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Guild Wars and armor question?

VoncliftonVonclifton Member Posts: 96

In guild wars is there alot of different armor models and armor sets like in world of war craft?

or is there only a few?

And same question goes for weapons. 

please assist.


  • paranoidpvpparanoidpvp Member Posts: 539
    I was going to answer this honeslty but I decided that this post would become another WoW vs Gw post. So I'm just going to say yes, there is alot of variety in the weapons and armor system...


  • KorneliusKornelius Member Posts: 54

    So I will answer honestly... ^^ There are not as much armors in GW as in WoW ...
    Everyone can have his own point of view but less armors and weapons doesn't automatically mean that it is less interesting... ::::02::

    GW- Warrior lvl18 - Monk lvl4

  • VoncliftonVonclifton Member Posts: 96

    Oh by no means was i trying to start a war about whats better WoW or GW. Just a comparison on the amount of armor sets.  When i play a mmo i like there to be alot of different armor and weapon sets to keep my toon looking new to me or else i get bored.  I know it sounds lame, but whatever.

  • cooldevocooldevo Member Posts: 371
    There aren't as many combinations no....

    However if you are looking just for a game where you look pretty you probably won't like GW.  It doesn't take long to have acquired all the armor that is available, and then you will promptly get tired.

    You won't find an uber 1337 armor that will make you better than anyone else.  My warrior has armor 80 (I think that's max), my monk has armor 60.  Every other level 20 will have the exact same max armor level.

    The game is about skill, not "I will pwn you because I have armor 600 and you only have 300.  I rox0r and your sux0r," and all that kind of garbage.

    If diverse armor is the most important quality in a game, then you will probably be disappointed with Guild Wars.  You'd be better off with WoW or EQ2 where looks and uber armor/weapons are what define the game.

  • VoncliftonVonclifton Member Posts: 96
    im not as interested in armor value as in i have 600 and you have 300, but more towards i look different than you cause i found or made this armor. I took the time to gather mats to make it or i took time hunting and killing to find this armor. Or i completed a really really hard long quest to get this shield or weapon or what ever.
  • paranoidpvpparanoidpvp Member Posts: 539

    Originally posted by Vonclifton
    im not as interested in armor value as in i have 600 and you have 300, but more towards i look different than you cause i found or made this armor. I took the time to gather mats to make it or i took time hunting and killing to find this armor. Or i completed a really really hard long quest to get this shield or weapon or what ever.

    As it has been stated many times about gw; character customization is low. It's a well known fact and it still hasnt really changed, anyone who is important has 15k armor or FoW, the rest have droks. Right now everyone wants the best green weapon for their class and it always tends to be the same i.e. al ss necros that can afford it have stonereaper etc. Armors can be dyed but again almost every warrior you see will have 15k glads with 15k ascalon boots and helm. Having said that all the armor looks really cool (cept pigmail ) and there isn't the whole "my armor is teh pwnzor and u are nub..." With the possible exception of comparing FoW to presear lol.


  • VoncliftonVonclifton Member Posts: 96
    and thats cool and all and i dont think badly on GW for the lack of character custimization and its still a great game and it FREE.  i was just wanting to get some info on it.  and thanks for all your answers.
  • cooldevocooldevo Member Posts: 371
    If you combine both Factions and Prophecies, there is a decent amount of armor to pick from.  And you can pick and choose the parts you like.  If you'd rather have knight's boots, but gladiators chest piece go for it.

    I'd hazard a lowball guess to say maybe 6-8 different types of armor per profession once get you out of the intro areas.  And that would be in each prophecies and factions.  So around 12-16 different sets in total across both (including the 15k, 1.5k, and the rest).  Each character can only carry around 45 items, and with 4-5 different pieces of armor per type you can't have it all.  And storage currently only holds about 16 items between ALL your characters.  These were just offhand guesses, but should be pretty close unless I'm just way out in left field or something, although I did lowball the numbers just to be on the safe side.  There are probably several good sites that you can visit to find out for sure.

    Dying is really the only way that you can make armor distinctive, and even then, someone else will probably have the same armor dyed the same color.

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