having a surface of play of 40.000km2 (certainly a performance without precedent in the field of the play) is an idea visionary and larger than that of origin which consisted in simulating the whole surface of the planet (either 510 million km2… ah yes, it is true that Google Earth did not exist at the time, the idea thus did not have anything revolutionist…). This article well however explains why the sleeping partners of the project Dark and Light (associates of the company Farlan Mauritian) did not hesitate to call upon my services so that I adapt my technology to their needs.
To return from there to the response of Farlan in connection with the article of WarCry, I readily concede in NPCube the fact that any work provided during a contract of employee belongs to the employer, but I think sincerely that it would be more than abusive (to remain polished) to consider that work completed before (either during already 6 years in 2002…) that is to say the property of the aforesaid employer. Technology VWorldTerrain (certainly called V-world then) existed well before my contract with NPCube, and it is well thanks to the use of VWorldTerrain that Dark and Light could be presented at the living room of Milia only 5 months after the formation of the NPCube company, then 3 months later on E3. (either only respectively -1 month and +2 months after my recruiting in Mars!)
Lastly, as opposed to what Farlan affirms, I “did not resign in August 2004 to form company VWORLD”, because the latter exists since May 2004.
For information, Dark and Light uses also technology BigWorld waiter, and NPCube was never opposed to communicate on this fact… And oddly, it is still not the case for VWorldTerrain…
It would seem that with court of arguments since a few months, the new policy of NPCube (or that of Farlan?) consist in saying that the current developers entirely rewrote “the engine”, and this of course while affirming not to have based itself on the original algorithms of VWorldTerrain. I let the reader judge veracity of this “information”, within sight of the current state of the development of the MMORPG Dark and Light, 2 days before his first setting on sale. What to think such intrigues?

On November 25,2005

An official response of Farlan (or many developers, therefore of NPCube?)  at the time of the Dev.-cat of the November 24:

Which is the position of NPCube with respect to that:

Pourrieux decided to leave without anything to require, when the exit was dubious on the technical level and now that we worked to transform his “model” concerned, it sought to tap us money

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages. Moreover, why choose the Web rather than the court to take advantage of its rights? Farlan will take the initiative of going in court for this question.

Ah, it would seem that the names pose a real problem to them. For memory, my name is Pourieux, with only one “R”. And “model” would be thus the suitable term to indicate a technology… Yes, I know it is wearying, but indeed I repeat it: technology in question exists since 1996 and is used in DnL since 2002. It would be thus this “model” which would have made it possible Dark and Light to be presented at the public since 2002?

Well, let us take again the arguments: then their analysis is: “to leave without anything to ask, when the exit was dubious on the technical level”. On the technical level… That is to say. Which? The waiter? The technology of ground? Posting in the engine? Animations? The user interface? The sound? The adjustments gameplay? or what? In was August 2004, the exit dubious? Wasn't the play supposed to leave in December 2004, and it had not returned one of functional ground already largely voted by plebiscite by the media? (in 2004, let us specify, of course…)

Let us continue: “decided to leave without anything to ask”. Since it is needed apparently, I will specify ahead the events which preceded my resignation by NPCube, (and not of Farlan, it is necessary to stop all mixing… yes I know, it is very hard this double cap free-Mauritian)

After repeated requests, I had finally obtained my associates with NPCube (and of the Farlan editor since it should be quoted) that the administrator of the Community site Dark and Light puts a bond towards the site presenting VWorldTerrain technology (certainly, known at the time under the name V-world). I had also obtained the publication of a “news” specifying the use of technology in the development of Dark and Light. I specify however that I had urged that a bond be also present on the site of the NPCube company. Indeed, certain design features presented on this site as having started from Mafate resulted directly from VWorldTerrain technology. The purpose of this request was to avoid of course that these characteristics are not regarded as being property of the company NPCube… Las, this forever existed bond…

In April 2004, one asks me to present Dark and Light on the E3 living room. I accept readily more especially as it had been agreed that I could also on this occasion again present my technology during the demonstrations real time which I was to make on the living room. It was the third time that I presented this technology at E3 (in 2000, 2001 and 2004 thus).

However, the administrator of the site Dark and Light judged good to withdraw the bond on   during the week when I was present at E3.

An official response of Farlan (or many developers, therefore of NPCube?)  at the time of the Dev.-cat of the November 24:

Which is the position of NPCube with respect to that:

Pourrieux decided to leave without anything to require, when the exit was dubious on the technical level and now that we worked to transform his “model” concerned, it sought to tap us money

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages. Moreover, why choose the Web rather than the court to take advantage of its rights? Farlan will take the initiative of going in court for this question.

Ah, it would seem that the names pose a real problem to them. For memory, my name is Pourieux, with only one “R”. And “model” would be thus the suitable term to indicate a technology… Yes, I know it is wearying, but indeed I repeat it: technology in question exists since 1996 and is used in DnL since 2002. It would be thus this “model” which would have made it possible Dark and Light to be presented at the public since 2002?

Well, let us take again the arguments: then their analysis is: “to leave without anything to ask, when the exit was dubious on the technical level”. On the technical level… That is to say. Which? The waiter? The technology of ground? Posting in the engine? Animations? The user interface? The sound? The adjustments gameplay? or what? In was August 2004, the exit dubious? Wasn't the play supposed to leave in December 2004, and it had not returned one of functional ground already largely voted by plebiscite by the media? (in 2004, let us specify, of course…)

Let us continue: “decided to leave without anything to ask”. Since it is needed apparently, I will specify ahead the events which preceded my resignation by NPCube, (and not of Farlan, it is necessary to stop all mixing… yes I know, it is very hard this double cap free-Mauritian)

After repeated requests, I had finally obtained my associates with NPCube (and of the Farlan editor since it should be quoted) that the administrator of the Community site Dark and Light puts a bond towards the site presenting VWorldTerrain technology (certainly, known at the time under the name V-world). I had also obtained the publication of a “news” specifying the use of technology in the development of Dark and Light. I specify however that I had urged that a bond be also present on the site of the NPCube company. Indeed, certain design features presented on this site as having started from Mafate resulted directly from VWorldTerrain technology. The purpose of this request was to avoid of course that these characteristics are not regarded as being property of the company NPCube… Las, this forever existed bond…

In April 2004, one asks me to present Dark and Light on the E3 living room. I accept readily more especially as it had been agreed that I could also on this occasion again present my technology during the demonstrations real time which I was to make on the living room. It was the third time that I presented this technology at E3 (in 2000, 2001 and 2004 thus).

However, the administrator of the site Dark and Light judged good to withdraw the bond on   during the week when I was present at E3.

An official response of Farlan (or many developers, therefore of NPCube?)  at the time of the Dev.-cat of the November 24:

Which is the position of NPCube with respect to that:

Pourrieux decided to leave without anything to require, when the exit was dubious on the technical level and now that we worked to transform his “model” concerned, it sought to tap us money

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages. Moreover, why choose the Web rather than the court to take advantage of its rights? Farlan will take the initiative of going in court for this question.

Ah, it would seem that the names pose a real problem to them. For memory, my name is Pourieux, with only one “R”. And “model” would be thus the suitable term to indicate a technology… Yes, I know it is wearying, but indeed I repeat it: technology in question exists since 1996 and is used in DnL since 2002. It would be thus this “model” which would have made it possible Dark and Light to be presented at the public since 2002?

Well, let us take again the arguments: then their analysis is: “to leave without anything to ask, when the exit was dubious on the technical level”. On the technical level… That is to say. Which? The waiter? The technology of ground? Posting in the engine? Animations? The user interface? The sound? The adjustments gameplay? or what? In was August 2004, the exit dubious? Wasn't the play supposed to leave in December 2004, and it had not returned one of functional ground already largely voted by plebiscite by the media? (in 2004, let us specify, of course…)

Let us continue: “decided to leave without anything to ask”. Since it is needed apparently, I will specify ahead the events which preceded my resignation by NPCube, (and not of Farlan, it is necessary to stop all mixing… yes I know, it is very hard this double cap free-Mauritian)

After repeated requests, I had finally obtained my associates with NPCube (and of the Farlan editor since it should be quoted) that the administrator of the Community site Dark and Light puts a bond towards the site presenting VWorldTerrain technology (certainly, known at the time under the name V-world). I had also obtained the publication of a “news” specifying the use of technology in the development of Dark and Light. I specify however that I had urged that a bond be also present on the site of the NPCube company. Indeed, certain design features presented on this site as having started from Mafate resulted directly from VWorldTerrain technology. The purpose of this request was to avoid of course that these characteristics are not regarded as being property of the company NPCube… Las, this forever existed bond…

In April 2004, one asks me to present Dark and Light on the E3 living room. I accept readily more especially as it had been agreed that I could also on this occasion again present my technology during the demonstrations real time which I was to make on the living room. It was the third time that I presented this technology at E3 (in 2000, 2001 and 2004 thus).

However, the administrator of the site Dark and Light judged good to withdraw the bond on   during the week when I was present at E3.

An official response of Farlan (or many developers, therefore of NPCube?)  at the time of the Dev.-cat of the November 24:

Which is the position of NPCube with respect to that:

Pourrieux decided to leave without anything to require, when the exit was dubious on the technical level and now that we worked to transform his “model” concerned, it sought to tap us money

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages. Moreover, why choose the Web rather than the court to take advantage of its rights? Farlan will take the initiative of going in court for this question.

Ah, it would seem that the names pose a real problem to them. For memory, my name is Pourieux, with only one “R”. And “model” would be thus the suitable term to indicate a technology… Yes, I know it is wearying, but indeed I repeat it: technology in question exists since 1996 and is used in DnL since 2002. It would be thus this “model” which would have made it possible Dark and Light to be presented at the public since 2002?

Well, let us take again the arguments: then their analysis is: “to leave without anything to ask, when the exit was dubious on the technical level”. On the technical level… That is to say. Which? The waiter? The technology of ground? Posting in the engine? Animations? The user interface? The sound? The adjustments gameplay? or what? In was August 2004, the exit dubious? Wasn't the play supposed to leave in December 2004, and it had not returned one of functional ground already largely voted by plebiscite by the media? (in 2004, let us specify, of course…)

Let us continue: “decided to leave without anything to ask”. Since it is needed apparently, I will specify ahead the events which preceded my resignation by NPCube, (and not of Farlan, it is necessary to stop all mixing… yes I know, it is very hard this double cap free-Mauritian)

After repeated requests, I had finally obtained my associates with NPCube (and of the Farlan editor since it should be quoted) that the administrator of the Community site Dark and Light puts a bond towards the site presenting VWorldTerrain technology (certainly, known at the time under the name V-world). I had also obtained the publication of a “news” specifying the use of technology in the development of Dark and Light. I specify however that I had urged that a bond be also present on the site of the NPCube company. Indeed, certain design features presented on this site as having started from Mafate resulted directly from VWorldTerrain technology. The purpose of this request was to avoid of course that these characteristics are not regarded as being property of the company NPCube… Las, this forever existed bond…

In April 2004, one asks me to present Dark and Light on the E3 living room. I accept readily more especially as it had been agreed that I could also on this occasion again present my technology during the demonstrations real time which I was to make on the living room. It was the third time that I presented this technology at E3 (in 2000, 2001 and 2004 thus).

However, the administrator of the site Dark and Light judged good to withdraw the bond on   during the week when I was present at E3.

An official response of Farlan (or many developers, therefore of NPCube?)  at the time of the Dev.-cat of the November 24:

Which is the position of NPCube with respect to that:

Pourrieux decided to leave without anything to require, when the exit was dubious on the technical level and now that we worked to transform his “model” concerned, it sought to tap us money

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages. Moreover, why choose the Web rather than the court to take advantage of its rights? Farlan will take the initiative of going in court for this question.

Ah, it would seem that the names pose a real problem to them. For memory, my name is Pourieux, with only one “R”. And “model” would be thus the suitable term to indicate a technology… Yes, I know it is wearying, but indeed I repeat it: technology in question exists since 1996 and is used in DnL since 2002. It would be thus this “model” which would have made it possible Dark and Light to be presented at the public since 2002?

Well, let us take again the arguments: then their analysis is: “to leave without anything to ask, when the exit was dubious on the technical level”. On the technical level… That is to say. Which? The waiter? The technology of ground? Posting in the engine? Animations? The user interface? The sound? The adjustments gameplay? or what? In was August 2004, the exit dubious? Wasn't the play supposed to leave in December 2004, and it had not returned one of functional ground already largely voted by plebiscite by the media? (in 2004, let us specify, of course…)

Let us continue: “decided to leave without anything to ask”. Since it is needed apparently, I will specify ahead the events which preceded my resignation by NPCube, (and not of Farlan, it is necessary to stop all mixing… yes I know, it is very hard this double cap free-Mauritian)

After repeated requests, I had finally obtained my associates with NPCube (and of the Farlan editor since it should be quoted) that the administrator of the Community site Dark and Light puts a bond towards the site presenting VWorldTerrain technology (certainly, known at the time under the name V-world). I had also obtained the publication of a “news” specifying the use of technology in the development of Dark and Light. I specify however that I had urged that a bond be also present on the site of the NPCube company. Indeed, certain design features presented on this site as having started from Mafate resulted directly from VWorldTerrain technology. The purpose of this request was to avoid of course that these characteristics are not regarded as being property of the company NPCube… Las, this forever existed bond…

In April 2004, one asks me to present Dark and Light on the E3 living room. I accept readily more especially as it had been agreed that I could also on this occasion again present my technology during the demonstrations real time which I was to make on the living room. It was the third time that I presented this technology at E3 (in 2000, 2001 and 2004 thus).

However, the administrator of the site Dark and Light judged good to withdraw the bond on   during the week when I was present at E3.

Not being able to tolerate that, I asked so that a solution be found so that we can continue to develop Dark and Light while respecting my intellectual property. The associates of NPCube (as well as the Farlan editor) thus agreed that we had to find an area of agreement not to endanger the development of Dark and Light, which was at that time “imperatively” to leave in December 2004. We thus found the solution following:

Small history: the people who worked since years with me on VWorldTerrain technology me had followed to the Meeting on the development of Dark and Light. I had decided to stop company CPU Software (SNC) at the end of 2003 then assembling with them limited liability company VWORLD in May 2004. My associates on NPCube knew of course perfectly about that. A associate of Farlan even proposed us to take participations in company VWORLD, following a displacement in Washington cd. in June 2004 when I presented VWorldTerrain technology. Moreover, to this occasion, a associate of NPCube had joined me to promote Dark and Light.

In short, the solution was very found: we went, my associates on VWORLD and myself, to continue the development of Dark and Light in subcontracting. We had indeed provided a significant work on Dark and Light, and it seemed completely logical to continue to contribute to the development of the project continuously to bring our competences in the field of the computer graphics, the programming, the treatment of data bases and the realization of trailer cards. That thus made it possible to respect the date of exit of the play, while reconciling our divergences as well as possible: Dark and Light is developed by NPCube, VWorldTerrain is developed by VWORLD. A proposal for a contract thus reaches us (certainly with much delay bus after our resignation…)  but it was impossible to us to sign this document because it comprised many inadmissible clauses and still did not respect my intellectual property. In spite of a long attempt at negotiation on this subject, we regretted to note that NPCube did not want to continue to work with us. The explanation thus given above… by Farlan (?!) is thus simply fallacious.

I hold on this subject to specify as for “the dubious exit on the technical level” evoked above that this assertion could not relate to the part returned of ground of which I had the load, insofar as it is well the only part of Dark and Light which was at the point and largely tested by the Beta-testers present in alpha and beta since the end of 2003. Let us recall that the developer and the editor had centered as of the beginning all their communication on the large ground that Dark and Light presented, and that this “feature” had been largely proposed in the press and on gates Internet. That one does not come to imply today that my work was not with the height of the hopes of the sleeping partners of Dark and Light. But if necessary I will diffuse the eulogistic comments which had been formulated by the testers at the time of my collaboration with NPCube.

As for considering that my work was only one “model”, it is a new example of the non-observance of the work which I could provide…

As for this assertion “it sought to tap us money”, I do not see well in what to require so that my intellectual property is respected can be regarded as an alleged racket. If that refers to my requests for royalties made logically at the beginning of the development of the project, as it is of use in the profession, I am afraid well whereas the sleeping partners of Dark and Light consider all the developers, subcontractors included, like likely to want to bribe them…

Lastly, to finish I still do not include/understand what pushes the Farlan company to be implied in this business: I declare indeed that the NPCube company does not respect the international code of the intellectual property. We thus wait, my lawyer and myself, until the company Farlan Mauritian exposes us its objections.

While waiting, I would be to him liking to agree to avoid words like “slandering” and “calumny” in his flame attacks. When with the Web, it proves that it is an ideal tool for all one each one to make pass from the messages (and not to take advantage of its rights, which could not fall within the competence of the Web, if not that would be known!) I am afraid well however that justice does not have time to decide before the end of the setting on sale of Dark and Light.      

Business (S) to follow…

On December 9,2005

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages.

This dated November 24,2005 assertion. More than 2 weeks later how far is one?

Following a certain number of erroneous assertions in my opposition or VWorldTerrain technology, I make a point of bringing precise details for all those which will have perhaps a day the leisure to discover the play Dark and Light or even its named reduced version SoG. Even if this product makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, it is wise to recall that, according to terms' employed by the current team of development of NPCube itself, a “rewriting” partial of the source code was done for the version 2005 of the Mafate engine. This rewriting was made without my authorization and I could not guarantee the performances of VWorldTerrain technology today within the engine of play Mafate nor of course to be held responsible D ? any dysfunction.

Here some bonds allowing to have a more precise idea of the use of VWorldTerrain within Mafate for the development of Dark and Light.

in 2002: then

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages.

This dated November 24,2005 assertion. More than 2 weeks later how far is one?

Following a certain number of erroneous assertions in my opposition or VWorldTerrain technology, I make a point of bringing precise details for all those which will have perhaps a day the leisure to discover the play Dark and Light or even its named reduced version SoG. Even if this product makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, it is wise to recall that, according to terms' employed by the current team of development of NPCube itself, a “rewriting” partial of the source code was done for the version 2005 of the Mafate engine. This rewriting was made without my authorization and I could not guarantee the performances of VWorldTerrain technology today within the engine of play Mafate nor of course to be held responsible D ? any dysfunction.

Here some bonds allowing to have a more precise idea of the use of VWorldTerrain within Mafate for the development of Dark and Light.

in 2002: then

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages.

This dated November 24,2005 assertion. More than 2 weeks later how far is one?

Following a certain number of erroneous assertions in my opposition or VWorldTerrain technology, I make a point of bringing precise details for all those which will have perhaps a day the leisure to discover the play Dark and Light or even its named reduced version SoG. Even if this product makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, it is wise to recall that, according to terms' employed by the current team of development of NPCube itself, a “rewriting” partial of the source code was done for the version 2005 of the Mafate engine. This rewriting was made without my authorization and I could not guarantee the performances of VWorldTerrain technology today within the engine of play Mafate nor of course to be held responsible D ? any dysfunction.

Here some bonds allowing to have a more precise idea of the use of VWorldTerrain within Mafate for the development of Dark and Light.

in 2002: then

It is about a pure and simple slandering. Farlan does already what is necessary so that the law is respected and that the third sites which spread these calumnies erase the accused messages.

This dated November 24,2005 assertion. More than 2 weeks later how far is one?

Following a certain number of erroneous assertions in my opposition or VWorldTerrain technology, I make a point of bringing precise details for all those which will have perhaps a day the leisure to discover the play Dark and Light or even its named reduced version SoG. Even if this product makes use of VWorldTerrain technology, it is wise to recall that, according to terms' employed by the current team of development of NPCube itself, a “rewriting” partial of the source code was done for the version 2005 of the Mafate engine. This rewriting was made without my authorization and I could not guarantee the performances of VWorldTerrain technology today within the engine of play Mafate nor of course to be held responsible D ? any dysfunction.

Here som



  • GalaxyGalaxy Member Posts: 120
    Can I get an executive summary?
  • NSberserkNSberserk Member Posts: 77

    Farlan/NP3 stole Pourieux's world engine (you know, the only thing that looks good in the game).

    They're not the original conceptors of this technology, so they had to modify it a bit and change its name to Mafate...
    which explains why this engine is working so badly at the moment: they weren't able to understand the work of the original developper.

    That's also why the game took so long to be published: Farlan/NP3: they had to understand and rewrite the game engine when Pourieux left.

    Well, that's what I understand.

  • Correct. I add some more.

    Originally posted by NSberserk
    Farlan/NP3 stole Pourieux's world engine (you know, the only thing that looks good in the game).-- the only thing that they are saying themselves is good about the game. The other artwork (buildings, characters, etc) are done by in house programs and artists.

    and refuse to acknowledge his rights or any compensation thereof. Publicly continually to publish/utter deferred claims of ownership towards Mr. Pourieux and deny his right to acknowledgement of his own development.

    They're not the original conceptors of this technology, so they had to modify it a bit and change its name to Mafate...
    which explains why this engine is working so badly at the moment: they weren't able to understand the work of the original developer.

    That's also why the game took so long to be published: Farlan/NP3: they had to understand and rewrite the game engine when Pourieux left.

    Well, that's what I understand.

    and since there is another rumor of yet another "new engine" this is most probably why. Mr. Pourieux, _Pix_,  is in fact going forward with copyright and ownership (intellectual property rights) legalities now that the game has gone "live". As well as their continued claims of development of this technology themselves and no compensation towards the true developer and copyright owner.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Member Posts: 120

    Originally posted by NSberserk
    Farlan/NP3 stole Pourieux's world engine (you know, the only thing that looks good in the game).

    They're not the original conceptors of this technology, so they had to modify it a bit and change its name to Mafate...
    which explains why this engine is working so badly at the moment: they weren't able to understand the work of the original developper.

    That's also why the game took so long to be published: Farlan/NP3: they had to understand and rewrite the game engine when Pourieux left.

    Well, that's what I understand.


    Being able to scale a large mountain and then look far into the distance was the only thing I actually liked about the game.  So Farlan has been unable to code a single nice feature..  But hey, the next patch is coming soon..

  • AtmaDarkwolfAtmaDarkwolf Member UncommonPosts: 353

    thats funny.. all this time, without even knowing this, I 'felt' this while playing though 3 stages of beta, the sog, and finaly the realease..

    I just knew that the original developer(the big world idea felt more fluid and natural the earlier u went in beta stages, it just got more laggy the later u got)

    The rest is a joke(the game I mean) just so many things here and there tossed in to make them 'changes'

    I hope this guy wins and maybe later makes his own game.. at least SOMEONE was doing somethign at ONE time.

  • evilmasterevilmaster Member Posts: 17

    Indeed very interesting and makes the DnL mess even worse. I am very critical regarding software patents, but if a software/technology is completly owned the licence should be regarded with any nescessary respect. Although the matter is much smaller I remember reading that DnL used rsnyc without delivering the corresponding licence and then then they copied the SOE eula....seems they really don't care at all about other rights. Regarding this (and that the use of a whole engine is another dimension) I wish you luck with your lawsuit. Although it might be a long and hard :/ At least you don't have to fight in the US - the system there scares me to death each time a hear a new story about millions for lawyers, more millions for penalty and years without any result (for a similar topic just look at the SCO vs Linux mess).

  • pretty fricking bad, not a gd thing is honest with this company. Not a gd thing.
  • MortleWundeMortleWunde Member Posts: 15

    This is the man we should be putting the praise at. This Pix is responsible for the best thing in this game. Luck to you Mr Pix

  • PhifePhife Member Posts: 229

    Old news, but ...

    Never seen quite this much information about it.   Nice work, detective.


  • AtmaDarkwolfAtmaDarkwolf Member UncommonPosts: 353

    heh.. posted asking the dev's thier opinion.. promptly got banned and post was deleted within seconds.. damn they work fast when thier secrecy is

    I love the staff at DnL.. I want to love them with a baseball bat.

  • ZardustZardust Member Posts: 9

    IANAL but Pix possible forgo his intelectual property by contributing his knowledge to NPcube where he was originly a company founder.

    Obviosualy comparing recent VWorld and DnL screenshots NPcube was not capable to maintain the quality.

  • _GabriellaLa_GabriellaLa Member Posts: 13

    highly doubtful when he owned the rights and the IP years before the talk began and only allowed a certain portion to be used. Its explained in the commentary he wrote. Simply because he allows and has given permission for that use does not mean they can use the entire thing, then wipe out his own development. Its quite obvious they did NOT get the rights to the actual meat of the technology since they have not been able to work with what was left to them, by agreement. Thus change a few things, call it a different name and bump him totally out. Called hijacking, except these idiots didnt realize they had to know how to implement that technology themselves. With the game going live, they have demonstrated that inability.

    However they crossed the line many many times, and in full public view, with their arrogant and blatant lies regarding this technology. Mr. Pourieux has every right to have his development called his, kept his and if this is being used, to be compenstated for it. I believe also that beginning any legal moves, he is doing well to pursue now that the game is live and the entire crew, fanbois included, are pitching the one thing that is good about this game -- and they dont even own it, nor have the expertise nor the knowledge to work with something, claim that it is their own development.

  • ZardustZardust Member Posts: 9

    Originally posted by _GabriellaLa

    highly doubtful when he owned the rights and the IP years before the talk began and only allowed a certain portion to be used. Its explained in the commentary he wrote. Simply because he allows and has given permission for that use does not mean they can use the entire thing, then wipe out his own development. Its quite obvious they did NOT get the rights to the actual meat of the technology since they have not been able to work with what was left to them, by agreement. Thus change a few things, call it a different name and bump him totally out. Called hijacking, except these idiots didnt realize they had to know how to implement that technology themselves. With the game going live, they have demonstrated that inability.
    However they crossed the line many many times, and in full public view, with their arrogant and blatant lies regarding this technology. Mr. Pourieux has every right to have his development called his, kept his and if this is being used, to be compenstated for it. I believe also that beginning any legal moves, he is doing well to pursue now that the game is live and the entire crew, fanbois included, are pitching the one thing that is good about this game -- and they dont even own it, nor have the expertise nor the knowledge to work with something, claim that it is their own development.

    I'm no fan of NPcube but nobody knows exact terms of the contract of Pix with NPCube. I can only tell you that while under contract its pretty normal all work you contribute to it is owned by the company and not the developer.
    As someone doing myself 3D-engine development I can tell you that Pixs vworld technology is very advanced and is not covered by public available desing papers. When you look closely you can see that most of the old scrennshots of Pix area looking way better the recent ones.
    If it would be that easy to tell about the dispute Pix would have send a cease and desist order.
  • KilimKilim Member Posts: 546
    I posted this a while back but should give you guys some insight on the project as it came out.
    Thsi was originally posted by me in the thread here:

    I just saw a post by soemone that linked an old intrview about D&L.

    It has some excellent post made in it for those Anti-_Pix_ people:

    I the original interview was posted here:
    and it was posted here where I stumbled upon it:

    This is my favorite part of the junkyard interview:


    tJY: Can you tell us a little bit about NP Cube and it's history in the gaming industry?

    Laurent: Well, NP Cube was founded in August 2002 by 5 people, with 4 of them coming from the video game industry. One
    of them, Cesar Jacquet – CEO, comes from the IT industry. In fact, this
    is him who gathered everyone to form NP Cube. The other founders are
    Christope Nazaret - Programmer, Vincent Pelisson - Art Director, and
    Vincent Pourieux - Programmer.
    Everyone had his own experience and has worked in the same company but never worked all together until now. Cesar
    came to Vincent Pourieux (aka Pix to differentiate from Vincent
    Pelisson, aka Plis) 2 years ago and presented a project that was to
    become Dark and Light.
    Pix started to talk to Cesar closer after Cesar saw the terrain rendering technology Pix was developing. As a visionary, Cesar quickly saw the advantage of such a thing to create a bigger, greater idea than the original one. Then
    Cesar talked to a couple of his friends who were already involved in
    the project back in Reunion Island, where we’re located And they came
    up with what is Dark and Light today. Then, Stephane Quilichini, Gilles
    Zedde and Frederic Caille designed (mostly in their heads) with Cesar
    what Dark and Light should be. And, as far as I know, they brainstormed
    a lot. They were all Everquest players and fans and also traditional
    RPG players and Game Masters with limited computer gaming development
    knowledge. So Pix asked a bunch of guys to work on the project (the 4
    seniors), and after a lot of talking everyone decided to move to
    Reunion Island to develop the game. Then many other people joined us to
    make a solid as a rock team. Today, we have 10 people in house and we
    work with 5 to 10 external people for graphics. Two musicians are
    involved in the project as well.
    This is nice also:

    tJY: Your first ingame video had a system running with these specs:
    Athlon XP1800+, GeForce4 4400, 512MB DDRAM. Are players going to have
    to own rigs like this in order to play DnL comfortably and if so,
    aren't you afraid that you'll be excluding a large majority of the
    gaming community because of this?

    Laurent: Moderate and hardcore gamers are our first target audience.
    And at the time DnL will be on shelves, this configuration will
    certainly be a moderate one.

    Players with MUCH better rigs than what is stated cannot even run the game properly because ..

    My Sager 5760 Review


  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    ~shrug~ who really cares, The gameplay sucks and it is not fun. The graphics are horrid. That is why I don't play it.

    BTW who really reads posts that are longer than 20 sentences? Try using links .

    I miss DAoC

  • ZardustZardust Member Posts: 9

    Originally posted by Kilim

    tJY: Can you tell us a little bit about NP Cube and it's history in the gaming industry?

    Laurent: Well, NP Cube was founded in August 2002 by 5 people, with 4 of them coming from the video game industry. One
    of them, Cesar Jacquet – CEO, comes from the IT industry. In fact, this
    is him who gathered everyone to form NP Cube. The other founders are
    Christope Nazaret - Programmer, Vincent Pelisson - Art Director, and
    Vincent Pourieux - Programmer.
    Everyone had his own experience and has worked in the same company but never worked all together until now. Cesar
    came to Vincent Pourieux (aka Pix to differentiate from Vincent
    Pelisson, aka Plis) 2 years ago and presented a project that was to
    become Dark and Light.
    Pix started to talk to Cesar closer after Cesar saw the terrain rendering technology Pix was developing. As a visionary, Cesar quickly saw the advantage of such a thing to create a bigger, greater idea than the original one. Then
    Cesar talked to a couple of his friends who were already involved in
    the project back in Reunion Island, where we’re located And they came
    up with what is Dark and Light today. Then, Stephane Quilichini, Gilles
    Zedde and Frederic Caille designed (mostly in their heads) with Cesar
    what Dark and Light should be. And, as far as I know, they brainstormed
    a lot. They were all Everquest players and fans and also traditional
    RPG players and Game Masters with limited computer gaming development
    knowledge. So Pix asked a bunch of guys to work on the project (the 4
    seniors), and after a lot of talking everyone decided to move to
    Reunion Island to develop the game. Then many other people joined us to
    make a solid as a rock team. Today, we have 10 people in house and we
    work with 5 to 10 external people for graphics. Two musicians are
    involved in the project as well.

    Of course you are correct about founding NPcube but 2 of the fouders left (Pouireux and Pellison) From what I have heard they also took some  of the team with them.

    I havent found any qualififaction of
    Stephane Quilichini also known as Vuua as game desinger abpart working on DnL.

    The remainig devs Nazaret and Parent indeed have worked on some games befor and the only ones I can remeber has been 'Alone in the dark 3' which has been released 1995

    Currently I only can say DnL is an ambituis MMOG project lucky enogh to find a financer to support them with their great ideas. MMOG may be a large market but you will need subscribers to get the game running
  • CholaynaCholayna Member Posts: 1,604

    Originally posted by Zardust

    Originally posted by _GabriellaLa

    highly doubtful when he owned the rights and the IP years before the talk began and only allowed a certain portion to be used. Its explained in the commentary he wrote. Simply because he allows and has given permission for that use does not mean they can use the entire thing, then wipe out his own development. Its quite obvious they did NOT get the rights to the actual meat of the technology since they have not been able to work with what was left to them, by agreement. Thus change a few things, call it a different name and bump him totally out. Called hijacking, except these idiots didnt realize they had to know how to implement that technology themselves. With the game going live, they have demonstrated that inability.
    However they crossed the line many many times, and in full public view, with their arrogant and blatant lies regarding this technology. Mr. Pourieux has every right to have his development called his, kept his and if this is being used, to be compenstated for it. I believe also that beginning any legal moves, he is doing well to pursue now that the game is live and the entire crew, fanbois included, are pitching the one thing that is good about this game -- and they dont even own it, nor have the expertise nor the knowledge to work with something, claim that it is their own development.

    I'm no fan of NPcube but nobody knows exact terms of the contract of Pix with NPCube. I can only tell you that while under contract its pretty normal all work you contribute to it is owned by the company and not the developer.
    As someone doing myself 3D-engine development I can tell you that Pixs vworld technology is very advanced and is not covered by public available desing papers. When you look closely you can see that most of the old scrennshots of Pix area looking way better the recent ones.
    If it would be that easy to tell about the dispute Pix would have send a cease and desist order.

    Read what was written at the site given in this thread. Its quite evident what was allowed the Farlan/NPC crew and is further evidenced by the words from the Devs themselves as they do not have the ability to beak the coding in the technology.

    Furthermore , the copyright and ownership belonged to _Pix_ welllllll before the get together. He did not sell all his rights to them. That much is quite evident. The engine used to perform the technology is where they are screwing up. And yes, the older ones look way better than what Farlan and company has been able to reproduce and why? Because they dont own the full rights to his own development and only have that portion that was given to them while he was with them. Using his technology now without recognizance nor compensation or even deferring the ownership of the development is highly unethical.

    And I do believe that website states that legal action has been or will be implemented now that DNL has gone live.

  • _Pix__Pix_ Member Posts: 276
    Thanks for this translation. I'm planning to update in a few days. I've just visited NPCube's offices to check indeed with three bailiffs that the developers were still making use of the original algorithms of VWorldTerrain written before 2002, contrary to what they said since they claimed having "re-written" Mafate engine. My journey in Reunion Island was very interesting, even more I have (ever)imagined...
  • blacksacblacksac Member Posts: 1,045

    Originally posted by _Pix_

    Thanks for this translation. I'm planning to update in a few days. I've just visited NPCube's offices to check indeed with three bailiffs that the developers were still making use of the original algorithms of VWorldTerrain written before 2002, contrary to what they said since they claimed having "re-written" Mafate engine. My journey in Reunion Island was very interesting, even more I have (ever)imagined...

    Pix I find it odd that if you have such a strong case why post here garning support?

    I don't get it, I would just hit them in the back pocket, and the news will get out quick smart.

  • CholaynaCholayna Member Posts: 1,604

    _Pix_! You have GOT to keep us updated, dont be a stranger here. Your development is getting rave reviews with the terrain graphics.Most believe its the best thing in the game! Please keep us updated.

    and umm...can ya tell us a little about your visit hmmmm pretty please?

  • ValharanValharan Member Posts: 190
    His terrain is the only thing that doesn't blow in that game as I've said before everything that is 100% farlan is slipshod and lackluster at best and broken/useless most of the time.
  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by Jackdog
    ~shrug~ who really cares, The gameplay sucks and it is not fun. The graphics are horrid. That is why I don't play it.
    BTW who really reads posts that are longer than 20 sentences? Try using links .

    I do when they aren't all links...

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • CholaynaCholayna Member Posts: 1,604

    Aye. Altho the copied post was a bit messed up, I did what the poster did and put it through the translator.

    Interesting read to get it all at once and the chronological happenings. We got bits and pieces before so that was indeed interesting to read.

    _Pix_ has certainly made a name for himself here and his product is blowing ppl away. I like being on the winners side.

  • _Pix__Pix_ Member Posts: 276

    Blacksac, have you ever heard about justice and the time it may take? I decided it was high time to communicate publicly to counterbalance all the lies that have been told and that still continue to be told by NPCube/Farlan/Moderators/AD and really don't see why I should not do that (having a strong case only does make bad faith worse). And I also believe that people ought to know more about this "small" development sudio practises.

    PS: Cholayna, more to come for sure, but not now. I am not a stranger, just maybe a little stranded u know ;)

  • CholaynaCholayna Member Posts: 1,604

    Originally posted by _Pix_

    Blacksac, have you ever heard about justice and the time it may take? I decided it was high time to communicate publicly to counterbalance all the lies that have been told and that still continue to be told by NPCube/Farlan/Moderators/AD and really don't see why I should not do that (having a strong case only does make bad faith worse). And I also believe that people ought to know more about this "small" development sudio practises.
    PS: Cholayna, more to come for sure, but not now. I am not a stranger, just maybe a little stranded u know ;)

    Woot! Love it! {{{hugzzz}}}
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