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Heya, figured I'd compile a large list of the various dev-posted responses over the last few days. If you want the FULL story on these go to and go through the list.
Dev posts below seperated by lines:
As you can imagine, it's been a rather interesting few weeks at Mythic. I promise to post a much longer letter here but the rest of the day is filled with interviews and questions and then I fly out for a few days with the folks at EA. I'll try to find time to post here during that time but if I can't, I will do so upon my return.
As always, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, worried or cynical (traits that are near and dear to my heart) but we will prove over the next 15 months why we deserved your trust and faith from the beginning.
WAR is still coming and nothing will change, except for the better and nothing will stop that.
I'll leave you will one final bit, we didn't need to do this deal, we chose to do this deal because of what it meant to Mythic today and to our company going forward. It was a grand slam home run.
I feel like tilting at another windmill today
- EA came to us. Not the other way around. And our deal with GOA (to work as partners on CS and simultaneous patches, etc) still stands.
- We have not been absorbed. Mark's title is the highest/best/most powerful one he can have. In other words, he remains the studio head.
- I don't blame MMO players for being nervous, but think about it - we KNOW the history of all previous deals. Only a complete monkey wouldn't have taken that history into account while the contracts were being written.
- Wait and see if a chunk of sky hits you in the head before you say the sky is falling, okay?
NO ONE is being laid off, moved, rearranged, or changed. Mythic is working with Games Workshop and that isn't changing in any way. I believe, and I will leave it to Mark to confirm, but I believe that keeping the relationship between us and GW exactly the same was kind of key here.
You don't have to believe it, but I had to try
Sanya M. Thomas
Director of Community Relations
Mythic Entertainment
Warhammer Community Page Coming Soon TM
Hey, I'm between interviews so I want to make a few other things clear:
1) There are no changes in Mythic's personnel as part of this deal, none. I'm still heading up EA Mythic but with a different title, that's all. Many companies have tried to buy Mythic over the last 2 years and all of them started the discussions with "If the founders aren't going to stay, we are not interested." Frankly, you couldn't get me out of Mythic with a crowbar.
2) GW has fully blessed this agreement. They are excited about the possibilities for Warhammer going forward.
3) EA, like every other publisher in the industry, has had its ups and downs with developer acquisitions. As a long-standing developer, I know most of the key people at all the companies that have been acquired by EA as well as other companies. The key for Mythic going forward is no different with EA than it was as an independent, if we do a great job everything will be great. If we don't, well, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. That is no different than it is for us as part of EA or on our own.
What do we get out of it? The deal only got signed two hours ago! I haven't seen the pie charts! But off the top of my head, they have marketing budgets that we do not. Nearly our entire budget is focused on development. I'll bet there's a lot more that will be announced in the coming months, but you're talking to the web weenie - I have zilch for authority here.
Games Workshop has final say over everything still. That has not changed.
Can any Brits come in here and vouch for me that the English do not give a warm cup of hell about American companies and how great said companies might think they are? I suspect GW is utterly unimpressed with EA's money or clout, and they are entirely focused on us taking good care of THEIR license.
EA won't be hanging in forums. That's the job of my team
Sanya M. Thomas
Director of Community Relations
Mythic Entertainment
Warhammer Community Page Coming Soon TM
Let me say it again:
We. Did. Not. Need. The. Money.
That is why I am not shaking in my boots over this. Other companies that have been bought needed the money. We did not.
Try this exercise: Assuming you have a job that you like and you feel sufficiently compensated, go look for another job. When you get an offer, negotiate the salary.
You will be dumbfounded by how much you can get just because you don't need the job and consequently don't give a damn what they say.
Sanya M. Thomas
Director of Community Relations
Mythic Entertainment
Warhammer Community Page Coming Soon TM
This will be my last message of the night so I'll try to make it short and sweet:
1) Nothing is changing with WAR or the WAR design. The game's goals are the same goals as they were before.
2) EA is not buying Mythic to interfere with the management or the game design of WAR.
3) EA has never, ever said that they want to change the deal with GW and to the contrary have reaffirmed their committment to the same deal that we made with them. They are incredibly excited about WAR especially after what they saw at E3.
4) I know many are going to find this hard to believe but we have spent a lot of time with the key guys at EA and we find their passion for doing great games and what they think is great, dovetails nicely with our current vision. We wouldn't have done this deal if EA had said to us, we want you to turn WAR into WoW 1.5.
Must dash, but I'll be online as soon as I can.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted you to hear this from the horse's mouth. GW *are* 100% behind this deal, and we're every bit as excited by and committed too WAR as we have been from the start. We're going to remain just as involved in the project, and our approval processes are going to work exactly the same.
I, for one, am extemely excited about the opportunites this is going to bring to Mythic and WAR. Skepticism is only natural, so please keep your thoughts coming. But, you've liked what you've seen so far, and we're still going to continue to bring you more and better! This is *great* news for this game. Seriously.
(edited for spelling...I rely on spellchecker too much, clearly!)
Erik Mogensen
Licensing Manager - Games Workshop
Originally Posted by Rejected
Hello Erik and thanks for responding here.If you ever kept an eye on the EA trackrecord, and how they've mistreated studios, you would well understand why many people worry, and some flat out will refuse to buy the game now, due to the EA branding on the game.
Please explain, how come is this great news, as you say?
Inquiring minds wants to know.
Hi Rejected, you're welcome.
To answer your question, from my perspective it basically breaks down like this:
1. I'll be working with the same great people at Mythic, and will continue to work with them toward our shared vision for WAR.
2. I've seen loads more art and design documentation than you could possibly imagine, and the game is shaping up beautifully. E3 was but a tiny taste of what's coming.
3. We now have the world's largest independant publisher throwing its weight behind this game.
4. I have the advantage of having spent many days at Mythic, and have seen first hand Mark and his team's passion for WAR and Warhammer in general. I don't just believe that they won't ever allow themselves to compromise on quality, I *know* it.
5. We at Games Workshop retain full approval over all uses Warhammer imagery, characters, etc. including everything in the game and in the marketing campaign.
So, in terms of the quality of the game nothing can change except for the better. Just as before, if you guys don't like the game in the end, you'll have only Mythic and GW to blame. *Someone* had to publish the game, and now that someone is EA. That they thought so much of WAR they decided to buy Mythic is a pretty encouraging sign of their faith in WAR. See? All great news!
Erik Mogensen
Licensing Manager - Games Workshop
Originally Posted by warmaster670
if its true, EA just wants its name on a good product.look at THQ, they bought relic before DOW was done, and im positve they did it just to get there name on the box
THQ did buy Relic, and Dawn of War and Winter Assault both turned out to be fantastic products, which were well-reviewed by critics and fans, and also sold well. Dark Crusade (the next expansion) is shaping up even better. Publishers (whoever they are) buying developers can turn out to be a great move for everyone.
Erik Mogensen
Licensing Manager - Games Workshop
Originally Posted by MageLite
Heh, when I imagine EA vs GW, I kinda get some sadistic tendancy to hope EA trys to mess it up. Now there would be a battle of corporate titans.
Oh man, can someone please have a word with my management? I want 'Corporate Titan' added to my business card!
No one is going to try and mess WAR up. Purposefully damage a game that's already receiving rave previews? Not going to happen.
Erik Mogensen
Licensing Manager - Games Workshop
Gee, by all the activity on this thread, you'd think something major had happened in the last couple of days or so.
I see lots of people throwing around facts, truths, half-truths, fabrications and lots of things in between. Let's really look at some incontrovertible facts:
1) There is nobody who is posting here who knows all the facts regarding the closing of EA studios. Unless you are Richard or Robert Garriot, Louis Castle, Brent Sperry or my good friends John Taylor and Kelton Flinn (from Kesmai), you cannot say why those studios were closed. Thus, either defending the studios or attacking them or defending EA or attacking it is pointless.
2) EA has never closed down an online game that was highly profitable at the time it was shutdown. EA has kept UO running for almost 9 years. I think it is safe to say that most of the games that were shut down were not financial successes for the studios/EA.
3) EA is a business, Mythic is a business and GW is a business. Speaking for Mythic and GW, I can say that we are both driven to make great products everytime we create something. I believe that EA feels the same way but since I am new here (I'm writing this from BC), I can't say that they always wanted to make great games simply because I wasn't part of EA until now. Judging by what I saw today, I think they are absolutely driven to make great games. However, we are also all businesses and need to make profits and survive. EA and GW are publicly traded comapnies and thus have a duty to their shareholders to be profitable.
4) The risks to Mythic and WAR are less today because of the EA deal than they were two days ago. If Mythic had screwed up with WAR's development and we were very late in delivering it, there was nobody who could bail us out. Making anything of the scale of WAR is hard and I would be guilty of hubris if I said that there was no chance Mythic would screw up. No company nor any individual gos through life without making mistakes. In the case of WAR, if we made a mistake and we were independent, bad things would happen, that is a simple fact of life.
5) The MMO market is getting more competitive every year and while I thought we would be just fine, if I was wrong, 170+ people would have lost their jobs.
6) EA is more than just interested in WAR, they have become true believers in the game. It took many months, lots of conversations and demos and finally E3 for them to share our faith. It was that faith that led to the deal. If they didn't share that faith we wouldn't have done the deal, period. All the guys who will be involved going forward with Mythic (marketing, etc.) are not only DAoC players but WoW players as well. These guys know and love the genre. Mythic is not dealing with some guys who said "Gee, we know this MMO thing is hot so we want in" (as some companies who talked to Mythic said) but rather, a bunch of hardcore gamers who know and love these types of games.
7) As I've said before, nobody from Mythic is going anywhere from EA's perspective (meaning no layoffs, riffs, etc.) and I'm not going anywhere either. I made a promise to GW that we were going to bust a gut in order to make a great Warhammer MMO. I make very few promises and I do not break my promises, ever. I love the guys at GW (but not in a LoTR hobbits jumping up on the bed way, thank you very much) and I'm not going to let anything bad happen to their beloved IP.
I know that no matter what I say, there will be people saying the exact opposite. I will remind people (especially the new folks here) that many months ago when I first started posting here many people were skeptical and some were downright hostile. I said that I could accept that but I asked for people to judge our results for themselves. Since then Mythic has done what no other maker of a large-scale MMO has ever done before, go to E3 with only 9 months into development and create a kick-ass game that won a lot of awards and got lots of people (fans of WH and non-fans) talking about the game and not talking about hype, demos, renders, etc. but talking about the playable game that they saw working. I will say the same thing to you now, watch what we do and decide for yourselves whether I am telling you the truth or not. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first one here to say so and the blame will fall squarely on my shoulders.
I am truly sorry that the EA deal has caused so much concern and upset in the community. I hope to make it up to you by releasing a game that will stand as the finest game Mythic has ever done and something that EA, Mythic and GW can be proud of now and in the future.
Two quick things:
1) When people worry about Mythic standing up to EA, keep in mind that GW is in there with us as well.
2) I think that the continuing theme that EA doesn't care about making great games is just dead wrong. I'm in my second day of meetings with EA and the questions here are not "Gee, how can we make more money off the games" but rather "How good is this game going to be?" and "What do we need to do to make the consumers happier?"
Nobody is perfect, no company is perfect but the more I'm hearing here about the focus on making great games is making me happier and more confident by the moment.
I wanted to check with EA before I posted this note and I just did that so here's the first bit of news to come out regarding WAR. As part of the deal, EA is going to put significantly more development resources into WAR than Mythic was going to be able to do. Obviously, I'm not able to say what that is in terms of dollars (this is a party line and the neighbors have itchy trigger fingers - one of my favorite movie lines) but it is significant. Development timeline remains the same though as does the game design, no worries there for those prone to worrying.
BTW, I never said I would never sell. I said I wouldn't sell unless we got what we needed to protect the Mythic employees, WAR and GW. Well, we did.
I'll also say something else, we turned down deals that were worth more money than the EA deal but EA's commitment to Mythic and WAR made the EA deal the best one for Mythic to take. And I also want to give credit to our investors (Abandon Entertainment and TA) who supported our reasoning 100%. Many kudos to them for their support.
I'm not commenting on DAoC because that's part of the discussions with EA. My only comment right now is that neither EA nor Mythic want to shut it down. I'm not going to say more until we have finished discussions, what else could I say right now?
I answered this in another thread but I'll repeat it here as well:
1) The deal with GOA goes forward as planned.
2) DAoC is not being shut down and as to its future, that's one of things that we are talking about with EA. As I've said elsewhere, all the key guys that I'm talking with at EA are DAoC fans and long-time players. As far as EA is concerned, both DAoC and WAR are very valuable properties. I'm sorry I can't say anything else for now.
I think Tairon might be a lawyer IRL, and probably a very good one.
I think that if people think anyone from Mythic went out and bought a Ferrari, they're wrong. So very, very wrong. Last summer I bought a '99 Miata, though. Go to Ebay Auto if you want to see what kind of big buck purchase that was
I think that at a certain point, these deals are not about the money. Mark would never say it, but I will - he sure as hell didn't need the money. Neither did his partners. Once you've got this material item, and this trophy, and this big boy's toy, "more" is only necessary to the pathological cases like Donald Trump. That's not what motivates these guys. I've been here by their collective side for five years now, I guess I'd know.
The only motivation for the deal was for the greater glory of Mythic and the games Mythic wants to make. The concessions that we got would COST them money, at least in every contract I ever saw.
I dunno, guys, something about saying that the boys were only in the deal to hear that ka-CHING really rubs my feathers the wrong way. And I've had my head photoshopped onto a cow being violated in a very personal manner... the point being it's NOT EASY to annoy me.
There is a great deal of valid criticism to be made, but saying it was about the cash is not fair, and it's a billion times more unfair considering the worker bees actually building our games aren't going to buy mansions or even Hondas out of this deal.
I'm sorry, but I really had to get that off my chest or I was going to have an "it's closing time SOMEWHERE" slushie.
Sanya M. Thomas
Director of Community Relations
Mythic Entertainment
Warhammer Community Page Coming Soon TM
I must admit I'm starting to get a bit edgy about the constant "Why don't you post about DAoC?" stuff. I've now said this 4 times and I'll say it for the last time. How can I say something when they is nothing to say other than EA and Mythic are talking about it's future and that it is not in any danger of being shut down? If I post a message about that on the Herald, then people will say "He's not saying anything! Why won't he tell us more?" If I say anything more, I'll be lying and I refuse to do that even if it is to my advantage.
All is right in the world for DAoC, Warhammer and GW, if it wasn't we wouldn't have done the deal, it would not have made any sense for EA. After all, they didn't buy us for a dozen bagels and a few bags of chips.
Also what are these Devs suppose to say? Sry guys we went for the money and sold out? They are saying exactly what there suppose to say. All is good nothing to worry about... yeah right tell that to the other games EA has ruined.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
How can ANYONE be THAT negative?!
How can ANYONE be THAT negative?!
How can anyone be that foolish. EA's track record speaks for its self..
It is said that those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.. Seems people like you are doomed.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Oh, so you are like leet and all and knows the future? You have NO idea what is going to happen neither do I, but I can asure you that DAoC won't be shot down in 6 months. Nor can you know how EA will affect WAR. Give Mythic some credit. If you don't like the game when it is done, then don't buy it and cut the insane "EA bought Mythic, my life is ruined"-shit. If it is so bad then move on to something else. Or suck it up and live with it.
And do you know Dice? Those who produce Battlefield. It is a great game and the studio is doing great with a new BF coming out later this year. Ea owns 75% of the company and it doesn't seem like they have been terminated?
But to Petzen on the battlefield thing. You must actually be the few able to play Battlefield2. I know I spent money on a damn game I can't even play cause the changed the requirements after the launch. Thats not good business IMO. (And when you screw with the settings on the patches so that it starts at an 85htz refresh rate... totally awesome)
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Wasn't talking about BF2 specificly :P I don't owned it. I mentioned Dice as an exampel of a EA studio that is doing well nothing else I have spend a lot of time playing BF1942 though
That they change stuff after launch and the game has some bugs at least isn't EA's fault. It is dice that produces the game and tests it, not EA...
If you stick your name on rubbish, your name becomes rubbish too.
Doesn't it seem odd to you that EA sticks it's name on a lot of rubbish? Mythic are kidding themselves if they think nothing will change, Mark isn't the "boss" anymore, and it's even more scarier to think that if GW doesn't like it they'll pull the plug. Although i don't see GW as the problem, because i couldn't give a toss what the name of the game is, and neither does EA. This game will go ahead, the problem is, will it be what they've (Mythic) have promised? Time will tell.
Edit; I forgot to say that would Mythic, EA, EA Mythic... whatever their name is now, really comment and say "Yea, we sold-out, deal with it."? No, ofcourse not as they don't want to kill the hype anymore than they already have... plus shitting on your own doorstep isn't a wise move, i really doubt any of them want to be jobless.
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so get all dev agree is a bit wierd
and if u not agree? => kicked out and no job ?
*$ is our god and wee all are agree*
BestSigEver :P
Thanks for the dev comment history.
The more I read the more I'm convinced Mythic is sincere in stating they did the deal with EA for the betterment of Mythic's IP and customers.
All non-believers might as well start looking elsewhere. Your constant bickering is getting really old. If you think everything is doomed by this deal, why stick around?
Now playing Vanguard, but drooling for WAR
If the only mmo under your belt is wow and your new to the genre i dont really think you know enough on mmos or the said companys to even state an opinion on our disgust. We post in anger cause we looked forward to a game and this kind of news blows the older players minds.
War probly will release as games workshop wants it to, but after that ea can most likely alter it as they see fit. That bothers me but ill get the game now on other tittles that ea mythic works on i wont buy cause of eas track record period. Id dump this game too if GW did get finnal say.
Id love to see a GW employ post stateing they got control even after release and if ea messes with it theyll abort and ea loses the finished game tittle. That will ease most players minds but ive yet to see anything said on this in any war forum on the net.
Orky Name Generator, only at
Not sure if that is directed at me (and I don't take offense and have no issue with your posts FYI). Even if not, here's my take.
I've been playing MMORPGs since UO came out. I have many years of gaming experience in the online community.
I am probably one of the few who was gaming when EA was a new, incredible game company. EA started off as a collaboration of artists. Freefall Associates and Paul Reich III to name a couple. In the early days EA put out the best games of the time. M.U.L.E, Archon, Seven Cities of Gold, Racing Destruction Set, Mail Order Monsters...
I was an avid gamer when my favorite game company, Origin Systems was bought by a now corporate EA, and systematically destroyed.
I still carry a bitterness towards EA for what they were and have become, however, everything I have read concerning the Mythic / EA deal sounds like a win win.
I think EA wants to succeed, having seen the WoW plague spread across the globe. I think Mythic needed a cash infusion in an increasingly competitve and expensive market. I do not believe WAR is going to take a turn for the worse with this deal. GW and Mark's sincere feedback on the issue have convinced me that WAR is still in good hands.
While I 100% understand the misgivings and distrust on the deal, the way I look at it is, why stick around and continue to bitch about it? If you are done with WAR because you see the future and what it holds, then find another game to look forward to. But reading the same negative arguments over and over frankly gets annoying. They bring nothing new to the table, and typically are just rants without giving any support for their arguments. I mean, what's the point?
Cheers! to all who love and hate the topic of the moment, and support their views accordingly.
Now playing Vanguard, but drooling for WAR
The thing here is:
Mythic is not the developer and EA the publisher (ie: a classical publishing deal).
Mythic BECAME part of EA.
Now Mark jacobs and all others want to make us believe that,basically, EA is giving them bucketloads of money and getting in exchange absolutly no decisional power on the project??
What company would sign such a deal WHEN IT IS NOT A PUBLISHING DEAL?
Heck! Even publishers HAVE decisional power over the product they publish. Not much maybe, but they DO have.. like when it get released.
So the point here is: What exactly is EA getting out of the deal? just the future? they so blindly trust Mythic, a small ex-independent company, that they think THEY can do a better job at making games than super EA?
I REALLY want to believe them. I love this game and i will still look out for it. But i'm skeptical that a part of the revenue is just all that EA will get out of this. They will spend millions of dollars to mythic, more millions for advertisement campaigns and to set up the infrastructure and in exchange they get less power than a publisher?
Sorry, it doesn't seem realistic.
There is also the GOA question. Mythic.. sorry.. EA do not need GOA. what will happen to that deal? Now personally i'm not unhappy one bit if the deal would be made void but that would be bad business... so there would EA in america and all the rest of the world and GOA in Europe?
So it seems.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Where there are fundamental differences between being owned by a publisher, and being produced by a publisher... they are still basically the same thing. When a game developer is developing a game and get funding from a publisher... the publisher can still exhert pressure on the developer to make their game with specific features or they'll yank funding, and thus halt developement since the developer can no longer pay their employees.
What Mythic gains (I think personally and it was reinforced by several of MBJ's posts) by being a direct part of EA is that the success (or failure) of WAR will directly reflect upon EA's reputation. On an already terrible reputation this may not seem to mean much but if EA fails to make a great game with respected developers of an established MMORPG, then EA's break in on the MMO field is truely ruined. EA stands to gain alot from this relationship... both in respectability and brand-name establishment.
Now does Mythic stand to lose alot from the relationship? Yes, there's the potential that EA could do some terrible upper-management choices... and lose the entire Mythic Developement team. What would Mythic do? Return to being just Mythic and leave EA with a half-baked game for them to build a team from scratch to continue developing. EA's money would have still been spent... and GW could at any time pull out and thus scrap the entire WAR project. The Mythic team could just move on and continue developing something else (like Imperator, or whatever...).
All of this said... Mythic DID have funding to make the game like what we've seen in previews so far. Mythic still is retaining their publishers from before (I forget their names). I personally think that Mythic realizes they're sitting on MMORPG gold (the potential for a WoW killer) and that the funding and resources they had before EA would potentially restrict the scope and scale that they wanted to include in WAR prior to release. This is all still purely speculation so take it with a grain of salt... but why would Mythic risk such a thing if they didn't think they could come out ahead?
All of the games that EA has 'destroyed' were those without funding and publishers. Who's to say that EA wasn't the one who made bad choices to fund those projects? If the developers of those games were so amazing and EA so terrible... why didn't the developers make games that were worth-while keeping alive and funding? Was it EA management or was it Developer failure? None of us know the facts unless we were working for the developers at the time. Sure, it still gives EA a bad reputation... but so does making a bad MMORPG.
Anyway... guess I'm just rambling on the topic. I personally think many people are reacting based on pure irrational hatred towards EA... which I mostly agree with. I've never associated EA with amazing quality MMORPGs that I would buy purely on the brand... quite the opposite. I'm guessing this is exactly what EA is trying to change by buying Mythic... hopefully the new EA Mythic can retain it's reputation and release an amazing game when they're done.
This game may be big who knows, but Who are they catering too now? The wow drones the mmo vets total newbs to mmos completely ? Reason asked how the game pans out plays on who you cater too. Also still no confirmed responce on after release does GW still have the right to pull the plug. Cause if its a no then ea can bide thier time and after release do epic changes to the game.
ps warfan its cool to see a fellow ex old school uo player i think were dieing out 8(.
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