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Every time something happens that makes me think for a split second there might be a breakthrough (like Hamas saying they're willing to talk about a solution to the crisis that would include recognizing Israel), something like this happens.
I understand Israel's reasoning, but I don't think this is going to make peace talks come any faster. If anything, this may undo everything that's already been done.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
Peace is in impossible for Israel. Saudai Arbia, Iran, Iraq and countless other muslim country's hate Israel. The reason is they're a democratic country, which allot of muslim country's hate.
The muslims think if they can destory Israel, they can move on to the next country, and to the next country, and the next one. You give them an inch they'll take a mile.
Latest news is that Israeli planes are bombing a bridge on Gaza.
This can have dire consequences for the peace process. A peace will only be achieved if both sides work together. If stuff like this comes, from both sides, there will never be peace.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I hope you can stand back and understand that you're saying one persons holy scripture is right over anothers. That's where problems begin.
Muslims believe that Ishmael was part of the binding with Abraham. That he was the one God told Abraham to sacrifice. And that's what they are taught in their religion, just like you're taught the opposite in yours. So depending on where you're born, that's your reality. That kind of sums up the craziness of all this.
But you know what, none of this is going to end until people realize that was millenia ago and doesn't mean a pile of dog poo realistically to anyone anymore. It's just a bickering that has gone on for too long. And now it's just pride and arrogance causing the fight to go on still.
That's war now-a-days buddy. They'll always be innocent casualties, you can have the most advanced weapons or the simplest and they'll always be innocent casualties. It's war.
true. Still, their hatred goes back that far, even farther. Muslims are upset cause they wasn't promised nothing expect the virgins and money when they die.
Still yet though, i'm not a Jew or a muslim. I do know Israel was promised to Issac, sense thus begins the hatred, with the death of their prophet Muhammed, they believe everybody should die, so continues the blood shed.
Why do you think they went into a raging fit with the cartoons making fun of Allah and Muhammed, they hurt a nerve and the muslims, got upset cause it's true, all they do is hate and murder, and wants to kill anybody that isn't a muslim.
Since Israel is in the middle, they are prime target. Like one of the Palestinian said "no blood is better then the blood of a jew."
cause once they kill the jews, it's the christians, the catholics, buddahs, pagans, and everything that isn't pro muslim, once they did all that, they'll turn on each other and try to wipe each other out. Kinda of funny they almost function like the Sith from Star Wars.
Indeed. I'm going out to Israel on the 8th of July, should be fun......
TBH The Palastinians piss me off the most, they do -SUCH- utterly retarded things, such as kidnap israeli soldiers and demand the release of hamas soldiers. Don't they realise Israel IS mental? They couldn't give a flying crap about the wellbeing of their soldiers, infact Israel are probably rubbing their hands together right now, because at least it'll mean they get to blow more stuff up.
If I were Palastinian, tbh I'd just move country and forget about it lol, there's no chance they'll ever win this.
what really get me is how the west (mainly the usa & uk) just sides with the isrealis as a matter of course the palestinians have said they would stop all action if the 1969 borders were re-installed but the isrealis wont listen other then the usa and the uk (im from the uk) allmost every other country in the world say there occupation of the land is illegel and i for one agree if we (the usa and uk) want to bring democracy to the region we have to acknowledge international law and by telling israeil to withdraw
put in other terms if canada invaded the usa it would be war, and rightfully so. Whats happend here is the israeilis have invaded a land whos people have no "army" so the people that fight back are terroriests they dont fight they suicide bomb and that is wrong i mean i really wrong but if you've no army to speak of you've lost the war even before you begin this causes people to feel disenfranchised so led to the palistinians ellecting hamas (as they are the only people they see trying to defend them) to power
if the usa and uk want to make peace they have to stop people being able to use propergander as a tool for war against us this means inforcing international law and inforcing the 1969 borders i hate hamas but i do see there point your naighbour telling you he is taking your land is wrong but so is suicide bombers sadly i only see an end to this via 2 ways genoside or an outside force
EDIT: was going to edit spelling but im not
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
Let me tell you something, so you just stop thinking about the dead innocents.
First, as a muslim, i must say that the pelastinians are asking for this, one of our most knowledgable scholars who lived in Saudia, Shiekh Enb Othaimeen, told pelastine to be patient, to stand back and accept Israel.
Pelastine told him to **** himself, the man is dead now, and he's not someone to be replaced.
the thing is, all of this is part of fate, destiny, call it whatever, pre-planned, By God, but God gave us a choice.
so who's not choosing the correct path? both sides, not because us muslims are ignorant or stupid, no, the jews are by their nature, they cannot be trusted, they only trust themselves, and are willing to take down everyone who is not a jew.
they ( some of them, almost most of them ), have betrayed Mosus, Jesus and Mohammad ( peace be upon all of them ), they ( the jews ) have commited the greatest sin, infront of Mosus's face, by making partners with Allah.
They went against Jesus, and didn't believe in his same message that Mosus brought to them, and then they tried to kill the prophet mohammad many times, and have betrayed him when they allied with each others against the invaders.
now all of this is known through history and religion, the Jews cannot be trusted, peace treaty? they can devoid that whenever they want.
so don't ask for peace with the Jews, and muslims cannot trust them with their lives, that is WHY there's this fighting, the Jews think they're the chosen people of Allah, well that's great, they were, but no longer, when God set his wrath upon the disbelieving ones of them and cursed them and damned them from his mercy.
not all jews are bad, it's true, but the ones who have all the power are, this is not a child's play, it is a pre-fated destiny by God, and it is one of the greatest tests belivers have ever faced.
Your sentence toward the end, stating that Jews in power are bad... don't you realise? Almost ANYONE in power is 'bad', power corrupts even the nicest of people with the truest hearts, that's a fact.
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