It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! is happy to present an exclusive developer journal from Perpetual Entertainment's upcoming MMORPG, Gods & Heroes. This journal takes us into the world of the rogue in the game, and explains their feat tree, levels 1-20:
So now it's time to get to know our Rogue, let's take a look at their Feat tree! The Feat tree for every character consists of three Core trees and then two additional trees, in this case Distance Fighting and Close Fighting, to help specialize to your fighting preferences even further. Class Core Skills are your basic skills and from these basic skills you will get all you need to fight as a Rogue. The traditional skills can be found here, like Stealth and Backstab, as well as some non-traditional skills for a Rogue, like Automaton Confusion (used to confuse all metallic creatures) and Flank (an advanced attack command for your Skirmisher minions). The mix in the class core skills alone make for a unique Rogue. |
Read the article, here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
So.... a WoW system, then.
Yay for innovation! Remember to send a percentage of your earnigns to the inventor
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
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Cool, a WoW copycat that makes me want to play it as much as WoW.
Iit doesnt, in other words.
You guys honestly think that WOW invented the Rogue or Skill Trees - then you haven't been gaming for very long - have you?
DiabloII had skill trees over 10 years ago - you know who WOW and SWG copied (since SWG had skill trees before WOW) - yah - Diablo II - do you realize who the lead designer is on Gods and Heroes - which WOW copied - it's the same designer who did DiabloII and started skill trees. WOW is the copycat.
Also - all of the skills listed include core skills that all Rogues demand to have - it isn't anything new since EQ - but they have added some flavor with some ranged moves and group buffs - yah - group buffs - what other game has a rogue with a group buff - not WOW. And they have "unit" skills which allow your minions to have special moves - not in any other game.
Not that I am a huge fan of G & H - but you guys complain about stuff you shouldn't even complain about.
Sometimes I have to wonder if you guys ever read the articles - or just post because of the pretty pictures.
At any rate, I found the rogue feat tree looked pretty interesting. I can't wait til they release some of the others so I can see..
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"
where is the "steal" skill?
Rope wielding don't remember that in WOW. And I think you'll find if you were a little more open minded and tried other games as well that WOW copied dozens of fanatsyesque games that came long before it! It doesn't even do it that well. Oh you forgot to mention that WOW is a pretty bad game as MMOG's go in my personal opinion. I suppose we can look at the bright side of things all these WOW Fanboi's won't want to play G&H hoorah!
The angel of death has been abroad throughout the land; you may almost hear the beating of his wings.
House of Commons, 23 Feb. 1855
give a combo point. The Rogue does not have combo
Fighting feat, not Class Core.
Class Core, not Close Fighting
Core, not Close Fighting
Class Core, not Close Fighting
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
seriously WoW is one of the worst and most copycat MMOs ive ever seen lol!
Diablo... Table top DnD ever heard of these?
Seriously dude, you're an idiot.
These games are nothing alike.
Also, WoW had a different lead designer than Diablo 2... anyone who stopped to do a half second of research should know that... they should also know that all the people with talent at Blizzard left when WoW was made because they wanted to pursue other things.
Bill Roper is at Flagship, Stieg Hedlund is at Perpetual Entertainment, and some other dude is at ArenaNet.
Here's a thought -- instead of creating juvenile 5-year-old responses to a mere post on a game of which you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, you might do some research so you don't sound like you have the IQ of a McDonalds signpost.
I was unaware there were inbreds on MMORPG forums, guess you proved me wrong.
Sorry if I offended anyone else.
(Seriously go check out GNH don't listen to this loser.)
Games that give rogues ranged attacks and buffs? EQII. Gods and Heroes looks decent enough with some good ideas, but nothing that original. If it's just rehashing Diablo II, then I'm even more disappointed. Yet another game where stealth = invisibility. /sigh I'd like to see a system where stealth is really stealth. Planet Side had a fair implementation. If you stood still, you were virtually invisible. As you moved, you were more easily detected. A rogue walking across an open plain should not be invisible. A rogue sneaking through heavy brush should be incredibly difficult to spot, but not necessarily impossible.
I'm more inclined to follow games like Fury, Conan, and Pirates, which are at least trying to introduce some unique ideas to PvP. Even Vanguard is higher on my list. All games since EQ/UO have just been cutting complexity out of MMOs. Though Vanguard isn't trying to produce a revolutionary concept in MMOs, they're putting back in the original complexity and adding some newer concepts. Gods and Heroes, while perhaps interesting, I'm afraid will be just another rehashing of modern MMOs without any truly original concepts.
Amazing.... And they think they are the smart ones. Oh well. So... A Set, predesignated skillset, with a bonus tree with talent points each level is not WOWish at all. The tree structure is not WoWish in any way... because one or two talents are a bit different than WoW.
Yeah, you got me there.... I dunno what I am gonna say now. Stumped, is the word. You smart guys always make me look like a fool. Not like there are any other kind of character costumization systems out there, hundreds upon hundreds of other systems to progress your character skill. No, just accidently this game borrowed a similar system from WoW that WoW took from Diablo series. Just an accident.
Sure, I am with you guys.. You really are the smart ones.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Hmmm... or could it be that the lead designer of this project, who also happens to be the lead designer of Diablo 2... which came out BEFORE WOW... decided to use some of his prior ideas? No, that couldn't be the case. "Go with what works" obviously has never worked before, that's why nobody does it anymore.
So you see it isn't "WOWish"... no. WOW is "Diabloish."
hehe my first account post ^_^
Being a long time rogue in WoW I found this article interesting in its unique look into rogue abilities. Techniques like Groin Kick and Blind Side, provide a more flavorfull look into what a rogue should be. Distance fighting with a rope is also a unique rogue ability at least from my perspective of mmo's.
It seems a shame to compare this feat tree to that of WoW, claiming that WoW invented the feat tree system, when not even WoW uses a true feat tree system. The talent tree in WoW allows the user to increase the characters stats, granting a max of 2-3 new techniques depending on how you spend your talent points. Most of your new abilities are given to you from your class trainer.
Games like Diablo II and this Gods and Heros game base their entire leveling up system on the feat tree system. All new "feats" or techniques come from the distribution of your points into the feat tree. So how can people argue that this is a World of Warcraft system copied and redone?
Kudos to the people who created this feat tree, I read this wishing my abilities in WoW were named "Blindside" and "Groin Kick".
Wish I could give you answer to that. It just looks like some people are too short-sighted to see past the words "distribute points" and "tree."
I can't wait till they show the other classes' feat trees...
Gladiator, Mystic, Priest, Scout, Soldier.
A brief description of the classes: (click on Heroes)
AC2 also used a skill tree system and came out two years before WoW, so yea WoW is a copy cat then.
I prefer the bottom-up skill tree that AC2 used, instead of top-down like Gods and Heroes.
EvE: Smokeblender - Giottos O.
Blizzard/WoW = Copy Cat and NONE innovativ. Everything they done was done before (even the great farming/raids). And go ask the devs where they got their graphics from *cough* Games Workshop *cough*
But then again, I'm glad that none of you will come to GoH nor AoC.