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which raid needs attunements??
BWL, MC, and what else needs it?? Im a lvl 56 Rogue and I think I should start preparing them...
tell me everything plz. thank you.
I'm asuming you aren't in an end-game guild, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question here. So going on that asumption you'll need....
Get to level 60. A few guilds here and there have taken some level 58 guys on occasion, but to really be effective, especially as a DPS class, you need to be level 60.
MC, BWL, Onyxia attunements. Google it, you'll find everything you need to know. Personally I wouldn't both even thinking about applying to an end-game guild without having all 3 done. Rogues are a dime a dozen, why would a guild want a rogue that wasn't attuned for everything when there are 10 other rogues applying that do have their attunements done?
Gear. Well, with rogues being everywhere, why would a guild want a poorly equiped rogue when they can have their choice of better geared level 60 rogues? Dress to impress. Run LBRS, UBRS, Strat, Scholo, even BRD. And I don't mean run each of these instances once, get all of your tier 0 set, as many runs as it takes, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to work on upgrading to teir 0.5. Make sure you have 2 nice level 56+ blue weapons.
Fire Resist. Every guild that I'm familiar with on my server requres 150 fire resist for melee classes. 150 isn't easy, but its not hard either, it just takes time, patience and a little luck. Again, rogues are one of the most popular classes, the best thing you can do on your application to an eng-game guild is to post that you have the attunements and the fire resist so that you can be useful in MC/Ony.
seeing as the previous post has gone over every thing but how to get attuned ill tell ya that.
MC- you get the quest from the bloodelf on the way to BRD fairly easy quest all you have to do is go to the enterance of MC that is located in BRD.
BWL- this quest is a little too easy imo you get the quest by the enterance to BRS just go right and all the way down the hall kill a certain orc pick up his letter and you have the quest. then you need to do a full UBRS run kill drak and touch the orb behind him and BAM! you are attuned i was a little dissapointed myslef.
Ony - this attunement was my favorite for horde at least never finished the ally one so i wont go into that. you start the chain by picking up the warlords command quest in Kargath, which has you kill all the main bosses in LBRS in a 5 man group. then you have to kill rend in UBRS after which you talk to rexxar in Desolence/feralas(he roams both) he has you talk to a gnome in the westerns plague lands, who sends you on a quest to gather dragon eyes in talk to her again so she can make you a dragon "costume" to talk to emberstrife in dustwallow marsh(which is where the enterance to ony is located)....he sends you on 4 quests total to kill world dragons after which you return to rexxar who sends you to kill drak in UBRS, you get his blood and return and you are now attuned and have a nice fire resist neclace.
now the ony attunement may sound like alot but it has a good story line and can be done in a day if you really want to.
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
well I have all the mats for Stormshroud set.(Stormshroud armor, pants, shoulder, and gloves.)
Is Stormshroud a good armor?? you think they're gonna be Impressed?