i have a lvl 22 orc warrior.
and i wanna know wheter i should go dual wield or 2handed axes?
what gonna be better in the end?
what do u all think?
Riggy for shissy:
Pent 4 2.66
1 GIG ram
Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
120 gigs of HD
REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!
Alot of people have been saying that fury can't be beat for pur damage output, but I've been holding my own just fine against them. It all comes down to what you like better. Personally I think they are about even.
many people say for fury spec duel weild
arms spec 2hand
but ill allways go for 2hand
The reson for this is, the best thing about a Warrior, is the fact that he does alot of 'Crits'. When you have 2x 1H wepons, you use ONLY your main hand wepon for your Crit damage. Therefore you don't deal as much damage when you crit. Half of the Warriors hits, are crits, IF not MORE.
2x 1H wepons make you hit faster, rogues have them because they crit BIG, and not often. Warriors crit SMALL and VERY often. Warriors are ment to wear 2H wepons!
Currently playing: Black Desert Korea (Waiting for EU)
Always hating on instances in MMOs! Open worlds, open PvP, territory control and housing please. More persistence, more fun.
If you have any questions about warriors your best bet is to goto the official class boards, though often they are down .
Dual weild warriors are the most equipment dependant class in the game and seeing that you are no where near obtaining any gear w/ +hit on it fury is not a good idea. You are better off w/ a 2her since its missrate is ridiculously lower than that of dual weilding.
Crits are crits, doesn't matter what weapons or spec you use. Mainhand crits for 2x dmg, offhand crits for 2x dmg.
You CAN handle the truth...it's just really slippery.
go for dual weilding...you'll see why....and its freakin hawt.
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