hey everyone...i have been looking for an mmorpg that WONT waste my time..a game i can go into and say..."ohh..wow" something i will enjoy not hate.something i can have fun with..not wait and be bored out of my life..i played ffxi..and i was BORED out of my mind because waiting 5 hours for a bloody party..im looking into Lineage II but somone always has something stupid to say about the game..im really interested in EQII but i read only negative tings..but the game seems to be almost 100% better poeple are getting me angry and i dnt know which game i want to spend my time on..listen guys im asking you..begging you please send me in the right direction..i enjoy role playing..i have a good system to run my games on...no worries...is what they say about EQII....by the way i own eqII already and WoW..just never actually played them..so please
i can't pick a decision for you, it's up to you. eq2 is a mature game with many good features. i guess you need to try by yourself.
btw i dont play eq2 anymore, it doesnt fit my playstyle anymore
just started eq2 2 weeks ago and having a blast! Very mature community and endless things to do it seems.
Well if you read most of the negative things are based on SWG experience with ofc people who hate the sony giants adding salt .
I am yet to see anyone who gives a proper reason to say EQ2 sucks.
Here are the common reasons
1)game has zones.Very true but imho not near enough reason to say it sucks
2)my system lags bad.It has very high specs we always knew this
3)various reasons which are outdated and long since patched mainly from launch.
Also might i add i am yet to see anyone who was not on a SoE crusade try EQ2 and not subbed.Says a lot for it.
"Falls off chair laughing"
Oh man, never seen anyone suggest DnL. It has to be the worst game out there.
Go for EQ2. Its amazing. The Devs word VERY hard, and the adventure is great! There are LOTS of things in EQ2 and you are allways learning new things to do.
But dont judge the game by the trail. Its awful, the fun is all after that part.
Thought I'd offer another view on this game seeing as the forums here seem to be fairly active with ex WoW'ers or those craving for a new MMO addiction (i was one of them)
I've played most MMO in my time. I can't say that I gave all of them a chance necessarily but i've played them.
There are a few things which I believe are really important these days in terms of gaming to a LARGE majority of players. Specially those coming from new MMO's like WoW etc, gfx seems to play an important part. They want smooth fps and an attractive looking game.
I loved WoW I really did. I thought the way they implemented quests was excellent. At times it felt like you were on a track (i.e pushed from zone to zone as you progressed through your levelling) but that's what gave the game some pace. You didnt realise how quickly you were levelling because you were having so much fun seeing new places etc.
Apart from WoW alot of other MMO just dont seem to cater the opening hour or so of a potential new player well enough. They login, they need to be enticed by help, things on the screen shoutiung (hey come over here i'll help you out) if they login to a massive world and see loads of people running around busy as can be with no obvious signs of aid, alot will just logout ("I'll come back later after dinner") and then never bother
EverQuest 2 is a game I've never really known why I didnt try. For some reason back in the 97 days of UO/EverQuest I guess i was just a UO'er Never felt the need to try to get into the new lore of a game when at the time i was having so much fun.
The trial in everquest 2 is BRILLIANT. Perhaps there are a lot of vet's of this game who remember their trial days from 6 months back as being lame. People who are interested in this game but dont want to fork out money... the trial is everything you could want.
You'll likely need to spend the first 20 minutes tweaking the CRAZY amount of gfx options in game to get it looking and running at a speed/quality which you are happy with. Once you've done that, the trial HOLDS YOUR HAND the entire way through the island.
There is a multitude or relatively simple quests, your introduced to crafting (though you dont need to touch it if it really isnt your cuppa tea though I highly recommend it as I enjoyed it all immensly and thats coming from someone whose only ever been interested in combat). I think the island lets you play up to level 7 where it caps, but your free to spend as much time there exploring every single thing that takes your fancy. They've dione an excellent job if you ask me for new players with this game, if not THE BEST. I didnt realise that i'd been playing for 5 hours straight and that hadn't happened in a LONG time. Sure you could blitz through the island in an hour but whats the point, take your time and really get to know the different things available to you and it sucks you in all the much more.
I'm not sure what they've been introducing in the last few months in terms of patches. Combat arts = WoW Talent equivalent? (someone needs to verify this for me as I could be wrong) again something where you need to be level 20.
I got through to the mainland last night and begun the hand holdiing section again with basic quests (guess they assume a lot of people will just come off the island at first opportunity so even if you do that you wont be lost lost) but the island has a lot of NPC which describe *in short* what everything does and how its useful, banks... inventory, crafting.... collecting/gathering m mining.... Heroic opportunites etc.
If you've never tried this game... TRY IT. If you tried it 6 months + ago.... TRY it. I really think you'll be impressed with the opening part of the game (all i got through so far)
Anyway, after beating WoW twice(you actually beat WoW when you get to 60, the rest is just a money laundering scheme put in place by Blizzard to cover their ties to the Mongolian mafia), I decided to head back to old games. DAoC, while the devs have all but put in a /level50 command, the curve to be competetive in rvr is pretty steep, even on the classic server, when coupled with the pitiable populations on all but 2 or 3 servers made this one a no go. So I try Eve, the much touted game by space nerds throughout the galaxy. So far, in just short of a month, I left the base I was parked in once, which lasted all of 10 mins before I turned around, and parked it again. Really pretty backdrops, great skill system, boring as hell gameplay.
So here I am, back in EQ2. I am now able to solo things, which works well for me as my time is scarce, what with my newly found addiction to Guitar Hero, and Hitman: Bloodmoney. I'm still waiting for some armor diversity, but it's not gamebreaking enough at this point to receive the thumbs down yet. Only downside is the maturity of the servers means finding skill upgrades at the lower levels can be a bit difficult, when I do find one available, it is invariably priced well out of reach of new players. Same goes for gear to a lesser extent, which is much easier to upgrade. Mind you, if I roll a conjurer, I'm golden on skill upgrades, since I seem to get scads of conjurer books, however my Fury is a bit lacking atm. So if anyone happens to be a Sage type on Permafrost, lemme know.
You can check out a free demo of the game here and see how you like it.
Kindle - 68 Erudite Conjurer - Najena - Officer and Recruiter, Foundation Guild
Server Index
I belive the poster was referring about there is always plus and minus of an MMO game.
To each his own...
I still think the free trial is crap. But some guy on here thinks its incredible lol.
I still dont see how. In daoc its a 14 day free trial. In 14 days you could see a ton of different battlegrounds, get into a guild, even do some crafting (although crafting in daoc is boring). In eq2 its a meager 6 days on a restricted island that could be done in one day...or less.
I still think the game could be fun....I just would of liked to seen pvp out in the open /sigh
i didnt meant the game.
ohh ya and remember to have fun and don't get stressed out if ya do take a
To each his own...
I still think the free trial is crap. But some guy on here thinks its incredible lol.
I still dont see how. In daoc its a 14 day free trial. In 14 days you could see a ton of different battlegrounds, get into a guild, even do some crafting (although crafting in daoc is boring). In eq2 its a meager 6 days on a restricted island that could be done in one day...or less.
I still think the game could be fun....I just would of liked to seen pvp out in the open /sigh
I think what some of the posters were getting at about the free trial is it teaches you how to play and the basic ropes of gameplay as well as enteracting with the world, not going to look at battlegrounds at level 5 or getting into a guild on a trial account.
I still think the game could be fun....I just would of liked to seen pvp out in the open /sigh
Go exile in EQ2 and see how open it is.Only 1 cave and instances offer safety from both sides killing you.Thats as open as it gets apart from shadowbane.
Hey hercules,
Created a nother character last night and started on Darathar (UK PVP server) as I figured if I had been playing on a PVP server in wow and enjoyed the fear of being ganked at times from alliance, that i might enjoy the same thing in EQ2, love to pvp though obviously to start with im going to have to do a fair amount of quest/storyline stuff.
I read a post on the noob forum of eq2 tho that ppl were disuading ppl from doing this saying that you'll get jumped so much that you'll never be able to enjoy the normal quest system of the game. Should i go back to my non pvp shard? I'll be solo'ing a fair bit but hope to group up with ppl and join a fairly large guild for group fun later on *oooEr*