Hello all i posted some stuff on the warhammer alliance board saying how much crap it is that mythic sold out!
Many of people agree alot of people well hell almost everyone. Thats not the point I got banned for speeking out saying that we the people got bashed by this all of a sudden change in the winds BS.
the board admin says "You feel bashed WE DON'T" then after 286 post later i had to say i told ya so
I went to work i get home and still reading Pissed off peoples thing and was going to post i try to log on and said im band for flaming or trolling
well hate to say it EA must have baught the boards to for sppeking out agenst them they are the ones that brought this apon them selfs.
I was so hopeing this game would be a good game and be done right now im not shure what to think!
so register on warhammer alliance boards and ask why is Vadimer banned from the boards he was making the same statments as everyone else. maybe everyone after today is banned got to love EA hehe DOWN WITH THE FOURMS LOL
I went over to warhammeralliance and checked your old post out and i have to say that the Admin had all the rights to ban you.
Maybe perma ban was a bit excessive as it seems your garbage spew started only recently, but it is their private forums, so it is normal for them to be a bit harsh.
I mean, continuing to post in cat size letter "SELL OUT!!!!" after being warned to not do so, flaming and finally, the last straw, transforming your "sim warhammer" joke in a full thread are probably the reason why you got banned.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
yea i opened a thread about sim warhammer and asked questions
their questions and yes it was funny and was hopeing to lighten everything up a little
But i didnt spame the Sell out in size 6 i put it as my tag at the bottem of my post
But it dont matter nothing will stop the madness but on the other hand mj just made a post on
the boards and made a anouncement about everthing so we will have to see
I agree with your point of view on EA, but not with the multiple posts with personal attacks instead of valid arguements. If I were admin over there I would have suspended, but not perma-banned.
You were also right to use the word "we." Even though not everyone over there agreed, all you need is 2 or more people for "we" to be accurate, so long as you point out that it doesn't apply to all of them.
I havent been to warhammeralliance in a little while but I can obviously see why you were banned. You say it was for flaming/personal attacks and trolling and it looks like that's exactly what you're doing here. You've been banned from that site so your personally attacking them and in doing so trolling this site. How long do you think you'll last on MMORPG with this kind of persona.
This isn't a bash on just you, everyone has a right to theyre own opinions. You have yours and you like to express them but you just gotta tone it down a notch so you can continue posting.
EA does not own Warhammeralliance.com. you just went a little too far with your rants...
Now playing Vanguard, but drooling for WAR
Well, when you get WARNED by an admin to not do so, you can continue to do so at your own risk and this is exactly what happened here.
You opened a thread about "Sim Warhammer" after doing the same exact jokes in what? 3 threads?
As i said, your previous posts before the EA madness were not that bad, so i would have suspended you, not perma-banned. but is their decision and you were given many warnings that you didn't take. *shrugs*
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Mythic has stated numerous times that they don't want to run their own official hosted forums. Why would they purchase Warhammer Alliance when they don't want to pay to run it in the first place? Their policy is to stick with fan-run forums on community sites.
Just kidding.
But in all seriousness, yeah, I remember you posting. I was one of the ones who said I was displeased about EA, but that I FULLY supported WAR anyways, but you quoted the negative parts of my post trying to prove your point.
No, it's not EA owned, you just got really out of hand. If you pulled the same stunt here, you'd probably get the same result.
I bet it will never be released.
Even though I am also concerned about EA buying Mythic, I am still hopeful WHO will be the game I believe it will be.
Mythic IMO has a sterling rep when it comes to customer support and if you read the news release you will see the sell wont be final until mid quarter next year.
By then the game should be close to release.
WoW has all the big boys looking for a slice of the pie, if EA knows what's good for them they will keep their hands off and let Mythic do what it does best. If they are just in it for the money and short term gain we will know soon enough.
Vadimer has been suspended, not banned.
Warhammer Alliance remains a 100% independant site. It's run by people who are massive online gaming and/or Warhammer fans, who want WAR to be the best game it can be. To that purpose, we try to encourage constructive discussions, and we have clear rules about what should and should not be posted on the forums. And what's the point in having rules if you're not prepared to uphold them?
Thanks for listening.