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Is this game worth playing



  • MUglobalMUglobal Member Posts: 8
    Hey all. i cant but notice theres a lot of ppl here who have lost interested or dont have much interest in MU Global so im here to try and change that. basically Mu global was in 1 big beta testing i guess u can say. but for those who havnt been keeping up, K2N bought the rights to MU Global and is now in teh process of making MU continent a better, more secure, and all around fun place for the MU community. so ill be here to handle any questions or concerns and take any suggestions. image
  • MUglobalMUglobal Member Posts: 8
  • MUglobalMUglobal Member Posts: 8
    ok here we go... anyway....Hey all. i cant but notice theres a lot of ppl here who have lost interested or dont have much interest in MU Global so im here to try and change that. basically Mu global was in 1 big beta testing i guess u can say. but for those who havnt been keeping up, K2N bought the rights to MU Global and is now in teh process of making MU continent a better, more secure, and all around fun place for the MU community. so ill be here to handle any questions or concerns and take any suggestions.
  • MUglobalMUglobal Member Posts: 8
    lol sry i kept gettin an error while trying to post... and then it posted :-s but anyway yea... u all should give MU a chanceimage
  • 0_koneko_00_koneko_0 Member Posts: 1

    I hate Mu Global... I play Heroia Mu and I love it. Friendly community most of the time, the higher levels help you out a lot when you start out.

    4 days ago I was level 11....with 700x XP and help Im now level 237 at least...^_^

    The GM's are helpful and prompt with solutions to problems.

    Give Mu a least on private servers anyway....

    Oh Noes! Silly fishies!!!

  • micah9micah9 Member Posts: 7
    Mu online has an average graphics,one angle camera,Hack and slash and most of the time your using skills... its for a lame gamers who wants to leave their char attacking while leveling. image


  • 0snoopdog0snoopdog Member Posts: 17

    Cons: Its just like diablo. Its just coping it and the review says its a one-of-a-kind game but its just lying. Some lags ing the beginning

    Pros: pretty good graphics. And can get adiccting.

                                    Hope this helps!!!

  • SighTzSighTz Member Posts: 12
    MU to me is NOT worth pouring your money into.. If you want free, theres other mmorpgs, like kal, silkroad. Though, they require higher comps, at least a p3. Kal needs a p2.. iff you want a really good game thats p2p, try out Liniage 2 (hope i spelled right -.-) I tried on a friends account once, it had everything.. (sorry if off topic lol)


  • CrackhutchCrackhutch Member Posts: 11
    This games graphics suck.  Theres nothing to do in it but run around like a chicken with your head cut off, hoping you can find one of the geeks that have played way to long to help you lvl.  But once you get a high level character it ultimately ends up being the biggest waste of time.
  • IntermediateIntermediate Member Posts: 2
    I've always been a bit dubious about the forum topics like this that ask whether the game is good or not.  You never really get too many honest answers.  Or more rare are the truly objective ones.  You'll either responses from players who are in the game and enjoy it (no matter how bad it is) or you'll get the ones who are on the verge of quitting (or have already).  Either way, informative posts are hard to find, and even harder to trust.  Honestly, reviews on gaming sites aren't much better.  What to do....what to do.... 
  • SighTzSighTz Member Posts: 12
    Put it this way, the games got medium graphics, simple, and was fun to play, did get boring in the higher lvls though. Its not worth paying for, i beleive they are charging about the same amount of money that the higher more entertaining games charge!


  • KatarakuKataraku Member Posts: 3

    For me, my friend started to play and loved it, he made me play it until I got up to the level where I can get out of the first place. It sucked, Basically train train train. Boring.

  • ZeroDepthZeroDepth Member Posts: 142
    Waste your time playing a more enjoyable grinding game such as Silk Road Online if you're planning to grind a lot.

    If you want to pay though, just try out RF Online if you want to deal with mass botters farming your lvl spots, or WoW a fairly decent game besides long instances at higher lvls as well as pvp rankings.

    Try this game if you insist, but it's really not worth your time.

  • HorikachiHorikachi Member Posts: 22

    Ya thats true you only can shose between 3 chars and 2 of them are girls.

    And there are olso not understand stuff

  • zeldaparazeldapara Member Posts: 4
    this game rocks i got myself a lvl 91 acc right now, but people say and its treu it is useless to go to p2p server no other things there only a lot of high lvl's and people with amazing stuff
  • jet570jet570 Member Posts: 1
    i disagree with u. i also think that any 1 who plays this games is just played by a bounch of gay panzies. if i played this game i would hate my self. if u want to play a good game play city of villians or knight online and final fantasy online.
  • ImersioNImersioN Member Posts: 53

    i played free and was the best and u could still play free p2p is just extra stuff and better exp... (thats wat im hearing)...

    and u cant just llook at graphix look at wat the game's really about, it has great gameplay and items blah blah blah--etc.


  • RurouniAngelRurouniAngel Member Posts: 11
    yeah that is a good question is this really worth playing at all?
  • avian678avian678 Member Posts: 6
    yes this game is very worth playing the only drawback is that there is only three character classes so the range of indiviguality is limited but the game play is interesting so its very much woth playingimage
  • avian678avian678 Member Posts: 6

    sorry about that i was thinking about the wrong game but just to tell you in my opion this game sucks


  • silvrthornsilvrthorn Member Posts: 11

    Anarchary online is the worst game ever! it is total rubbish and mu is 10x better!

  • TyPhoidLuLuTyPhoidLuLu Member Posts: 23
         just a suggestion  guys... if you don`t like the way things are with this game ( grindin` and few drops) then try going on private servers they  give good alternatives, if you like to play this game but doesn`t like the grindin` that comes with it.....
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