i was wondering if there will be some quests that instead of the "go kill 20 rats" common quest, it could be like "go kill 20 newbies from the opposite side"
Mythic said you can PvP from the start, so who knows. You had just better hope those 20 newbies didn't get a quest to go kill 1 newbie from the other side.
Originally posted by Elda they said you could pvp from the start and they said there would be pvp missions (as in kill a dwarf)
so to answer your question: YES
Sounds fun! I am getting alittle worried about the "Common" Quests..Well they are nessesary, because you have to get to know the envionment, and your own skills should be improved by killing monsters, but seriusly it would be refreshing if the quests says that we should kill dwarfs from the other nation
So far I've heard of four different quests for WAR.
One is a beginer's quest for an Orc to Join the Bloody Sun Boyz(the main Orc Waagh). There are a bunch of dead Dwarves in a field, you are to go there, loot a Dwarf and stop Vultures from eating the Dwarves(Because the boss likes his trohpies)
There's a different one for a Gobbo who wants to join the Bloody Sun Boys. He has to fight an Orc Fighter and win.(that's it. O_o)
One is an area quest, meaning everyone in the zone is co-operatly doing it. There's a giant and it's getting angery because Squigs are attacking it's feet. You have to kill 20 Squigs but any time that anyone in the zone kills a Squig it getts counted towards everyone's tally.(Even if Bob, who you've never met before at all, kills a Squig, you now have one less Squig to kill). After that's done, you have to get beer for the Giant. Once it getts drunk, it will go on a rampage and squah the Dwarves.(Or is it the Dwarves get the beer and it squahes the Gobbos? I forget)
The last one I remember is an RvR quest without PvP. Wounded Dwarves are lying in a field. If you are a Dwarf, you have to resque them. If you are an Orc, you have to finish them off.
Mythic said you can PvP from the start, so who knows. You had just better hope those 20 newbies didn't get a quest to go kill 1 newbie from the other side.
so to answer your question: YES
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Sounds fun! I am getting alittle worried about the "Common" Quests..Well they are nessesary, because you have to get to know the envionment, and your own skills should be improved by killing monsters, but seriusly it would be refreshing if the quests says that we should kill dwarfs from the other nation
Can't wait
So far I've heard of four different quests for WAR.
One is a beginer's quest for an Orc to Join the Bloody Sun Boyz(the main Orc Waagh). There are a bunch of dead Dwarves in a field, you are to go there, loot a Dwarf and stop Vultures from eating the Dwarves(Because the boss likes his trohpies)
There's a different one for a Gobbo who wants to join the Bloody Sun Boys. He has to fight an Orc Fighter and win.(that's it. O_o)
One is an area quest, meaning everyone in the zone is co-operatly doing it. There's a giant and it's getting angery because Squigs are attacking it's feet. You have to kill 20 Squigs but any time that anyone in the zone kills a Squig it getts counted towards everyone's tally.(Even if Bob, who you've never met before at all, kills a Squig, you now have one less Squig to kill). After that's done, you have to get beer for the Giant. Once it getts drunk, it will go on a rampage and squah the Dwarves.(Or is it the Dwarves get the beer and it squahes the Gobbos? I forget)
The last one I remember is an RvR quest without PvP. Wounded Dwarves are lying in a field. If you are a Dwarf, you have to resque them. If you are an Orc, you have to finish them off.