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Blizzard's World of WarCraft has released a new WarCraft Weekly, that can be found, here. They have also announced the banning of over 30,000 cheating accounts in the month of May:
In keeping with Blizzard's aggressive stance against cheating in World of Warcraft, we banned over 30,000 accounts in the month of May, and with that removed well over 30 million gold from the economy across all realms. The banned accounts were taking part in activities that violate the game's Terms of Use, including using third-party programs to farm gold and items, which severely impacts the economy of a realm and the overall game enjoyment for all players. We will continue to aggressively monitor all World of Warcraft realms in order to protect the service and its players from the harmful effects of cheating. Please note that selling World of Warcraft content, such as gold, items, and characters, can result in a permanent ban of the involved accounts from World of Warcraft. Many account closures come as the direct result of tips reported to our GMs in game or emailed to our Hacks Team by legitimate World of Warcraft players. If you suspect that a World of Warcraft player is using an illegal third-party program to farm gold or items, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Use, please report the suspected infraction via one of the means listed above. All reports will be investigated, and those that prove false will not result in corrective action. Thank you for your continued support, and good luck with your adventures in Azeroth! |
For more WoW, click here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
I wander how many got caught by posting videos on google.
No annoying animated GIF here!
I guess since this is across many realms it would be nice to know how many from each realm.
More importantly it would give an idea if a particular realms economy actually gets back into shape.
It's funny how in game economies like WOW start to resemble micro/macro economies of RL.
So the next step really to see if this has/will help us at all trying to buy that beloved purple we've been wanting for months finally goes down from 8-900 gold to 3-400 gold. I think materials based on demand will always have a certain level of gold attached (even though most of them are ridiculously easy to obtain) based on the consistant model of supply/demand. [60 mounts should really be 500 gold bliz come on!]
I mean on avg even a good casual player can earn at least a 100 gold in a week. Things like herbs and bars alone can net you 10 gold at least in an hour. So maybe it will only take you a few weeks to get that purple rather than a few months which by that time your wondering do I really need to spend this gold on something which took me months to obtain in the first place? Was this purple probably finally dropped after months of farming making the price fair? (this is where I digress a little in the whole "farming" business for gold should really come to no surprise to blizz since they basically purport this system with their crappy drop rates ie. magister bracers etc.)
To even take this farming gold and selling business to another level of crackdown they really should make it take no less than a few runs on certain instances for people to get geared. When guilds are forced to have to put bosses on "Farm" status it is clearly marking this game in a state of "Time Sink". What else would drive us to play more? Most of us casual gamers and maybe a few more just above that level already are stuck because most guilds are only 5-10 strong and those that can support 20-40 are strict on their recruitments (No casual gamers, must be online 24/7) or play so much they are geared already and would be a drag to take you along.
What would be completely wrong if going through strat,scholo,brs only a few times netted the pugs which went through them in a month to be completely geared from those instances? What would also be wrong if this same group were to find others in an alliance of guilds to successfully farm perhaps onyxia and MC and be completely geared in a matter of weeks? [Oh and the dragons are a joke because especially on Alleria there are 2 guilds which compete for them constantly month after month (I can only imagine on other realms) to keep them isolated to them for farm status]
Again this points directly to "Timesink". They need us to do this (or roll another toon perhaps on the other side alliance/horde to see more of Azeroth and/or more content in the other sides quests) so they can finish new content in patches for like no wait that is scratch that....liike no well /shrug... :S
I guess then the most of us who have been enjoying this game but frustrated with it's economy and cried when we could not see the day of purple drops outside of end game instances because they cost months of our time will have to just wait till expansion when um... :S
Well there will be more content there...I believe it's promised....maybe more 5-10 man stuff we can actually see in a PUG or even finally content for us small casual 10 man guilds (afterall it does take 10 to sign the charter).
And (<-I started the sentence with an "and" haha) I DO understand why MC and BWL gear is there because if you are going to go to future 20-40 man stuff you are going to need them to progress. This wasn't my point. I understand if I have some uber purple I got from BWL if I had successfully got invited to a run I would just be godly against most of the casual stuff I DO get a chance to see regularly so it would be kinda wasted BUT WHO IS BLIZZARD TO START TO TELL ME HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME. That is where I draw the line :S
Ok done ranting hope that gives me perspective in sooooo many words :P (/cheer oblivion!)