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URU Live: Interview with Rand Miller



  • Q'uatermassQ'uatermass Member Posts: 1

    I was too late for the first one. This will not happen to me a second time.

  • TiiKiiTiiKii Member UncommonPosts: 163
    Good Morning.. Myst - URU Fans!!

    Please - PLEASE, don't let this die again!! Am a old Myst, URU player and.. Once again, am getting excited about this game!!!

    Gratz to ALL that are bustin their hineys to get this off the ground once more!!   Everything looks great so far, on rezzing this wonderful game!

    Waiting.. waiting, for Beta to come out. Hopefully, will be one of the lucky 'ones' to test it!!


  • CoronagoldCoronagold Member Posts: 1
    URU is an amazing concept. The architecture in the island City and in the Neighborhood are awesome. The Great Zero, what a neat retro work of art that machine is. But the community is the most amazing aspect of URU. Like no other online community in the world.
  • jaja3169jaja3169 Member Posts: 2

    The Myst series was never combat-orientated. I hope that this aspect of gaming is never incorporated into Myst. The game's line was always set to Explorer/Puzzler and with what could be incorporated into this type of game, it could be the top ranking game of all time. I for one, along with many others, have followed this game right from the start and to me, its a game of peace and dicovery.

    I do hope that eventually the game will expand far beyond the comprehension we have of it now - like living in an alternate reality. The makers could incorporate such things as add-ons, which they would charge for (And i would buy straight off without no quibbles), such as age creation tools to write ages which then could be incorporated into the main game, along with bits and pieces you could add to your relto age to make it more your own little world - and I would definately pay for this!

    Maybe charging for extras could be a way of making some money to help with the running costs of the game, and to keep it going.

    The Myst games are the best games i have ever played and it makes it so because you cannot die - you explore and learn. D'ni is a whole different language. What started off as graphically amazing and still is, progressed to being one of the most addictive games EVER now with 3D graphics making it better still, and, with the possibility to grow beyond 'just a game'.

    My thanks to the creators of MYST and the series. You have my full support.

  • HeadCheeseHeadCheese Member Posts: 1
    I am excited to finally see URU Live come to life as a multiplayer game and have an opportunity to stand on its own merits. I believe UBIsoft made an error in judgement when they effectively stated that there is no place or interest for online cooperative games that don't rely on appealing to the lowest common denominators of violence, greed and self-aggrandizement when they pulled the plug on URU Live.

    Will URU Live succeed? I certainly hope so - not only for the sake of the game company that had the foresight and fortitude to develop an experience that so artistically engages the mind, but also for the future of gaming online. New gaming concepts should be welcomed and nurtured as "fresh DNA" in the entertainment gene-pool, rather than considered a threat to an increasingly inbred-by-repetition-and-imitation genre.  Is there a place for "join a guild - fight the other guilds and take their gold" games? Of course, and they can be and are quite satisfying - to a point. The vast majority of online games are currently based on some variation of this very theme. Like all the myriad first-person-shooter games that are and have been on the market, after the player gets past all the latest graphical eye-candy, it just becomes the same game as all the others. Heaven knows, my computers have been littered with every new game that came along, only to find it's simply more of the same.

    Whether it's the violent games that are getting old, or simply that I have matured past my interest in them, I'm ready for a change.

    I, for one, finally see a game here worth my time and resources.
  • stinkingDstinkingD Member Posts: 34

    Well said HeadCheese.

    It may be me getting to my mid 30's, I just don't have the time or see the attraction of all this non-stop violence, levelling and looking for kit for no apparant reason.  I've played the other Myst games (except Riven) and love them all dearly.

    I'm currently playing through URU (URU prime I believe it's called) and from what I've experienced so far, I can hardly wait for Live to be launched.  Such a beautiful and philisophical game.  An MMO which will be truly relaxing to play after work, or late at night when the kids are in bed.  No need to say AFK all the time when my daughter wants a drink =D

    God, I'm sounding like a hippy...

    Rand and Robyn, you did this to me you hear!!!

  • HighIronHighIron Member Posts: 1

    I'm very glad to hear Uru Live is back on the front burner again. I really did want to see that book shelf in my Realto full again. Also glad to hear clear answers to the questions, nothing dodgy, which hopefully  means a clear plan of direction with Uru Live.

    Looking forward to it with much anticipation!

  • tachgbtachgb Member UncommonPosts: 791
    Anything to come from the minds over at Cyan Worlds, is good enough reason to get any amounts of money from me. Can't wait for Uru Live. Was stunned with disbelief when Uru Live was to be cancelled, I beta tested the game for many months, it just seemed unreal, that a game that was designed to be played online, to be changed at the very last minute to be just a single player game.

    I sure hope Cyan will work on other games besides Uru, would love for them to release some kind of eerie horror adventure game, since all their Myst games ooze atmoshere, it would be great.

  • Marten!Marten! Member Posts: 20

    That sounds like a swell idea (a horror adventure game from Cyan), though I must admit I also still strongly desire to know what Latus is supposed to be, and if they are still working on it at all.

    PS:  In case you missed it, there is a somewhat lively discussion on Uru Live also going on here: EDIT:  You have to cut and paste the URL into the browser.  For some reason, the web board keeps removing the "discussion2.cfm" part of the URL when you click on it.

    One of the topics delved into there relates to something said above in this one... about a lack of creativity and risk-taking in the games industry these days.  It is that same unwillingness to take a risk that led to Uru's original shutdown, and I have a lot to say about it in the other thread which I'd rather not repeat here. :)

  • Te'anaTe'ana Member Posts: 7
    Having watched the Saga of Ryzom,  EQ2 , and soon DDO go down the path of PvP I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Uru Live!  It is my last hope of a real-time adventure that is not laced with graphic violence and inane arcade style killing.
  • MariMari Member Posts: 5
    This is by far the most exciting news for me.... I can't wait to have a live adventure game that is violence free!! Whoot!
  • jaja3169jaja3169 Member Posts: 2

    It's gonna be great. A game that requires you to use your mind to solve mysteries and puzzles as opposed to war, destruction and violence, and be ever-expanding! Now thats a game thats gonna get MY full attention. And also be able to add new worlds and possibly create our own. Even if they charge for the up-keep of the server, i will be one of those people that pays for it.

    This game has a long storyline that creates in your mind a feeling of another civilization that used to be - and can be once again. I still play for hours working through the whole myst series and every time hoping to find just that little bit more.  I play first person shooters as well but, given the choice, i prefer this type of game - no other game will come close for me.

    Now that it is going live, it has my full attention.

    Keep up the good work Cyan!

  • BendrixBendrix Member Posts: 25

    I just stumbled upon the URU LIVE area and was stunned.  When URU first was released I upgraded my puter just so I could play it and the live version of the game.  I was crestfallen when I learned that it was cancelled.  But then my spirits raised a bit with I heard that UntilUru was launched.  I played around with it and then fell away.  I still refused to remove URU and it's later games off my puter.  I put so much time and energy to solving and finding all the add on to my Relto. 

    Now to find that it is back up and running makes me pause.  URU was (is) an amazing game.  To be able to enteract with people and build a community was the main driving force for me.  Teamwork and discovery...that is what makes me play.

    I'm thrilled that URU Live is back.  Thrilled beyond words!

  • Yes, I think as Myst and URU fans, we're all tempted to bow down to any Cyantist that might pass our way (the most important of the Cyantists being Rand).

    Until URU is fun, but I just can't wait until december to play URULIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I read on the UruLive forums that optional combat might happen, but in a contextual situation (ie, Maintainer training, or Relymiah (D'ni Secret Police) training)

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