This game is incredible!
Incredible as in "Incredible theses A$$holes had the balls to release this POS"
The world is vast and beautiful, and the textures, OMG THE TEXTURES, they are breath taking.
Breath-takingly average, and the world is not that vast or nice.
But even such an amazing world pales in comparison to the character models. They are the best I've ever seen in any game. I am truly impressed.
Best I've ever seen, except for all the other games I've played, especially Avoid the Noid.
I play with an ATI 9700 Pro and get a steady 25 FPS.
Honest, you believe me right?
No lag. I love the content, and have yet to experience any bugs.
That is when I can log in and not crash to desktop, wait, not even then this POS is full of bugs and no content.
This is quite frankly the MMO that all future MMOs will measure themselves against.
A Measure of what not to do unless your aiming for a "The Producers" type scam.
I would like to know what mind altering drugs you are taking
Too obvious to be a shill, and too outrageously positive to be one of the rare new persons who just bought the game and is not horrified.
I say it is the alt of one of the few hardcore fans.
Just mark the grey line and his oppinion will appear.
Pretty funny actually
OMG it's another damn I promised to be nice but I lied. Go back to playing scammers online
Love how people are trolls for telling the truth but when people like you come along your views should be praised to the point where people have to buy this game or else......
Head Joint SoundCloud Page
Can't WAIT!
Can't WAIT!