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Hi all,
I love MMOs, well, like everyone else here, but the problem is that i didn't find a decent MMO that deserves paying 15$ each month for, everyone is saying WoW is the best, y? i don't see how it could be, i want a game that will never end, and is really entertaining, i'm very optimistic about Vanguard, don't know y, but i feel i'm going to like it, it might be strange saying this but i also liked Neocron 2, lol, i know it's a stupid game, but i liked its style, not the game itself, anyway, here's my question ...
which MMORPG u think is worth 15$ each month, mind u ... this is equivalent to 85LE here in Egypt, which is worth say 85$ if u take into account the standard of living, meaning ... if the normal in your country is earning 1000$ per month, and we earn also 1000LE per month, then u must multiply ANYTHING u pay for there just to know how much we pay for it here, i think u might have lost me there, ok, again ... , say that we pay 500LE rent per month, and say that's the normal, and 100LE for electricity, also assume u pay that amount too but in $, 500$ for rest and 100$ for electricity, so we pay the same, BUT, consider it from a different angle, u pay 200$ for a 7600GT card for example, we pay 1500LE for it, see the difference yet, also i have to convert the 15$ to LE, which is 85LE, so i pay MUCH more than u do, anyway, that's not the problem, lol, i want a game that deserves that amount of money, that's all, please help , thanks.
note: i own CS:S, DOD:S, and Guild Wars: Factions, the first 2 were a must, lol, the third i regret now cause i'm finished with it, so 300LE for 550hours of play, maybe it's worth it after all .
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.
firstly i notice this was your first post and therefore welcome to
Although i've played my fair share of MMO's which cost 15$ a month i don't htink i'd ever pay 85$ for any but the most exceptional months on the most exceptional games, but you already said something alone those lines, and to each his own so i'll shut up on that topic.
Except to mention "silkroad" which unless i'm mistaken is a completly free MMO. Although you say you want a game that will never end.
If someone were to ask me to choose one game that will never end i would have to pick world of warcraft (equips flamesuit) simple because its bug free (compared to most) and a nice working game with the biggest consumer base (6.5 million) to supply it and a very competant company behind it (Blizzard). However i can't say much unless you list the qualities you like in a game.
you can check out and see what games you think will "never end" if indeed i'm taking you in the right context of words. I'd suggest listing what aspects of a game you like (pvp, pve raiding , pve solo, group, crafting, sci-fi, fantasy , real ,etc) and see what people say. If your gonna be investing that much money your mmorpg best fit you like a glove.
P.S i realise i didn't really answer your question lol sorry.
Thanks a lot for your reply, np u didn't answer the question, it's a discussion really, not a question and answer, also forgot to mention that i'm from Egypt , u're right, i should have listed the qualities i want ...
I like either Medieval or Modern (hehe, i know there'sn't any other), i play 100% of the time as either 1-Necro, 2-Wizard, 3-Sorcerer, i choose whatever is available in the game, i like a WIDE range of spells, i like a grown up community, i don't want a game that the company invents ways to make me waste time, though i don't mind grinding, but not stupid one, maybe grinding through questing, i just want to pass a good time, not bore myself with clicking on monsters and monsters just to level up, like crafting, trading, good GFX (like GW ), want grown up communities, want updated content to keep me in the game after i finish leveling, or if not then i should stick with GW then, i have to admit i hated GW after i tried its PvP and found out that i'm a big n00b, lol.
anyway, to summerize all this ... i want GW but in "real" MMORPG mode, with updated content to keep me playing even after leveling, what i love about GW is the travel system and GFX, which i can't find in any other game , which also made me looking forward for Vanguard, but the release date has been changed in GameSpot from this month to 2007
i'm waiting for Huxley and Tabula Rasa, though i don't know any other games being released, but these r what i saw till now, know when r they due to be released?
i hated SilkRoad, though it's one of the top games in X-Fire, but it reminded me of Knight Online, i hate the repeated tiles on the ground, makes me feel hypnotised :P, here's my X-Fire profile, check out what i played in the last 6 months (since i registered on X-Fire) ...
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.
Seems to be the perfect MMO for you is "The saga of Ryzom"
you like playing a wizard and socerer well "The saga of Ryzom" has these spellcasting classes, plus the added bonus that theres no limit to how much skills your character can learn. (you could be a spellcaster who is just as good with an axe as a fully fledged barbarian providing your willing to put in the work) , many think this is unbalancing as the hard core gamers naturally have more skills than everybody else but this isn't so. Training your character all in spellcasting (which would take around the same time as in most MMO's) and then leaving grinding will be fine as although the hard core gamer is a spellcaster and fighter he can't be both at the same time he is either equiped for spellcasting or fighting if he tries to equip his character in a fight for both he's gonna gimp him/her self.
Well if you like a wide range of spells you're gonna love "The saga of Ryzom" as this game allows you to custom make your own spells ,yup you get to make spells that are uniqly yours. I'd read into "The saga of Ryzom" forums for more info.
Grown up community is "The saga of Ryzom" they (in my opinion) are a very helpfull bunch. The customer help with such things as griefing or bugs is quite possibly the best in any MMO. To prove this isn't just my opinion check out the very recent re-review of "the saga of Ryzom" by here.
Grinding in "The saga of Ryzom" in my opinion could be better, but then again i think world of warcraft is the only MMO where grinding is the good part of the game. The crafting system is one of the best, everything is pretty much player made (except for one suit of armour which is lootable) is the whole game, quite a feat. Compared to games like pre-nge SWG and Eve online trading lacks alot in "The saga of Ryzom" but thats not to say it doesn't exist and beat many MMO's out there.
Updated content? well if making your own spells didn't get your interest this definatly should, "The saga of Ryzom"'s new expension which is due to be coming out ;
Allows players to Make their own scenerios, yup you get to make your own map with your own quests etc to play on, although it won't be part of the actual game unless your logged on you can pay an extra amount with your subscription (about 5$) to make it playable even when your logged off, they plan to have a rating system in place so that people can choose their favorite ones and play. I'd read the article to get the full gist of it.
Sadly combat in "Guildwars" is very unique and you'll be hard pressed to find combat like that out now (although new MMO's coming seem to have something like it) however theres not one combat system for everybody right? Saga of Ryzom's ocmbat is very different.
Another negative point is that unlike other MMO's "The saga of Ryzom" won't release its subscription numbers so its inpossible to tell how many are playing (although the fact that they won't tell implys very little play) expect a very very small fraction of those you'd see in guildwars.
Well i've left you with alot of reading material lol, hope that answers your question. Theres a free trail (don't even need to give any info) to "The saga of Ryzom" here
P.S sorry for long post hope it was informative.
oh and i don't play "The saga of Ryzom" anymore if you think i might be a fanboy trying to get my game subscribers , i Play Eve. (<--- nice bit of useless info there)
Thanks again for your advice, i'll play the trial period, but in the mean time please look at this review and tell me if all this have been fixed,, thanks.
btw, y did u leave the game, u say u don't play it anymore! what about LineageII? or City or Heroes, and what do u think of EVE?
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.
The article on Gamespot you linked to is really outdated. My advice would be to read up on the Saga of Ryzom forum section here and the latest re-review. Ask around for any other questions you may have and I' m sure someone will pick up on it.
yeh that review is really outdated , it was written in 2004 and gave "the saga of Ryzom" a 5.6. (Although i'd like to point out that the customer base gave it a 7.0 then)
In the recent re-review it got a 7.8 (and the base has given it a very nice 8.2 (Third highest MMO as i write this))
In respect to why i left "The saga of Ryzom" was because i was only really trying it when it came ut because of recent patches to SWG (star wars galaxies) which i thought ruined some of my hard work. I would still be with SWG (believe me i can tell you would have loved it) but they totally revemped the game....twice leaving it to be a terrible shadow of its former self (and deleting 2 years of work on my jedi character). SWG is my all time favorite and deeb game (up until the changes) and like "The saga of Ryzom" when it came out it got very bad reviews for unfinished work , however both games did bring in major reforms near the start of their game lifes. "The saga of Ryzom" is a much different game than it was then (up until about 2 months ago i still logged in every now and then). So i left the game to invest time in (my opinion) a better game but which all teh hard work was then taken away from me , cheers $OE
Lineage II is an awesome game , i loved it. the developers can also make some awesome cinematic trailers that make ya want to play the game so bad (in my opinion)
But its a game absolutely BRIMMING with gold farmers , hackers , cheaters and people who have bots (other accounts following them around to heal) although everyone playing isn't like this there is a clear majority here than what other games have. The ability to attack anyone anywhere can sometimes make it hard on newbies also. So teh pvp is great but i like , not roleplay so to speak, but to kinda immerse oneself and have a certain realistic effect without toons names "ahdbfrger" going around obiolsily cheating and not getting punished.
I only scimmed by city of heroes and never got city of villians so i'm afraid i can't really comment, from their reviews they seem great and although they do have great character customisation , in diversity fighting wise thats as far in my opinion that it goes. In SWG i liked the fact that people knew me (and others) in pvp because you made a name for yourself, although anyone could copy my template i had the reserach, food , drink , special loot attachments (rare ones) , special powerfull weapons i had to get loot items for and special resources mined, and other things that gave hard working people such an edge. "The saga of Ryzom" and other games have that hard working (and competant) edge but not in the same way as the OLD swg (please god stay away from it now)
I'm currently playing the free trial on EVE and i gotta say the Grafics are the best i've ever seen in a MMO, but they'd want to be as you travel ......ALOT , A LOT, which does get boring. Also the skill based system is real time based there is almost nothng you can do to catch up with the veterans, although in certain ships you can be just as good as them they will always have more choices. Although "The saga of ryzom" has quite the same system in place the difference is if you worked really hard in "The saga of Ryzom" and really wanted your character to have the same skills as the vets you probably could but in EVE its all Real time exp.
I Don't think i'll be playing EVE much longer, i may try "World of warcraft" again or may go back to "The saga of Ryzom" , mail me your toon name if you decide on it , or whatever game lol
EVE does have good points it wasn't voted the best game here for nothing, the large scale pvp is top notch (I played my brothers toon for a while beforehand) , the economy is TOTALLY player driven, in fact the whole game is player driven, its also all one server so you can even become a name to the devs (unlikely for anyone but hey you never know) . corperations are great it really is politics and war not "lets charage in grrrrr" . But unless you like talking alot its not for you because thats what you do while traveling for a long time before you can ever get into the real game. Very few "lone wolfs" in EVE.
I'm a huge fan of Eve, playing nearly a year you need to check it is ABSOLUTELY never ending the current skill tree would take 22 RL yrs to learn so you MUST specialize. The corp/alliance system is amazing and will become better with Kali, as it has every 6-9 mos......CCP is truly a listening / involved company. The "death penalty" can be severe but of course you can earn your losses back.
Thats actually a tough question because of the designers trend moving away from open ended gameplay and more toward very tightly scripted endgame.
Before you drop that kind of cash on a game I would say try to do a all the free trials you can first.
I would have to agree the Saga of Ryzom. I like it, its a very unique looking and playing game with an awsome community. Gameplay is very open ended. In the very near future there is the Ryzom Ring releasing which will enable players to create there own content.
Maybe UO if you can tolerate the graphics. (sorry but it gives me a headache looking at it)
Also EVE online - although I can't tell you anything about this game as I never tried it. I do know it is an open ended style game.
Most other games have the players racing to level cap for assorted loot and endgame raids.
Some games that promote freedom (but are still level driven)
FFXi, L2, and the oldie Asheron's Call (AC is pretty much a dead game however)
Games to avoid if you like open ended gameplay, freedom and a feeling of "neverending" style gameplay.
WoW, EQII, SWG (although SWG WAS once the king of open ended gameplay but that was before the dark times of NGE) CoH/V, Guild Wars, D&DO, RFO as you can see the vast majority of MMO's are focused more or less on reaching level cap and raiding. Players are mostly NPC deployed drones doing mindless kill task and loving it now-days.
There might be a few others maybe someone can point you toward something else.
Thanks a lot for all the replies, i tried EVE for 3 hours only, and couldn't bear to continue, it's travel system is really boring, i was melting in my chair , a friend of mine owns it and he got ONLY because he used to play Earth and Beyond, he keeps telling me stories of E&B that made me wish this game was still on, but to tell u the truth he stopped playing EVE too, he hates it compared to E&B.
I bought Guild Wars as soon as i heard about it, in January, i loved it, but hated the Instanced part, i wish they charge a monthly and turn it to be a real MMO, though it has a STUPID story, i still like everything else about it, especially the control and travel system, and the GFX, i also have GW: Factions, but won't get anymore expansions cause they made some really bad mistakes in the new one which made me decide not to support this company again.
Without even trying it, i hate WoW, plain and simple ... look at the screenshots, i dont' have 6800GS for nothing :@.
Here's a funny thing that happened to me as soon as i started Ryzom ... i entered the game and talked to the NPC guy in front of me, and when i finished i moved to the NPC next to him, kept clicking on him like a dizillion times, also i kept moving back and forth and hitting him, but nothing, he was called "Senoir Guild" or something , then moved away, and to my surprise he moved with me, then returned, when i came back he made an emote ... "Egyptian is silly" and then laughed, i burst into laughter, he turned out to be a GM, i asked him what i wanted to ask, he answered in a really friendly manner, and then i went on my way, this really gave me a good feeling, and a desire to reward this company by supporting them, i'll continue till the end of the Tutorial and see if i really like it.
I was originally waiting on Vanguard to be released this month, but it seems they'll release it in 2007, i also wanted to wait for Huxley, which is what i REALLY REALLY want, just cause it's the first proper futuristic MMO , i might take a look at Tabula Rasa when it's released, don't know when though.
@Torak, u're right man, i couldn't even stand looking at the screenies of UO , well, that's a guy who doesn't even like FEAR's GFX, hehe, kidding, but i now look forward to UT2007 and Crysis' GFX, but i know that any MMO must be light, cause most of the players in that genre rn't as obsessed by GFX as an FPS fan.
Also i'm a BIG fan of NWN, i love this game man, i played the 3 expansions, i loved it even more than DII (sorry guys ), i'm waiting impatiently for NWN2, i'll play it in the isometric view btw, if i don't like the third person one, which i think i won't.
I heard a lot of bad things about FFXI and L2, i also tried D&D:O, but didn't like its controls, it made me dizzy, don't know y, RF:O, well, not need to say more , SWG, isn't as good as before (from what u guys said), and EQII, don't know about that, never even bothered reading its reviews, will check GameSpot now.
So basically, it's either Ryzom or i should wait for any new MMOs coming out this month (u guys know any i should wait for?) max, cause my vacation is till Septembre, so i want to play in July and August, which makes Ryzom perfect for me still, cause it doesn't charge anything for the client itself, just a monthly payment, or did i get it wrong?!
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.
Well bro, sounds like you are in the same boat as a lot of us.
Vanguard "might" fit the bill although it sounds pretty standard.
You may want to keep an eye on Hero's Journey.
Neverwinter Nights 2 is also very close to release. If anything, that will be worth your wait more then any of these kill task driven MMO's.
"which makes Ryzom perfect for me still, cause it doesn't charge anything for the client itself, just a monthly payment, or did i get it wrong?!"
That is correct, the only cost to Ryzom is the monthly fee.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
I am a Ryzom advocate as well (although I do not play anymore).
Ryzom is an amazing game with an amazing commmunity. I did not particularly like where the game went, so I stopped playing, but I would still recommend it to anyone.
I am currently an AO player (not a fr00b, a p2per) and love it. The game is alright without the content packs, but with them, I think the game is a lot better than most current generation MMOs out right now. As an old SWG player, why not give it a try if Ryzom doesn't work out for you?
I tried AO before, sorry to say that i didn't like it.
Also i checked out Everquest's GFX (EQII), and i can say WOW what a GFX, lol, but i heard that the content is very bad, it's the only game i haven't heard any opinions about from anyone here till now, now i have only 2 games that i might end up subscriping to this month, Ryzom and Roma, and Roma is on the condition that they fix the texture and shader pack, i tried Ryzom today for 9 hours, the comunity alone really makes the person WANT to play it even if he doesn't like the content, it's actually normal MMO till now, i haven't left the tutorial island of course, cause i didn't pay yet, but till now it seems as an excellent and at the same time have lots of similarities to a normal MMO, so it's good to pass the summer playing it or Roma.
I'm trying EQII now too, but i'm sleeping in my chair currently, so i only had the chance of checking the GFX, will decide on it tomorrow, also waiting for your opinions on that game, this is the final game on my list that i haven't heard anyone's opinion on till now.
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.
I'm trying EQII now too, but i'm sleeping in my chair currently, so i only had the chance of checking the GFX
Not to worry, thats the natural state for EQII players. I just cancelled my was quite possibly the dullest MMO ever created. It doesn't even look all that good on top of it.
Stick with Ryzom. It sounds like it fits you perfectly.
All the content is in almost all of these MMO's is NPC issued kill task. Once you play one, you've more less played all of them. Stick with the ones that offer FREEDOM of action over canned kill task and raids.....yuck.
U're right, i continued a bit today, it's same as anything before it, talk to NPC to give u tasks to save the world, go here and there, report, kill kill kill, lol, same as even Guild Wars without the Instancing part, at least Ryzom gives u a chance to do something new (Spells), i like the idea of customizing, i thought of it for a long time and never thought they would really apply it in any game , in EQ i can't set the GFX to highest, which is strange, the game is very heavy for nothing, Oblivion wasn't that heavy and looked much better (with the right settings )!!!
Anyway, thanks for the advice, i've settled on Ryzom finally, will keep checking on Roma Victor from time to time to see if they updated it, i might play it beside Ryzom, c u all later .
note: my IGN in Ryzom is Egyptian (shame they don't allow 2-part names), and in Guild Wars it's Pharaoh Anubis.
Egyptian, 27
Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
Waiting on the next decent MMO
Currently playing ... nothing.