So they roll back. This seems to have screwed up even more of the game, with even more lag - crashes, and people unable to log in.
Now it turns out that you can still craft the bugged weapons!!!
I'm having so much fun from watching this game, I feel I should be paying something.
Had a little lag earlier, but not anymore. Servers are up and have been as far as i know, and i just played for a hour ....
I havent been into the crafting bit and havent found any bugged weapons yet because im a newbie, so i cant comment on that.
It must be the Fanbois like Sheridan misleading people by saying they are now getting 5 - 10 fps (on his uber rig as well).
Do you think he is doing it to make other players feel that they are getting a better deal? Always ready to sacrifice himself for others.
Have you teamed up with Blacksac in game yet? You two must be about the same level so it should be fun.
Why does it not surprise me.
Welcome to Marvel Comics version 0.01
Sound like: "They are going to roll out their "Miracle Build",which they have been hiding since christmas"