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Yes it may seem far-feched to most folks that the US govt could be either responsible for an attack or at least knew they were coming. However, I would like to point out that not that long ago the very same govt presented President John Kennedy a similiar plan.
It was known as Operation Northwoods. Basically, it was a plan sponsored by the CIA to plan "terrorist" attacks against US citizens. The main goal being able to blame our enemies and thus having reasons to go to war against them. Sound familiar ?
Fortunately Kennedy had enough morals to reject such a disgusting proposal. And curiously, the document on the proposal was sealed within the Kennedy assassination papers (released in 1997 after public demand). Makes one wonder why this document was sealed there in the first place.
"The plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state sponsored terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the highest ranking member of the U.S. military, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer"
This document isnt a forgery. It's legitimate and yet very little of its contents are known to the public. Kinda scary to know this was a serious proposal dreamed up by senior officials.
Oh Geez, Admiral Kirk, or whatever your name is... enough already. Don't make me send Alan Greenspan over there to beat the crap outta you.
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
I honestly dont know either way in regards to 9/11. My gut instinct tells me the US govt knew but looked the other way.
The document however is mind-blowing. If this doesnt prove to everyone how far our own govt is willing to go, I dont know what else would. An official classified legitimate document of a plan to attack us citizens, wow just wow.
Nah... I guess if you're scared enough, you could move to Canada.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
while i don't doubt this stuff, or really care... i would reccommend not using wikipedia sites as proof of anything.
I'm sure the government has plans to do just about anything. As well as military plans against every country and every scenario you can imagine.
Oh, and wikipedia is actually quite a good source of information. The people there put a lot of effort into making sure their information is accurate. As well building a gargantuan community that keeps the information posted accountable. The very fact that the article about Northwood hasn't been deleted yet suggests that there is truth to it.
The cocky bastard.
Ok so it's real. But, what are these people here going to do about it? On this site, not many people post here mot have alt accounts. How is this going to be effective at helping humanity?
I just post here whenever I see things of interest or need to occasionally..rant. Could this be a rant? Hmm..
even if they knew it seems like all the government bereaus run very inefficiently. just read the news about the fbi, cia, and fema.
The cocky bastard.
No, I meant like- what can one of us do? Nothing! Because if I take it to small claims court, it will just drain
8 hours out of my life and you probably won't show up and even if I got
the judgment you'd just stiff me anyway; so what I am going to do is
piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then bend over and take it up
the tailpipe!
Motorpool Guy:
You've been here before haven't ya?
The cocky bastard.
No, I meant like- what can one of us do? Nothing! Because if I take it to small claims court, it will just drain
8 hours out of my life and you probably won't show up and even if I got
the judgment you'd just stiff me anyway; so what I am going to do is
piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then bend over and take it up
the tailpipe!
Motorpool Guy:
You've been here before haven't ya?
That's true...
Heck, I'd vote for ya.
I still fail to see the connection.
I have a great idea. Somebody run for president. Then make cigaretts, porn, and internet illegal all on the same day. That would light a fire under all our bums.
The US in the past has done some realy nasty stuff to their own people on many ocasions like: Tested early forms of birth control on Puerto Rican woman who were unkown to the tests, Released radiation and small ammounts of chemical weopons in remote parts of the country, tested nuclear weopons on islands and near populations, tested LSD and other pcsycadelic drugs on their own soldiers and who knows what else.